478 Responses to WEEKEND OPEN THREAD…

  1. TrueToo says:

    Saw this on Israeli news today:

    UK Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is set to take the stage alongside Hamas supporter Anas Altikriti, at the Stop the War coalition’s conference next month.

    So I Googled to see whether the story appears on the BBC. Apparently not. The BBC doesn’t seem to find it newsworthy that the Labour leader cannot get over his adolescent attraction to Islamic terrorists.


  2. wronged says:

    I am very sorry, but I’m afraid I still do not know how to link a photograph to my post. Could someone please tell me how to do so.

    I tried the ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’ at the bottom of the page but it didn’t seem to work. No picture.


    • Teddy Bear says:

      After you click on ‘add image….’ wait a few seconds and a pop up window should open where you can enter the URL of whatever source or server you are getting the picture from. If it’s from your computer you will need to save it online on whichever purpose based server you decide to use, then get the link for it.



  3. TrueToo says:

    wronged, you just inspired me to try inserting a photo for the first time. This is the incomparable Judge Janine, fighter for truth and justice and the survival of the American people:



  4. TrueToo says:

    Here’s how you do it:

    You need to copy and paste the url into the box where it has ‘undefined’ highlighted in blue. The url is the http:// address in the address bar at the top of the page containing the photo. Put your mouse pointer on that address and right-click the mouse. A menu will drop down. Left click on ‘copy’ then go back to the box and right-click again. Left-click on ‘paste’ and the url will appear in the box and will appear as a photo when you post your comment.


    • wronged says:

      Thanks TrueToo, I shall give it a try.
      The lady Judge Janine is very pretty, but these days I prefer Match of the Day.


      • TrueToo says:

        The pretty Judge Janine is in her sixties, believe it or not.


        • wronged says:

          Maybe she would like to watch Match of the Day with me then!


          • TrueToo says:

            No harm in inviting her!


            • chrisH says:

              Yes, Janine would be a bit of a handful though.
              Bit like Victoria from the High Chaparral…bit spirited and a dodgy boozy brother in tow perhaps.
              Which at my age might be “una issua” as those Spanish Colonials say.
              No-it`s still Sarah Palin for me…with Myleene, Jennifer for a coffee to keep them keen…
              I like my head!
              Liz Hurley might be OK too-thought she was a chow hound of liberal crap-then she voted Brexit.
              She`ll be pleased-when you see her, say she`s OK with John Cannons idiot nephew!


              • TrueToo says:

                Judge Janine is one tough cookie, for sure. She’s also a true soldier in the struggle against the insidious subversion of US and other societies by the left in cahoots with Islam.


    • G.W.F. says:

      If you right click on the picture and the box drops down it might say ‘copy image address’. If so copy that and paste it into the slot which will open when you click on this site where it says ‘You can add images to your comment by clicking here’

      Hope you don’t mind repeat instructions. Every little helps as they say.


  5. wronged says:


    I have decided to sell my 22 years old Escort. Keith Vaz pays lots of money for them.

    Did it work?


    • TrueToo says:

      It most certainly did. I clicked on the link to see a white Escort with a license plate starting with ‘AGH’ – which must be the result of its driver watching too much BBC.


  6. wronged says:


    I have decided to sell my 22 years old Escort. I hear Keith Vaz pays a lot of money for them.

    Or this?

    By jove I think I’ve got it.
    There’ll be no stopping me now!


    • TrueToo says:

      It’s only a short step from where you are now to being able to hack into Hillary Clinton’s emails.


      • Rob in Cheshire says:

        I think the Russians and Chinese got there first.


        • TrueToo says:

          Then wronged can hack into their systems to get to the emails.

          I hear that Julian Assange has thousands of her emails available at a click of his mouse. He was holding up a printout of one the other day on Fox News and pointing to the ‘C’ indicating ‘Classified’ – which Clinton claimed was not on any of her emails and then claimed she didn’t know what the ‘C’ meant.

          Problem habitual liars have is keeping their story straight.


    • G says:

      Wronged, is that the EU flag partly showing over the left hand wiper on the building behind? Shame on you if it is.


  7. scribblingscribe says:


    Why is a sci fi movie on the BBC news page? Ah yes, you’ve guessed it, “Arrival by Denis Villeneuve is one of the few where a lone female protagonist makes first contact with extra-terrestrials”

    Hmmm, a woman lead in a sci fi is important to someone I guess …except … erm haven’t there been a load of movies with women taking the lead against extra-terrestrials?

    if all works well there should be a wanton, wholly gratuitous, sexist image to illustrate my point. Perhaps the BBC should try it to entice readers to their drivel.

    Well there is Alien, oh yes and Alien 2, 3, 4 etc .
    Terminator 1, 2 and 3 – counting terminator as a sort of other worldly being.
    Planet Terror
    X Files
    Sarah jane Smith
    …and so on and and so forth

    Yawn, sorry I can’t go on doing research for lazy arsed BBC writers who think that if a woman farts it is front page news. Please Guardian readers, get over it, the rest of us are bored.


    • TrueToo says:

      I misread your opening as:

      ….a lone female protagonist makes first contact with extra terrorists.

      I’m sure that would make the BBC’s collective mouth water. Never met an Islamic terrorist they didn’t love.


    • Lobster says:

      “If a woman farts it is front page news.” It would be if it were Diane Abbott – at least two square miles would be reduced to rubble.


      • TrueToo says:

        LOL! Or perhaps it would just kill everyone within that radius but leave the buildings standing.


  8. Sluff says:

    Last Night of the Proms.
    Surely it is safe from bias and narrative?
    In your dreams.

    They have just run a special on Parry’s music to Jerusalem.
    Which was commandeered back in the day by the suffragettes and latterly the WI. Plenty there for the wimmin’.
    But it’s not enough. The film was introduced not by Katie Derham, the usual music presenter. Oh no, not correct enough. They wheeled out, literally, disability correspondent Nikki Fox, and then had lingering shots of her moving around in the wheelchair.

    It really is pass the sickbag time. Again.


    • Lobster says:

      Was she wearing a hijab?


