I don’t know what to write. The BBC need not broadcast anti Brexit propaganda because the government is failing to represent the outcome of the Referendum without any help .
Elsewhere the constant propaganda against President Trump is becoming worn out as he continues to repair his country after years of Democratic swamp rule .
For those marching for Remaining on Saturday ( disputed numbers of course) – it’s good that you still have the freedom to do so because people with out of fashion views find themselves becoming enemies of the State – with political trials and summary sentences .
I have posted this early because of the recent server issues …
As for the BBC, no one takes much notice of them anymore I don’t think.
The Tories are ahead in the polls again so are the public seeing things differently?
Here is to a better year next year! Maybe Davis or Mogg could be PM at some point?
Smoog – hope so
Can someone please put the front page picture on the mail online on this site as mysteriously it’s not on the BBC national or Huddersfield local site ……
The mugshot picture says more than any words …
Nice touch putting the home addresses on the twitter ….
No John Smith, Mark Jones or Peter Brown again?
Hussain fled to Pakistan !!!!
Nice to know the Border Agencies keep abreast of their emails then ! Betcha he’ll be back in time for Christmas, cos its his yuman rights to be wiv his family !
One, at least, of the Rochdale muslim child rapists fled bail to Pakistan and one of those eventually convicted in the Winchester trial fled to Italy and had to be “repatriated”.
You would think that child rapists would not be given bail because of the risk of intimidating their victims. As at least two perpetrators skipped bail, you would think the penny would have dropped for all those razor-sharp legal minds. But then again there are so many muslim child rapists it requires a superhuman effort to keep track of them all.
This is still the tip of a very large iceberg, the media never crunch the numbers to reveal the true extent of this, but here are the numbers, based on the UK census and The Jay Report:
According to the UK census, Rotherham has a population of 240,000, it has 5% Asian, 2.5%Muslim, 1.25% Muslim male, and 1% Adult Muslim male…. so about 2,400 Adult Muslim males. Yet the Jay report described 1,400 child gang rape victims some raped hundreds of times, so probably in excess of 14,000 rapes in total. That is nearly 6 rapes per adult Muslim male…
What is more, we have similar numbers in Telford, Sandwell… and many other towns, hidden by a government that refuses to do a proper study, and prefers votes over protecting children.
This is coming from Islam, where Muhammad is considered the perfect role-model for all time, yet he married six year old Aisha who he hit in the chest for leaving the house against his orders. He owned and raped non-Muslim sex slaves like Maria the Copt. He force married Safiya the same day he had her husband tortured with molten metal to steal his gold, and genocided her tribe. He married his cousin Zaynab, and stole his sons wife Zayd, and had Asma bint Marwan murdered for witing insulting poems… Muhammads example promotes child rape, wife beating, forced marriage, incest, murder, genocide, and sex slavery for the unbeliever., and death to critics..
When will the BBC spell out these numbers?, when will they examine the contents of this religion?
Al beeb is much happier going after Christianity or the Jewish religion ( Israel for al beeb) than saying anything critical of an evil false religion like Islam .
I’ve always believed that wahabis have infiltrated and control editorial output at al beeb – deceit is one of the techniques encouraged by that evil doctrine including the adoption of a western lifestyle to cover the infiltration process.
Obviously wahabis originate in Saudi from corrupt oil money with a ruling party / family which is beyond regime change ….
Its sad to say Fedup2, that the UK is going the way of in Lebanon, which is 1920 was 15% Muslim (85% Christian)… then they let the Muslims in. By 1975 through immigration and breeding the population increased to over 50% Muslim and war broke out for Islam to gain control. The war lasted 15 years… Lebanon is now a Muslim country, just try and criticize Islamic practices there. Same thing happened in Bosnia. Already several European countries have approaching 10% Muslim and demographic trends suggest alignment with the Lebanon process.
Yes jip that ‘boiling frog ‘ analogy keeps being played . Too late to cut off the Saudi money building mosques and funding brainwashing madrasahs now ….
This is how our children and grandchildren will end up:
It is on the local pages. It says “Huddersfield grooming gang ‘not about race or ethnicity'”
That’s correct, is about religion, and subjugation.
Living in Huddersfield has a terrible effect on your moral outlook.