      • G says:

        Be patient Lobster! But, if that time ever comes, there will be no more Proms as dictated by our Islamic Government as it offends Islam.


    • Omega says:


      …lingering shots of her moving around in the wheelchair. It really is pass the sickbag time. Again.

      Seeing someone using a wheelchair makes you want to vomit?

      You’re such a lovely person, Sluff.


      • Sluff says:

        My mate had a good laugh at your confusion between disabled people as individuals and the biased BBC’s insatiable tokenism and politically correct quotas and box ticking.
        But then he would, being an intelligent guy who just happens to be wheelchair bound.

        So while we are at it, how come the bBBC disability correspondent happens to be wheelchair bound? Less than 1% of the working age population are. What an amazing co-incidence.
        Anyone would think her status owes more to her condition than her journalistic ability, though to be fair, that seems true of about 90% of the bBBC newsrooom, judging by the output quality.
        Whereas, say, Ade Adepitan over on C4 Paralympics strikes me as being there on merit. As is, it could be argued, Frank Gardner,


        • TrueToo says:

          Sluff, I’m glad you responded to Omega’s nose-in-the-air misinterpretation of your comment. I was thinking along similar lines and was going to respond but you did so far better than I would have.


        • chrisH says:

          Has anyone ever tipped Frank Gardner out onto a spongy mattress to see if he really IS disabled?
          His kind stuff drugs into the tubing of their wheelchairs, get a blue badge..and he spouts enough crap, that he may well be simple, deluded or fantasing.
          Munch Housing by Proxy being the medical term , so I understand.
          I myself would LOVE to see weather forecasters and news hounds at the BBC scooting around in disabilty scooters and wheelchairs-even with EU flags or windsocks on if they like!
          The BBC should be using the sit down jockeys in ALL studio programmes…those able bodied shysters like Emily, Evan and Huw need to get out and meet a few more of us…and being disabled is no problem when all you do is dribble your dinner and lick the camera lens for £150,000 plus sand tax.
          Peter White-get your finger from up your dogs bottom and make the BBC compulsorially-abled…some crusader you are!


  9. Larry Dart says:

    Watching Last Night at the Proms. Live from Colwyn Bay, Glasgow and now Belfast. Reminds me of my childhood at junior school when we were proud to be part of the UK and sing the songs of our beloved neighbours. Well done BBC, see you can do it.


    • Larry Dart says:

      and an absence of EU flags.


      • Larry Dart says:

        1 EU flag


        • Jump says:

          It was very striking during the BBC’s coverage of the athletics in Rio a few weeks ago that Andrew Cotter, alone of the commentators, repeatedly referred to competitors representing ‘Great Britain and Northern Ireland’.

          The emphasis is mine; he didn’t make a vocal thing of it. But it was refreshing to hear from a broadcasting organisation whose local journalists increasingly fail to discriminate between stories from a constituent of the UK and those from a foreign country.


    • G says:

      Yes, LD, lovely quality evenings entertainment. But and there is always a ‘but’, virtually none of our ‘cultural enrichers’ were present (including in the orchestras). I’m sure there were some but I only spotted a handful in either the RAH or around the country.


  10. Dover Sentry says:

    I have just completed a customer survey for BBC Online News. I was prompted to do this when I logged onto BBC Online News.

    My response was not perhaps what they sought.

    May I suggest that you all do the same?

    Here’s the link:



    • TrueToo says:

      I did one a while back, letting them know precisely what I thought of their ‘news’ organisation.

      Funnily enough I was thinking just this morning of writing an open letter to the BBC and posting it here first. It would include the following points:

      *You have worked insidiously for decades to undermine and ridicule British culture while warmly embracing and welcoming the most violent and primitive culture on the planet, in order to prove your ‘humanity.’

      *You have leeched and continue to leech off the British public to fund your indoctrination of countless people worldwide in your idiotic and dangerous ideology.

      *In a rougher but more honest time, you would have been tried for treason and executed.


      • Guest Who says:

        This is the latest BBC Today headline on Facebook:

        “How dare you talk down the country that you’ve damaged.”

        There can be few mirrors in w1a and Salford.


        • TrueToo says:

          Seems like a case of projection though I’m not on Farcebook and so can’t go there to check.

          They are probably just projecting their own faults onto others.


    • G says:

      DS, maybe I’m dim (but put that down to being early on a Sunday morning) but I can’t find the BBC survey on that link.


  11. Sluff says:

    Just listened to and seen Rule Brittania at the Last Night of the Proms.
    There was an idea that a Remain protest would occur and sure enough there were a few EU flags.
    But out in Hyde Park, and maybe elsewhere, not sure I saw a single EU flag among the thousands of Union Jacks.
    And no Ropers either, come to that.
    You know, those student marxist Remainiacs at the biased BBC really do need to get out more. The answer is just outside their door, if only they could open their closed minds and accept it.


    • Lobster says:

      I suspect that quite a few entered the Royal Albert Hall carrying EU flags, but left without them and walking bow-legged.


    • Deborah says:

      Returned from an evening out just in time to see the 10pm news on BBC1. No mention of EU flags at the Last Night so I just knew the Remainers efforts had failed. Confirmed on this site!


  12. Dave S says:

    Good picture- I hope it comes throughC:\Users\smiths\Downloads\LesMiserables.jpg


  13. Dover Sentry says:

    I’ve been reliably informed that Sir Bob Geldof was at the Albert Hall waving a Union Jack. The same source of reliable information stated that with him were a number of Syrian refugees that he has living in one of his homes.

    It really is fantastic to see Sir Bob keeping the promise he made to the world back in September 2015! His promise was to take Syrian refugees into his home as an example to us all lesser mortals and little people.

    Sir Bob Geldof really is a man of the people and a true friend of Jeremy ‘no seat’ Corbyn.


  14. taffman says:

    “Brexit tax, EU leaders draw up plans to charge Brits who want to travel to the continent”
    Not sure if Al Beeb has covered this yet or if they will, but the EU will be putting off British tourists from visiting them. Their loss, Simples.


  15. Guest Who says:

    Other outrage comparisons are available, if erring on the ironic.

    Guessing BBC editorial integrity may not see this as worth analysing.


  16. Guest Who says:

    One of the more sensible principles of life, and particularly health care, is that ‘prevention is better than cure’.

    Seems today the NHS PR people have told the media ‘reporting community’ that the NHS is in a state of collapse due to increases in demand.

    Yet their solution appears to err on more money for cure, and neither side keen to look at causes and prevention.

    Odd, that.


    • G.W.F. says:

      Guest who

      I would like to argue against the emphasis on preventative medicine, which has led to a change in medical practice where the patient is made responsible for his/her illness and treatment rationed according to judgements regarding lifestyle. In this way medical ethics has shifted to the point where the doctor’s reliance upon cost benefit criteria has replaced rather Hippocratic ethics


      • NWStu says:

        I believe that it is a very slippery slope.
        Will they one day refuse to treat a rugby player who has been injured in a match?
        A cyclist who fell off his bike unaided?
        Anyone who admits to having ever consumed alcohol?

        They shouldn’t start this nonsense without giving people the opportunity to opt out of paying for our International Health Service and going for private healthcare.
        It is a behemoth that has become stagnant and unworkable in its present form and it could really do with being reformed in totality.


        • G.W.F. says:

          I was asked a couple of years ago for my opinion regarding a Brazilian playboy on his way to the UK for a third liver, having drunk his way through the previous two. A loaded question, but think how we can be said to contribute to our medical conditions. Too much exercise, not enough exercise, living too far from work which involves stressful travel, working too hard, not working enough; too much sex, not enough sex, smoking and the non smoker who succumbs to stress related illness which which might be offset by a packet of fags; driving cars, motorbikes, using public transport putting oneself at risk of catching contagious diseases; keeping pets which might transmit disease, not keeping pets whose presence might alleviate symptoms of heart disease. All sporting activities, and failure to have adequate exercise when avoiding them.

          Forty years ago I predicted that the concept of natural death would disappear. It has. Every death is someone’s fault, usually the victim, and then the state and umpteen welfare agencies.


          • NWStu says:

            I believe, that quite some years ago, doctors had the option of writing ‘old age’ in the cause of death section of a death certificate.

            Now, I am not absolutely sure if this is true, but, if so, it should be taken into account when compiling statistics regarding causes of death.
            A cardiac arrest is what takes everybody eventually. The distinction being that if one is over 70-80 then, just maybe it is to be expected, and shouldn’t, in such cases, be used as a yardstick for measuring numbers of heart attacks.
            Humans aren’t really designed for extreme longevity and this fact shouldn’t be forgotten. The figures may be correct but that doesn’t make them right.


      • AsISeeIt says:

        Given the nationalisation of healthcare and the free at the point of access principal there is inevitably bound to be a prevailing State interest in controlling lifestyles. But only when the cost of healthcare is less shared can the individual be more incentivised to look after him or herself.


    • Lobster says:

      Of course, the NHS people predicting impending doom never mention the millions of newcomers wanting free treatment for illnesses they may have had for decades whilst contributing sod all.


  17. Kennedy says:

    Interesting article in the Telegraph:


    Apparently, the government’s integration tsar is going to issue a report saying that there is a need to stand up for British values as they are in danger. Perhaps they should make a start with the bBBC.


    • G.W.F. says:

      I would predict that the BBC response will be that Islam has always been an essential British value, and Mary Beard will be brought out to confirm this.


      • G says:

        GWF, henceforth, I have decided to use the term, ‘cult of submission’ when referring to Islam. I think it is more in keeping with with that subject matter.


    • G says:

      Kennedy, spot reference to the cult of submission in the Telegraph article………….


    • Loobyloo says:

      Happy holidays!


  18. AsISeeIt says:

    What’s wrong with Radio 4?
    There are several aspects of this channel’s attitudes and agendas that are extremely wrong; perhaps for the very reason that it is so quintessentially BBC, with all the habitual biases which that entails regularly being dealt out to the listener in spades.
    Radio 4 snobs versus the plebs
    Here’s a short example of just one aspect of BBC bias – Radio 4’s institutional snobbish distain for the plebs. And this class issue (or should we say cultural issue?) is topical and relevant because at the moment we notice the BBC’s left-liberal patricians, progressives and ‘experts’ are still so obviously sore at the kicking they just had from the plebs in the EU referendum.
    Josh Howie is a new name to me although apparently this stand up comedian has been around since 2002 and properly on the scene since Edinburgh 2008. Think of the angst, the nerdishness, the looks and indeed spectacles of a younger and British Woody Allen – that’s the persona our Josh is going for. Now don’t get me wrong – I think Josh Howie is both funny and clever. I’d be happy to hear more of him.
    Casting the talent
    Whereas Woody Allen’s mother was Nettie Konigsberg, a bookkeeper at her family’s delicatessen in Brooklyn, Josh’s mother is Lynn Franks, founder of a successful PR agency, ‘and advocate, communications strategist, writer and spokeswoman on women’s issues, sustainability… yadda yadda…’ Suffice it to say Josh claims to have been raised as a Buddhist and his mother was the template for Jenifer Saunder’s Absolutely Fabulous character Edina Monsoon. As a teenager Allen got discovered by writing jokes and sending them by post to various Broadway writers, Josh got ‘rave reviews’ for his Edinburgh show.
    Now Josh has a Radio 4 show titled ‘Josh Howie’s Losing It’ in which ‘Josh comes to terms with the impending birth of his first child. In this third episode, Josh attempts to buy a pram on the cheap while also trying to convince his mechanic to give him a good deal.’
    The plot and the pleb
    So here’s what you need to know about the plot: Josh is obviously achingly middleclass (after all he’s in a show on Radio 4 playing to a Radio 4 audience, right?) anyway he’s pretty bourgeois in outlook although he’s a little hard up. In order to save money on car repairs he tells us he carefully cultivates a working class image just so as to pal along with his mechanic. He dresses in jeans and trainers, talks about football and hides his I-phone, pretending to instead use a Nokia. Reasonably funny. And a little edgy for his radio listeners, since the gag shows them something of their own prejudices and insecurities about class. The joke becomes explicit when Josh explains one reason for hiding his I-phone from his mechanic is that the chap might notice his Radio 4 App. ‘I don’t want him to know I follow The Archers’
    Typical BBC
    And yet this rather good joke goes a little flat when, once we’re primed to meet this football-loving, non-Radio 4 listening, motor mechanic we assume might be named something like Wayne, what we actually get from Radio 4 is a Turkish Cypriot named Mehmet. Given that this happy BBC diversity-box-filling happenstance somewhat undermines the original joke one is tempted to reflect that it might have been a latish tweak to the script. That’s the way it came over.
    So there we have our Radio 4 – snobbish, insecure, self-doubting and hopelessly diversity-obsessed.