BBC News, 20 erm, “men” again … yep, yet another racist, Islamic child rape gang.
The same MO from our shameful judiciary, reporting restrictions
so damage limitation to just one day is in full effect.
The news reports on Al BBC radio had no mention of the I word
at all, they picture a Sikh on its site, (the other 19 don’t get name mentioned?) … Drive has just started so possibly more will be forthcoming.
It is utterly sickening
Can you imagine the news outcry if these country wide, industrial scale racist, paedophile gang rapes were committed by our white population, on any Islamic, or indeed Sikh children?
Its still going on … unbelievably,the BBC is trying to dress itself as some kind of news hero???, saying that they got the restrictions lifted.
scrap the BBC, do it now.
Thanks nog – it must have just turned up. Ironic this should happen on the same day Choudary was released from prison …
‘a good day to bury bad news’
Two reports of bad news burying each other. Neat.
Congrats the smoog.
Another day, another cover up by Al Beeb:-
Twenty men have been found guilty of being part of a grooming gang that raped and abused girls as young as 11 in Huddersfield.
It’s those ‘men’ again but with a twist; see who the Beeb highlight with a large picture of the ringleader.
Links back to previous thread Friday’s posts allon page 6
Finished with important news about Judge Marson
and the releasing of previously suppressed info about the last of the 3 Huddersfield groom/rape gang trials.
… He’d given one of them bail and he absconded to Pakistan.
Oh hang on I mean the second of the 3
Reporting on the end of the third one seems still suppressed
…. Thursday’s posts are on page 5
ThanksStew .
To their credit the BBC have the ‘grooming’ gang from Huddersfield as their lead story; I imagine the memory hole must be overflowing these days. How bad has it really been across the country? Officially there have been no ‘grooming’ convictions in Luton, Burnley etc though the same ‘vibrant’ conditions exist there.
Not to worry though: the BBC is on track to meet its diversity targets by 2020 and we all know the root of all these problems is too many white newsreaders. Plus all this hate crime legislation will cause the hundred plus murder victims in London to rise from the dead now their feelings are unhurt.
You cannot be someone’s friend if they don’t want to be friends. We are constantly hectored about ‘diversity’ but the diverse are never told in the strongest possible terms that raping children is evil, and it is not ok to aspire to be a criminal. Integration is a two way thing and from the start they have had it diametrically wrong: it is not the famously reticent, ultra polite British who are ‘intolerant’ but those whose cultures are somewhat less famed for their politeness etc.
I imagine the net result of all this obsession with ‘celebrating diversity’ is that it has emboldened criminals who rightly feel they are above the law. Like so much liberal thinking it has cost so much time, money and effort only to make things worse.
I would not credit the BBC with anything. The real story is that one of the accused who received 17 years, was allowed to return home after the trial with the rest because there was no risk to the public nor any danger of any of them absconding.
He is now in Pakistan.
Tommy Robinson gets sent to jail on the same day for broadcasting publicly available facts.
No credit at all is due to the BBC, who are simply fulfilling their role as the state broadcaster. The only reason we know about this matter is because of the relentless actions of Tommy Robinson. The official narrative now will be how ‘the system’ is working properly after all, no need for people for people like Tommy Robinson, in fact he hindered matters, all as a run-up to try and prejudice his retrial/show trial on 23rd October.
Even Russia Today is on the wrong side
Their interview with an expert just ended
with him saying “The gov make a poor job of dealing with Ajem Choudhury ..and they don’t even bother to try to deal with the threat of Tommy Robinson”
FFS ..the fallacy of false equivalence.
..theyve switched to live coverage of the Crimea massacre victims funerals.
Ah next item is about gov handing out cash to Stonewall who then use such cash and support to lobby the same government on LGBT POLICY
lots of depts including GCHQ sponsored a Stonewall newspaper advert.
Yes – a beeboid called Danny Savage delivers the outside the court report – had echos of al beeb doing a ‘ saville’ when he was finally exposed as a serial sex criminal.
Wonder where the MPs were when all of this was going on – and now doubt – continues now ….
Apparently Barry Sheerman – the labour local MP does the ‘lessons will be learnt ‘ nonsense …. probably too busy filling his expenses claims at the time ….