  19. pertelote says:

    More sloppy journalism in Yolande Knell – “The island where thousands go to get married”

    Along the Cypriot coast in Pathos, foamy waves leap around Aphrodite’s Rock.

    Pathos! FFS!!..very droll!


    • AsISeeIt says:

      ‘…Pathos’ presumably Ms Knell filed her BBC report from the neighbouring Isle of Bathos whilst en route to Lesbos to cover the arrival of more migrants desperate for european sanctuary from their war-torn homeland of Mythos


  20. G.W.F. says:

    Here is a song reflecting Australian values. Hope it is not WAAAYCIST


  21. Demon says:


    A simple visit to Yad Vashem might have taught him something, but he just doesn’t care. Or that his anti-semitism is even worse than realised so far. That’s why he’s the favourite politician of the A-BBC.


  22. Colboysigma says:

    I’m devastated to hear from the unbiased BBC that some foreign cleric won’t be able to make some bizarre ritual in a “city” that non-members of that death cult cannot enter.
    Also that there will be a memorial in Glasgow for victims of 9/11 with special emphasis on the Muslim contribution.



    • G says:

      Where did you obtain that info from Colboys? My immediate reaction to your post was, ‘I really understand the Islamic connection to 9/11’ Pray, tell more.


      • NWStu says:

        Hmmm. Exactly. My first thought about the ‘Muslim connection to 11/9’ was that it was fairly obvious.

        I was going to add an image but thought it rather tasteless. Just search for ‘9/11 plane, and you’ll get the point.


  23. G says:

    Marr interviewed Amber Rudd this morning. Judging by her responses in relation to migration (and assuming she represents the Governments position), I’m left totally with the feeling, ‘fraid they just don’t get, ‘Brexit’ and what it really meant to the out camp. She made a swift ‘handbrake turn’ away from the questions about those restrictions where she has current power to reduce numbers. Left also with the understanding that even if EU migration is halted or slowed, there will be no restrictions on more of the Third World. Someone, please tell me that the biased BBC has been working overtime on hacking UKIP to bits and it will really be ‘warts an all’ ready to fight the next election WITH Farage.


    • Beltane says:

      Wasn’t it also noticeable, G, that while it was accepted that lack of school places and NHS funding added such huge pressures, not one mention from anyone of immigrant numbers playing any part in the equation. Amazing.
      Not a surprising omission from pseudo-Marxist-Leninist – but fully paid-up Look-at-me’ist – P Toynbee, nor from Amber Rudd and Somebody Smith, but the silence from Gisella Stuart and Peter Hitchens was shameful. Maybe the terms of their appearance fees had been negotiated in advance.


  24. Beltane says:

    Much has been made of the number of EU flags flaunted at the Last Night of the Proms – although they only appeared to be in evidence at the Albert Hall and certainly not in Hyde Park, Cardiff, Belfast and Glasgow. And, although it could of course be my imagination, there seemed to be one particular area of the crowded floor where EU flags proliferated, and where, occasionally, the BBC cameras dwelt. Can’t think why though – surely they would not have wanted to give a false impression?


  25. polytropic1 says:

    Has anybody noticed how white British reporters are almost a minority in the BBC?


  26. seismicboy says:

    Woman in famous VJ Day ‘Kiss’ photo dies aged 92
    A great example of how the bitter, twisted left wing media can see the bad and negative in everything when they look through their sh!t-tinted apologist spectacles.
    “The woman kissed by a sailor in an iconic photograph marking the end of World War Two has died aged 92.”
    However that is as good as the article gets as we soon hear “Some have noted darker connotations to the photo in recent years ” Just who the ‘some’ are of course is never revealed. And then we go full circle to “little more than the documentation of a very public sexual assault” Although this was from Time Magazine the BBC are past masters at sexual assault. Saville, Hall, Harris anyone?


  27. TruthSeeker says:

    Warning, unconnected to AlBeeb bias. It does provide an insight into the opinions of some USA citizens concerning AlBeeb’s favourite US female email sender.



  28. thirdoption says:

    “Mo Farah ‘humiliated and sent to back of queue’ while boarding flight home from Rio”


    It appears that Mrs Mohammad Farah thinks that she shouldn’t have to queue like us ordinary plebs.

    She immediately went to the press and played the race card even though witnesses claim she was rude and abusive to the airline staff with a potty mouth, claiming she was treated like a “piece of s**t”.

    The BBC tried to ruin a man’s career because he was alleged to have used the word “pleb”. I’m waiting with baited breath for their 5-day coverage of this shocking event.


    • Beltane says:

      Mrs Farah has long been the person of ethnicity in the woodpile, which no doubt explains poor Mr Farah’s inability to put on weight – makes it easier to keep him under her thumb.


    • Lock13 says:

      Good find – the comments section is good reading. Our greatest evah Sportsman according to the BBC. Receives lottery funding and lives in Portland, Oregon born in Somalia. Yep he eclipses Bobby Moore


    • TruthSeeker says:

      Strange, you would think his running would get him to the front of the queue.
      Perhaps he only takes drugs when running for money.


    • G says:

      thirdoption, that’s the Muslim in her: the rest of humanity is a, “piece of s**t”


    • chrisH says:

      Think we`ll all find it`s not the “back of the queue”…but “the back of the LINE”.
      Might have given him a few more minutes to get all that quorn out of his gob…hardly understand a word he says on those adverts for veggie crankistuff.


    • Doublethinker says:

      And home for the is where. Not the UK but USA. In my view it would desirable if he took out UU citizenship. At least that would cut down his time on the BBC.


  29. SupportOurLefty says:

    Friends! As some of you have kindly expressed your appreciation of my various writings, maybe the Dad’s Army fans amongst you might enjoy a piece I wrote for the “Going Postal” blog (which I can certainly recommend to you all – some very similar views re the BBC there, and indeed on many other issues, as here on BB) back in June.

    It was a sketch, written shortly before the EU Referendum, which had our heroes discussing which way they should vote. Here how it starts:

    “The church hall in Walmington-on-Sea, where the Home Guard have assembled …

    CAPTAIN MAINWARING: Now pay attention, men, as I have an important announcement to make. A Referendum is going to be held in just a few days’ time, on the important matter of whether Britain should remain in, or leave, the European Union, or “EU” as it is more commonly called. And, naturally, I have given this matter a lot of careful consideration before deciding that, on balance, it is in Britain’s best interests to vote Remain.

    SERGEANT WILSON: Do you think that’s altogether wise, sir?

    MAINWARING (impatiently): Oh Wilson! You really are a wet blanket at times! How could it possibly not be the right thing, for Britain to work in partnership with our friends in a reformed Europe?

    WILSON: Well, sir, judging from Mrs Merkel’s recent antics, and indeed some of the threatening noises emanating from various Brussels bureaucrats, I’m not at all sure that these people are our friends! And as for a “reformed Europe”, well they’ve been talking about that ever since Britain joined …”

    If that’s whetted your appetite, here’s a link to the whole piece, which I hope you’ll enjoy. All the main DA characters appear in it, with the exception of the Vicar and the Verger, who alas were unavailable at the time …plus a cameo appearance from a Going Postal regular, Rick, who is, shall we say, not Diane Abbott’s greatest fan!



    • G says:

      Pity the BBC have not thought of creating an up-to-date version of Dads Army. For authenticity, They could fill it with our cultural enrichers from the religion of submission. And perhaps the church could be converted to a mosque?


    • chrisH says:

      As one of your top supporters Sir Leftward…can I say that this is great.
      Saw a good show on Perry and Croft last night…and Dads Army was their first success, followed by Ain`t Half Hot Mum, Are You being Served?, Hi-Di-Hi, and one called “You Rang M`Lord”(which they were proud of, so might be worth a look).
      As you say, your pilot deserves a series..and I now have new respect for ARP Hodges now, based on your show!
      They used the same actors interchangeably-so can I nominate Mr La-Di Da Gunner Graham AND the Vicar to be played by Will Gompertz?
      Mrs Fox-Emily Thornberry
      The Verger-Hillary Benn( or Ian McCartney, if our `illary is too pricey!).
      Keep these up sir…


      • SupportOurLefty says:

        Thank you, Friend Chris! Ah, Hodges wasn’t all bad! And his optimism re the Leave vote (which I didn’t actually share at the time, as this was in the immediate aftermath of the Jo Cox tragedy) was most prescient …

        Re the Vicar – I suspect that he would have been a staunch Remainer (although I’m pretty sure that the Verger would have taken a different view!) so I actually think that Hilary Benn would be better playing him! And then Ian McCartney could indeed be the Verger … Great suggestion re Tenbellies, who would be a splendid Mrs Fox.


        • chrisH says:

          Oh definitely a Remainer!
          He`d long ago have been a Thought For the Day Gobshite and maybe some “Faith In The City” box ticker…Asylum seekers in his church, Cliff Richard records banned by now.
          Leanne Wood as Gladys Pugh?…Dianne Abbott as the sidecar?
          Float on sir…the new Seals and Croft of Comedy maybe one day eh?
          Maybe Kevin and Perry too…the BBC like their kiddie shows don`t they…Balls and Cooper as the dancers who hate the rest of us from Hi Di Hi?


  30. charmbrights says:

    Last night of the proms.

    Rule Britannia sung by a Peruvian in fancy dress, apparently in his native language. The National Anthem sung so quietly first verse that I couldn’t hear it on TV; second verse with some of the crowd singing the first verse and others singing other words (v3 mostly). The cameras showing the promenaders with much emphasis on EU 12 stars flags; pity they were all small ones.

    It overran by 15 minutes, but then BBC1 showed its full complement of self-adverts while we waited for the news.

    The BBC strikes again.


    • Aerfen says:

      I thought the Proms was a resounding victory for the Union flag wavers over the Bremoaner EU flag wavers. The vigor of the crowd singing patriotic songs was also a powerful message to May that Britain wants OUT.

      The PeeCee inclusiveness pep talk by the Finnish conductor was something of a ‘pass the sick bag’ moment but TBF it wasnt overtly political and I think he was possibly trying to depoliticize the mild but palpable tension in the hall caused by the protesting Bremoaners.

      It is true that music has always had internationalist traditions.


    • chrisH says:

      Agree charmbrights.
      Yet-as I looked on at Hyde Park, Belfast and even Glasgow- the Remoaning Flag of the EUriners was not to be seen.
      Only in the Prinz Albert Halle, BBC cameramen trained to spot the flags-which will soon be as relevant as the Ruritanian one anyhoo.
      Only in small condensed,co-ordinated and careful hoggings by those who know a camera angle…like BBC stiffies for example.
      No-that version of Land and Hope and Glory( “we`ll never be slaves” notions seemed to be well sung!)-and Jerusalem got a throaty working out.
      So-despite ALL the cameras, the placings and the Remoaning Games- the Red Hand of Ulster still lies central to us all…and I personally felt the fragrant lassies of Wales and Ulster knocked the Tartan Tarpaulins and Tents into a cocked leekie.
      To be honest-one of the few things that the BBC give us IS the Proms…and the people keep on breaking through in Brexit style when the Lefties try to corral them.


  31. G says:

    1.4 Billion Dollars wasted on HIV prevention in Africa which has the estimated 71% share of AIDS worldwide. http://newobserveronline.com/1-4bn-wasted-african-anti-hiv-program/
    How many of those flooding into Europe via Libya are infected?


  32. Dover Sentry says:

    BC Online News:

    “”Morpurgo: I failed the 11-plus
    War Horse author Michael Morpurgo explains what it was like to fail the 11-plus as a boy and the subsequent fall out””


    Morpurgo is allowed by the BBC to rant against the Grammar school system uninterrupted for almost three minutes.