It was the headline on R4 and there was a long piece on it later, including local MP Barry Sheerman. To Mr Sheerman’s credit he mentions that he spoke of this in HoC in 2007 and the media inc BBC showed no interest.
They talked about the ethnicity of the perpetrators (Asian, Pakistani heritage) but not that of the young girls. For the whole of the lengthy report the “m” word was scrupulously avoided. Mr Sheerman and others were at a loss to the root cause of this abuse. The elephant shuffled uneasily, but it needn’t have worried.
Will BBC try this narrative ?
‘Ajem Choudhury was released today
..and talking of similar extremists, the verdicts of the trial TR tried to report on.. have also been released today’
Nick Clegg is going to work for Facebook, I was told by TWatO.
My immediate thought: if there is another UK Referendum on the EU, how will that play out? It may not go down too well with those who are young and who voted Remain last time.
On the other hand, in the present state of amnesia that much of the population appears to live in, they probably will not remember the near-constant claims of many Remoaners that the Russians and Facebook influenced old people (and everyone else) to vote Leave in 2016.
The good news is that he’s off to California.
The bad news is that he will be earning a fortune, apparently for trying to show that Facebook and social media is really all right.
I wonder if he will be taking the red eye across the USA to cover for Katty as a Newsnight ‘special rapporteur’ if the effort of writing a full paragraph sends her into a spa for a month?
\\ Clegg’s rationale for working for Facebook:
“To build bridges between politics and tech”.
It’s a moral cause you see, and his c.£1m a year salary package is merely incidental.
A must read for the sheer brass neck of it.//
“In the summer, Facebook lost its top policy and communications chiefs Elliot Schrage and Rachel Whetstone. Whetstone is married to Steve Hilton, the political strategist who was a close adviser to David Cameron.”
That Guardian article allows no comments
Seems he has stolen the thunder from the #leftiestantrum because everyone is too busy p*ssing themselves laughing at this ‘career move’.
it would be far better if he joined the new ‘European Army’ working as thiir ‘Comical Ali’.
Lord Clegg of Silly Cone valley . £€£$$$
Ethnic minorities seem to be ‘significantly under-represented’ as victims of these rape gangs yet significantly over-represented as perpetrators.
Do you think we should complain to:the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, or is it just one of those random things?
I am sure the investigative journalists at the BBC would want to investigate.
Mark Easton the BBC’S Home Affairs editor is a disgrace. He
refers to the rape grooming gangs “often from immigrant
communities.” This is an absolute insult to hundreds of thousands
if not millions of law abiding immingrants in the UK.
In fact at least 90% of the scum perpetrating these vile crimes
are of Bristish Muslim Pakistani origin.
Yes Foscari
On the 6pm news, Easton equates the abuse with that perpetrated by teachers, priests etc. Conveniently airbrushing out the ethnic component.
And then ignoring the clear fact that the authorities were scared witless of being labelled as racist if they dared to investigate.
By the way, it was all on the Labour Government’s watch, so I guess the Police and local councils were ‘embracing multiculturalism and embracing diversity’.
The biggest scandal is the cover up over 40 plus years, the number of victims, the fact they are all white and that this abuse is the result of the perniciouse ideology of Islam. It can be observed in most European countries where there is a significant muslim minority.
“On the 6pm news, Easton equates the abuse with that perpetrated by teachers, priests etc. Conveniently airbrushing out the ethnic component.”
I think the percentage is one of the things the Romans did for us. Yet somehow they managed to exclude the BBC because this dim organisation hasn’t figured out yet that when a large number of crimes is committed by a small but increasing proportion of the population, you have a potentially big problem on your hands.
I’m not certain of the precise figures but, from memory, I think TR mentions 3% of the population and 90% of the grooming.
The BBC seemed to reluctantly accept that the overproportional representation of muslims in this crime was in some way significant,, yet recently they have been backtracking and attempting to deflect blame with nonsequiturs like “there are more white british paedophiles than muslim paedophiles”, which is beside the point. The BBC readily accepts that “all men are potential murders” because the ratio of men to women murderers in prison by far exceeds the ratio of men to women in the general population. The same is true for violent crime. Only white British and chinese or British of Chinese heritage are underrepresented in the British prison population. This contradicts the BBC mantra that immigrants are no more likely to be criminal than the general population. There is supposed to be an “ethnic pay gap” and so an “ethnic tax gap” to the Treasury. Yet the BBC would have us believe that, the average immigrant contributes more in tax than the average native Briton. A couple of Indian billionaires paying tax in Britain may skew the figures, but if there is an “ethnic pay gap” there must be an “ethnic tax gap” too. In spite of the BBC’s. many “self identifying” Fact Checkerds, they still produce contradictory drivel.
Every knew that no one wanted to know – For the sake of personal careers – for a few kids who came from unimportant backgrounds . Don’t need much of an inquiry for that conclusion .
I hope one of those ambulance chasing lawyers goes after these creatures for civil damages …
And “Pakistani” isn’t all that important. It just happens to be where the inhabitants of our moslem enclaves come from. In other western countries the rapist would come from other moslem countries, according to the historical ties – Morocco, Algeria, etc.. The important thing is the common factor, which we are not allowed to mention – just as it wasn’t mentioned on Any Questions last night.
It’s a struggle, isn’t it, for the diversity loving, multicultural BBC to do its analysis bit on the evIl Huddersfield grooming gang.
Home editor Mark Easton, all furrowed brow, was at pains during the BBC News slot to explain how child sex abuse hides in society’s ‘dark corners’, on the edge of towns, where there is poverty, little hope, and little regard for law and order etc.
Its all very concerning, a scandal blah blah blah and of course child sex abuse has involved all sorts of people – priests, TV presenters, east Europeans, teachers, shopkeepers (!) etc etc.
There was not much you could disagree with except (of course) the crucial missing bit….yes, there was reference to Pakistani men, but no, there was no reference at all to their religious teaching, their all encompassing faith that throws a comfort blanket around routine misogyny and eventual abuse of girls.
So here we go for the umpteenth time tiptoeing around the subject, and soon Tommy Robinson and others will speak out and the BBC will be among those who slap them down for daring to say what they daren’t……….
Remember that the rape clubs in Bristol were mostly Somali? Somalia, Pakistan, the common factor is islam.
One man being interviewed on the Radio 4 pm news, himself an asian who had something to do with bringing the perps to justice but I didn’t catch the name, said that the thing tying these rape cases together was that they were all MEN.
The mental squirming going on to distance these horrific events from ‘the true islam’ is frightening.
Meanwhile, in America…
Actually on the BBC website . Easton just refers to the vile rapists
reference to British Pakistani Muslim men.
Where they Irish?
Peterloo, the film, got a free plug on Jeremy Vine today. Director Mike Leigh said that he hadn’t been taught about Peterloo when he was at school and then went on to say that there had been little point in learning about the wives of Henry VIII, though an analysis from a republican view might have been interesting.
Well I was certainly taught about Peterloo when I was at school and about Henry VIII. The later might have something to do with why we became a protestant country, why Northern Ireland has ‘complications’ and perhaps why we didn’t get taken over by Napoleon’s EU.
Part of Mike Leigh’s message was that the authorities didn’t listen to the people, then or now, so you would think he would be in favour of Brexit but apparently not. He had told us that one of the reasons for Peterloo was the lack of representation, Manchester having no MPs. That sounds rather like the EU to me!
Earlier we had a piece about a BBC favourite, Anjan Choudhury. One persistent caller just about got over the message that a lot of people think that Islam is intrinsically bad but that we aren’t allowed to discuss it. Vine countered that by saying that was why there was the term ‘Islamist’, a word like ‘moderate’ and ‘Islamophobia’ that he and his kind have invented to pretend that Islam is ‘good’.
This is a distinction denied by Muslims, for whom there is but one religion and one god and we are all expected to submit.
C4 news goes all international to avoid featuring the serial rape of little white girls by third world paki peasants by spending the first 15 minutes on a chopped up Muslim journo .
Let’s face it – America didn’t go for regime change when 19 out of 20 9/11 killers were Saudi – so nothing is going to happen over this comparative ‘nothing ‘.
C4 loves wimmins issues – except when paki Muslims have been found guilty of such serious crimes .
Seems like Soros has planted that failed politician – Clegg – into Facebook – the stench of hypocracy comes through – no marching to ‘remain ‘ on Saturday for our Nick . So much for showing their true belief .