    The most blatantly biased feature by the BBC I have seen in some time. Morpungo is a high income children’s author who failed the 11 Plus. He wrote ‘The Warhorse’ which was adapted for film by Spielberg. He was one of several celebrities who endorsed the appointment of The Green’s mad-bat leader Caroline Lucas.

    He has an agenda. The BBC has the same agenda. Both Left wing to the core.


    • Beltane says:

      Morpurgo is a self-publicist of long standing – wearing an all-red ensemble is a bit of a giveaway there. The sepulchral tones he uses to describe his 11+ experience are all part of the PR, he was no doubt well cushioned from direct experience of a lower-class education.


    • chrisH says:

      Did you hear the moaning minnie on TWATO a few mins ago?
      Mardell let him finish his address to the nation without closing headlines-it really was THAT moving and important.
      Didn`t even get the “and how does Brexit affect your production of Warhorse dungballs, now we`ve left the European Paddock of Peace?”
      Morpugo sounds like a skin disease-made my flesh creep with his self pitying…and I thought Prescott was a big girls blouse with extra man boobs!
      But Morpurgo-riding his own Warhorse, and it`s a rocking one with velveten trews on it!
      His kiddie crawlings might have been lost to the nation had it not been for …er, private money…private schools and …er…boarding schools…poor lad only got a Turd at Oxbridge after being so…well…provided for and saved by the PRIVATE, FEE PAYING, INDEPENDENT, BOARDING SCHOOL sectors-and our Michael went up every preppy ladder, only to be a snake in the grass for others without his ruch fucking maiden aunties.
      It all saved Michael,,,but its campbell Comp for your helots,because YOU`RE not a privileged picadick like MM.
      Morpurgo personifies the guilty white privilege that all BBC school ghouls use to explain why THEY were worth it all-but our kids can go and fish.
      Mishal Husain berates Justine Greening about educational inequality?…and WHO is laughing, or silenced after the Mail point this out?
      No-Morpurgo is the kind of pussy willow in a Poncho Pansy outfit that the BBC go to…and we fail to mock or howl our scorn for them.
      Next week-Michael Rosen is it?
      These types are UN Pisskeepers of the first order…but not actually going to keep us safe in Rwanda re they?


      • Beltane says:

        ‘Morpurgo sounds like a skin disease….’
        You are a bugger chrisH, making the rest of us feel so inadequate with our attempts to use the language to the best of our abilities. Still, at least I and others can supply the occasional catalyst, and it keeps us lower down the list of the BBC’s ‘to be assassinated’ candidates.


        • chrisH says:

          Most kind Beltane.
          But Support Our Lefty seems to be the coming man…am hoping some BBC itch fisher will try to create a controversy re who`s in and who`s out here.
          This place is drive-by Comedy Gold…the likes of AISI, Mr Sentry and so many others make us greater than the sum of the parts.
          Farcebook etc?…I`m a mere sap here by the River Quorn, looking for Lefties to turn to puddleducks in the next few weeks at school.
          Group hugs all round….


  33. Doublethinker says:

    I know this is like a broken record but on the Marr show the former DG of the BBC ,Mark Thompson , has has yet another go at the impartiality rules governing the BBC. This Is in response to the Brexit vote and the belief that the liberal elite remainers have that the BBC’s pro remain propaganda offensive was severely hampered by those impartiality rules. If the BBC had had a free hand they would have been able to rubbish the leave side more effectively and so persuade us dummies to vote for remain instead of leave. So the liberal elite have-decided to change the rules so that at the referendum they will have a BBC that will be able to make sure the common , uneducated people do the bidding of the liberal left elite. I have no doubt that the rule change will not just apply to referenda but to all the corporations news and current affairs coverage .If you think that the BBC is already awash with pro left bias, wait till nail they have succeeded in changing the rules .You ain’t seen nothing yet!
    On the same programme Peter Hitchins gave ominous warning that he didn’t think Brexit would ever happen, the liberal left elite simply won’t let it . Even if this belief isn’t true and we do leave the EU the very fact that remainers are fighting a powerful rearguard action is undermining our negotiations in Brussels. Elites die hard, we have a long hard road ahead to beat the liberal left, but beat them we must if the UK is to have a future as a free sovereign democracy with our identity and culture intact.


    • chrisH says:

      Has anyone ever trusted a man with a scrubby beardo-who can`t actually grow one?
      To be fair to the Muslims-they seem to be able to grow `em, unlike Corbyn or Thompson.
      Does Corbyn drive even?…get the idea he bottled it like Brown and Livingston.
      Scrubby beard, can`t drive?…sandals next?
      All the above does not apply to Bob Dylan only though….


  34. G says:

    Germany and its refugees taking holiday’s on the taxpayer –


    • Al Shubtill says:

      The crazy thing is that in Germany when they had a recent opinion poll about Merkel: 80% of those who responded said that they’re unhappy with her immigration policy; yet when there were elections soon after only 20% of the vote went to a party which is committed to reversing it.

      It put me in mind of the idiots in Rotherham returning a Labour MP at the last GE (yet again) after all the child abuse and rape which that party, via its MP and dominance of the local council, had both covered up and (effectively) facilitated through its inaction in dealing with the Muslim rape gangs operating with apparent impunity in the town.

      You cannot help a people who won’t even begin to help themselves.


      • G says:

        Al, on the 22nd June, apparently some leading pollsters had UKIP down 10 points against the ‘Remainers’. Thats the reason Farage confessed to putting his hands up suggesting the Brexiteers had lost in the early hours of the Referendum. Nothing can be trusted these days, there’s always someone in the background ‘pulling strings’.


  35. Pounce says:

    Whilst the left had no problem attacking the current British Foreign minister (yes I know who he is) They go well out of their way in which to defend the fat trout who is the Shadow foreign minister:
    Emily Thornberry accuses Sky’s Murnaghan of ‘sexism’

    Here is what the bBC don’t want you to know:
    UK: Millionaire socialist MP plays sexist card over inability to name the French Foreign minister


    • wronged says:

      Well done Dermot.