Bet the bbc is allllllllllllllllll over this…
Tommy has a video with 200K viws in 3 hours
Of course it’s like he’s the 1 UK media voice that INFORMS
vs the 999 media voices that DISINFORM us
his FB video
He says, he’s known all this for weeks cos he’s had all the court transcripts.
And claims tha reporting would have been restricted for another 12-18 months, but suddenly big media have decided to fight for the lifting of it.
.. His theory is that it is a deliberate attempt to make his trial on Tuesday a show trial , with him jailed and them giving it masses of reporting.
Incredible that it was said TR was the man who was likely to help perps escape justice.
Yet now we know it was Judge Marson’s incompetence that facilitated one perp escaping justice by fleeing to Pakistan.
Thank you for the link . It is 10 minutes well worth the watch . TR is looking and sounding much better now and I think has the energy for his day in court against the British State in its next political trial .
Prosecuting him again – who does that serve justice ? It just warns others who are brave enough to speak out that there will be consequences .
Matt Kelly likes Tortoise. Make of this what you will. Especially advertisers.
The Newsnight guest list is sorted at least.
One for Jon Sopel to cover. Or not.
“Director Mike Leigh said that he hadn’t been taught about Peterloo when he was at school” – er? what?!
According to Wiki, Leigh went to Salford Grammar School.
Jus’ down t’road.
The Thursday night political programme with Brillo has a questioning of Alistair Campbell – clearly not right in the head –
Who was challenged about the value of marches when a million turned out for a stop the war march and was ignored by his boss at the time ( Blair) but now he thinks a march of what might be a hundred thousand Saturday will have value .
Another point made was what the potential decision to stay in the ReichEU could mean and a potential increase in right wing politics similar to Hungary , Italy , Germany , France ,….. when I write “ can but hope “ those monitoring this site will move me to another column in their assessment of risk …
Fed, the effects of alcoholism may well have impacted in all sorts of ways on Alistair Campbell. Brexit & politics apart, add in the depression and I have a lot of sympathy for the bloke.
No mercy from me – he shouldn’t be given the oxygen of publicity . Never held public elected office and was Blair’s bitch .
Fed, don’t disagree with that last part. Campbell should really now stick to looking after himself and doing ‘good works’.
A friend of mine was a rescued alcoholic and had dabbled with some softish drugs – pro jobbing musician, par for the course(?) – and was still sharp of brain & wit and capable of good work after that. With his wife singing and on keyboards, they made three or four albums together. The past perhaps took its toll in other ways later.
He died at age 60. We were born in the same year.
“Brillo has a questioning of Alistair Campbell ”
Every time he’s interviewed he should be asked about David Kelly.
I learned about Peterloo and all the other social movements from the 19th Century and I was at school all the way over the other side of the Pennines. He’s either lying or suffering from Alzheimer’s.
Could be D, could be – he is old enough. He lives in Wood Green (in north London), a place for which I have a certain fondness and that is not what it once was. Maybe that has affected him, too.
We were taught about it at my school. Another Grammar. We were also taught about other acts of Empire, bad deeds and good, warts and all. Various agitators on ‘the Left’, please note.
Let us all stop funding UK terrorism!
It would seem Khalid Masood (Westminster Attack 22.03.2017 5 Innocents Killed) was on benefits which comes out of National Insurance payments by the workers of the UK. Thus, it would seem prior to these findings the workers in the UK were unknowingly funding terrorism.
But now we know terrorists operate using welfare benefits it would seem we are knowingly paying terrorists.
Can I suggest that the Government please make sure NI payments by UK workers don’t go into the hands of terrorists by removing the terrorists in the first place. Can you also calculate how much we have/are funded terrorism via welfare benefits by simply getting all known terrorists (left,right,islamic) arrested to-date and those on the watch list and check welfare payments made to them or their immediate family (under various names possibly).
Another example is where imams preaching intolerance such as Anjem Choudary (preached hate 1999-2016) to his hundreds of worshippers (5 times a day, everyday), can all imams be checked if they are on welfare benefits, paid by UK workers, and these payments be stopped immediately. It is the community that needs to fund the imams if they want religious teachings, similar to how the Church of England was funded with donations in the past.