      Thornberry the lazy snob, a woman who is clearly incompetent in her role as Shadow Foreign Secretary. Not fit for purpose.

      She cannot answer a basic question in relation to her job and so calls the the presenter a sexist. Beyond words. In any other job, other than a politician she would be out the door for being incompetent. She’s a nasty piece of work who needs her comeuppance.

      She is clearly thick,very thick. She has far too high opinion of herself, produces phoney outrage and lies about her so called working class roots.

      Utterly contemptible, utterly useless, utterly disgraceful ‘politician’.

      She sums up Labour, all talk no substance. Fantasists with no knowledge of how the world really works.


  36. TruthSeeker says:

    Dear Mr Vance
    Sorry to hickjack this thread on your most valuable website.

    In the Guardian Nick Cohen has the most disgusting anti Brexit piece I have yet seen.
    Producing the nastiest BTL comments.

    I feel the most important EU consideration is never considered in the Guardian. I am unable to post this myself. Following is my draft, if anybody, who agrees with my comments, could post it I would be most grateful.

    “What this spite filled, irrelevance filled, mendacious article does is overlook the intent of the EU. An EU which is, although you would not know it from the bitter Remoaners, not synonymous with Europe.
    Leaving the UK, is definitely the best decision for the UK, and for any other state unlucky enough to be a member.

    The long term policy of the EU, is to stop the UK existing. To turn the UK into several, already chosen, regions. Regions which will be part of the beloved EU superstate, along with the regions which were once part of other sovereign European states.

    Doubtless many who voted to stay in the EU were not aware of this. Naturally the “Better In” crowd were too busy warning about WW3. WW3 and all other manifestly untruthful statements from “Better In” that are conveniently ignored by those whose supporters have the audacity to complain about Brexit lies.

    Those who voted to remain in the EU, knowing its long term plans to extinguish the UK, I cannot choose another description other than traitors. Traitors who are compounding their treason by trying to annul the vote of a majority of decent British people.”


    • G says:

      Oddly enough, Truthseeker, in respect of your last paragraph, I have just literally purchased two texbooks on the subject of Treason as, although well legally qualified in law, I am not sure of the position in the UK. What I did discover is that there is a dearth of technical books on the subject. Indeed, both books are s/hand because there is nothing recent post the 1980’s. It appears prima facie, that the last time a Government addressed ‘Treason’ with legislation was the Blair Government….. Interesting.


  37. taffman says:

    Whats with it with ‘Men’ and bladed weapons ?


  38. Pounce says:

    bBC covers up Islamic intolerance yet again:
    bBC headlines:
    Kenya foils police station attack

    And what they aren’t telling you with that headline:
    Kenya:Three burka-clad women shot dead by police in terror attack


  39. taffman says:

    I think that we certainly got out in good time.
    Anything about this on Al Beeb yet?


  40. Loobyloo says:

    Off topic, but on the general theme of dumbing down and propaganda in our wonderful state education system. Helping son with geography homework, and the KS3 revision book starts with Our World, learning the continents, then five examples to learn about in detail…any guesses which? 1) Africa 2) Asia – India, 3) Asia – China, 4) Russia (it states that some western parts are now considered European!!) and 5), drum roll…..The Middle East. Cheers all round. Not a white, successful capitalist continent to be studied. I remember learning about Australia when I was that age.
    Anyway, by coincidence my family and I are relocating to the US…will be interesting to see from the inside how that country is doing and how far we are behind this basket case. I love the UK – have lived in Canada before and always missed the UK – but I feel that things have really gone beyond repair here and it worries me, for the sake of my kids. We will arrive in the US not long after the election! I will be a very respectful guest in their country, unlike some here. Hopefully I will still be able to check into this website for some sanity.


    • G says:

      Loobyloo, it is said that the UK is always one step behind the US. I would submit that at present, in respect of our mass influx of aliens, the reverse is the case. If you do keep in touch, will be interested in your comparisons.


    • G.W.F. says:

      It looks as if her illnesses are not the product of Alex Jones and his conspiracies.

      However, try this on for a conspiracy. The Dems are playing up her illnesses, feeding them to the opposition, because she is going to lose and may end up fighting to keep out of jail. A sudden announcement that she is withdrawing on health grounds. Massive sympathy for the greatest Presidential candidate with a vagina and a new and squeaky clean replacement who everyone will be ordered to love. BBC will campaign hard. Trump defeated.


      • Lobster says:

        More than plausible GWF. But I keep getting this mental picture of her sitting in the Oval Office looking like Norman Bates’s mother!


        • Oldspeaker says:


          Hillary Clinton ‘felt unwell’ at 9/11 ceremony

          Final line of the above article reads, “Mrs Clinton is 68 and Mr Trump is 70.”
          Why on earth is that even considered relevant? The article is about Hillary feeling unwell, what on earth has Trumps age got to do with that?


          • chrisH says:

            The BBC New York bloke (Bryant) managed to say that it will all fuel conspiracy theories…and it manages to mean that Trump is both sexist and ageist.
            Who dares to ask a ladies age?…and even though Trump is OLDER-well he`s ageist…he`s a bloke innit?
            Men eh?…always wrong.
            Clinton seemed to be wanting another change of shoes…ladies are like that!
            Next up on Womans Hour…sexist caricatures that stereotype women by..well, yes…not the BBC anyway!


    • neilw says:


      Article had been up 15 minutes when I saw it, and the BBC had this to say:

      “She appeared to faint on her way to her van, Fox said. Fox’s account of the events could not be independently verified”

      Hmm, “could not be independently verified” despite the fact that videos of the event have been all over the net for at least a couple of hours. What’s up Beeb, have you gone off twitter and not noticed it?


  41. chrisH says:

    On this day of all-imagine a world where Clintons and Obamas couldn`t milk the tragic deaths of 3000 of their own citizens.
    Our friend here does that-reverses it all, so we could prevent such things in future maybe?
    Yes, it would screw the anti-US types like Dimblebys and Corbyns…but worth thinking about.
    Not sure if I agree-but it`s a good effort with music too.


  42. chrisH says:

    And-lest we be in any doubt-this one is all too clear.
    Trump correct as ever.


    • Pounce says:

      Many thanks for that, I’ve used that on my blog in which to hightlight how the so called religion of peace (A term of Islamophoia according to the bBC) is anything but.


      • chrisH says:

        Ta Pounce.
        It`s from the Stand With Us site that supports Israel…in error,I sent the 40 second extract-but they`ve loads more on Youtube that shows what the Arabs and fellow travellers are putting up on their screens.
        Well remember 9/11 reaction like this-then the BBC seems to tell me that I was only imagining it, while showing me a picture of Yasser Arafat at a bloodbank.
        Bet he was taking it himself as opposed to giving any-and probably from the choicest of young virgins, given his theology and dogmas( Islam is fast becoming anything but a religion as I understand it)


  43. Lock13 says:

    See Hilary fainted and lost a shoe at the WTC memorial today. They had to put her in a van head first . I don’t think she will live until the election. I am sure the BBC will report on this in the tea-time news ?


  44. Flexdream says:

    HRC health, you decide.



    “Donald Trump, at age 70, has his own health questions to address.
    Sunday’s episode may end up simply an annoying distraction for the Democrats. Now, however, people who would otherwise have shrugged off Mrs Clinton’s health rumours will be watching her activity more closely.”


    • Oldspeaker says:

      Ah the ever impartial arch Clintonist Anthony Zurcher, just can’t help himself can he?
      The article is titled ‘Hillary Clinton ‘felt unwell’ at 9/11 ceremony’ and he just has to get a dig in about Trump to even it up a bit.
      From the same article,
      “Mrs Clinton’s personal doctor Lisa Bardack said last month she was “in excellent health and fit to serve as president of the United States”.”
      Personal doctor? That kind of rhetoric would carry a bit more weight coming from a neutral medical source.


    • Flexdream says:


      • neilw says:

        Paul Joseph-Watson would do himself a massive massive favour if he didn’t associate himself with the likes of crackpots Alex Jones and Mike Cernovich et al.


        • chrisH says:

          Oh dear.
          Look at this third paragraph-apparently Trump “offered no evidence” that Clintons got jelly legs after all.
          Mad cow disease was it?
          So says the BBC.
          Will they be re-writing this one to update us?
          Or simply refusing to show the footage so well (and quickly) placed on this site above?
          Need we ask?
          Save the Clintons-don`t vote for the poor gal, she`s at deaths door.

          None of that Chernenko stuff here eh?…Jose Feliciano won`t do for a body double much longer either Beeb!
          At least we now know why Obama and herself were so persistent in trying to get their arses covered healthwise, with the US taxpayer stumping up.
          Maybe we should let her hold the Olympic torch in 2020 if she gets a few years lie-down.
          Paralympics maybe?…


        • NameNotNumber says:

          Just asking, but isn’t it poor timing to attack ‘crackpot’ Alex Jones’s reporting on Clinton’s health issues four weeks ahead of our own ‘world class’ news outfit who are now being compelled, by circumstances, to acknowledge the truth of this particular ‘conspiracy’ theory?


    • chrisH says:

      Hate to say this-but it looks like a coffin carrying car doesn`t it?
      Must be on hire to the Clintons…old Bill looks a bit peeky.
      Which will go first-and will the other one even attend the funeral?
      Let`s talk lefties!…bets at least.


  45. Thoughtful says:

    Thought this was funny



  46. chrisH says:

    Only the BBC would trump a new Reunion series with what they described as the “health Scandal of the Decade”.
    “At last” said I…now was it to be Alder Hey..Bristol…Addenbrooke?
    Anything but the bloody Archers crap anyway.
    So many to choose from?…and all the above pale beside MY own scandal of the decade…that of Mid-Staffs of course.
    But no…none of that current stuff for our Sue…wouldn`t help Labour would it?
    So-instead we get some puffery about blood transfusions, good AIDS and bad AIDS figure skating.
    From way back-and will doubtless allow the gays and the left to feel good, unlike their views on old wrinklies in Staffs, pests like Julie Bailey.
    Can of worms that-too recent too.
    Didn`t listen-I`m sure it would have been a big story and tragic…but as for Mid-Staffs, Baby P etc?…no, no Reunions there , no sirree!


  47. Pounce says:

    How the propaganda arm of radical Islam (The bBC) whitewashes Islamic intolerance:
    ‘IS-inspired’ Australian man charged with terrorism

    and here is what the CS at the buggering British children don’t want you to know:
    Australia: Allah Ackba knifeman arrested after ISIS-inspired knife attack

    The bBC the traitors within our midst


  48. taffman says:

    Much ado about immigration. Here is a challenge to Al Beeb – lets have a ‘HYS’ on immigration .
    To the Al Beeb researchers who visit this site – Your call.


  49. Lock13 says:

    Well blow me down with a feather. BBC reported the Hilary incident in full along with video. Well done, you see it doesn’t hurt to report the truth does it.


    • neilw says:

      Except they haven’t reported the truth have they? Apparently she “Appeared to stumble” according to their latest update, which can be roughly translated as “collapsed unconscious and hurriedly bundled head-first into a van, behind a wall of minders & medical staff desperate to stop the world from witnessing the events unfolding.”

      Now, maybe this was an isolated fainting episode, but taken in context with the numerous stills & video footage of her literally being held upright by aides, and the numerous coughing fits and strange exaggerated behaviour, you really have to question what’s going on here. As well as being politically unfit for office, it looks increasingly likely that she’s medically unfit as well.


      • BRISSLES says:

        nw ………..it looks increasingly likely that she’s medically unfit as well. …..

        You mean, the widespread epidemic of sssssshhhhh ‘mental health issues’ has finally hit the white community ?????


    • Lobster says:

      Lock13 – I wonder who will be collecting their P45 tomorrow?


      • chrisH says:

        Well I hope that they put a stamp on it if they post it.
        A friend of mine had to pay £2 to get a letter with not enough stamps on it-when he paid up at the office, turns out that his school had posted his P45!
        Could catch on…Monty Burns lives…and I do wonder if even David Renwick would have written THAT one!