. . . .
The father-of-four (Anjem Choudary preaching hate 1999-2016) takes home more than £25,000 a year in benefits and lives in a £320,000 house in Leytonstone
. . .
“…and don’t you worry. It’s coming to a place near you…we cannot have state subsidized preachers…give it up or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.“
I see the left are deflecting the verdict of the Huddersfield rape gang in various ways One is to draw attention to the fact that one was a Sikh, so it cannot be a Moslem job. Other will deflect with reference to white sexual abusers.
So I was saddened to see Katie Hopkins’ attack on Tommy Robinson in her Face Book profile when she drew attention to the so called Fred and Rose West rapists of Wales.
The Katie Hopkins Journal
23 hrs ·
Tommy informs me he was too busy checking his sunbeds to expose these vile creatures and it definitely had nothing to do with them being white.
Nice one Katie, stick the racist charge on to Tommy Robinson a couple of days before his trial.
@GWF em it’s obvious parody account , were you on the beers already
KT only tweets AFAIK
Stew Green
Thanks for pointing this out. It crossed my mind, but the comments had me thinking it was real. Apologies to Katie who I have long admired. Thank goodness she is still with us.
Claire Fox has just made a brilliant, passionate speech in favour of Brexit on Any Questions.
Well done, Claire, bless you!
Run. Hide. Tell. 2018 Modern Heroism.
Marky they left out “ hit the central locking “
Anna Soubry: If White British Community Learned More From Muslims Then UK Would Be A Better Country {huffingtonpost.co.uk sep2017}
. . . all in one day . . .
Huddersfield grooming: Twenty guilty of campaign of rape and abuse
Who is Anjem Choudary and why was he in prison?
Jamal Khashoggi: Saudi murder suspect had spy training
Oh Anna – never go near a keyboard after a bottle of red .. or more …
For an example of BBC propaganda, deception and deviousness then you cannot do much better than this:
Just look at the headline and then read down.
That this is on the CBBC Newsround page is a disgrace. Lord Hall should be sacked by the Government Minister responsible.
A truly horrendous read, BBC brainwashing at its very best. Let’s hope hope that the majority of the children reading it can see right through the article for what it is a full on propaganda piece.
Aye, I doubt it. It will probably be swallowed whole and will be backed up by teaching at school.
When I was a kid, my parents taught me not to automatically believe anything I was told outside of ‘the home’. I was encouraged to apply critical thinking.
Do parents still do that?
Judging by the fuss over new media after the EU Referendum in 2016, I would say not.
Allie getting a smidge carried away.
She know Jeremy Clarkson’s father in law?
\\ Major Robert Henry Cain VC TD (2 January 1909 – 2 May 1974) was a Manx recipient of the Victoria Cross, the highest award for gallantry in the face of the enemy that can be awarded to British and Commonwealth forces.//
He never talked about that after the war
It’s there now.
“The World will know that free men stood (BREXIT) against a tyrant (EU). Few stood against many. ”
Unusual article in the “Independent” which was once a newspaper – by Janet Street Porter delivering judgement on the hostility the French are showing to Blighty post brexit .
Nasty laws and non cooperation are the order of the day it seems – and she is genuinely surprised about the behaviour of the cheese eating surrender monkeys .
But we can always play their game and I’m sure boycotting French goods will hurt them more- hopefully .
And here he is again.
Diane Abbott will be jelly.
BBC plugging a new programme or even series about the international order and the breakdown , as they see it , of world consensus .
The plug starts with how 46 nations sent delegates to San Fransisco in 1945 to set up the United Nations .
The UN is a Good Thing . Anything that is contra to the UN is a Bad Thing .
So BBC why don’t you abide by the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights signed in Paris on 10 October 1948 ; General Assembly Resoltution 217A , article 12 .
Which reads
No on shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family ,home or correspondence, nor to attacks on his honour or reputation . Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks .
So why the threatograms Al Beeb ? The windows in the envelopes that say such things as This Property Is Under Investigation , Are you In on October 10 , Urgent These Premises Are Unlicensed etc .
And if you think that Far Right is a Bad Thing ( free pass to the Far Left ) can you prove that Tommy Robinson , the EDL and Football Alliance are far right ? If not that’s further contravening your sacred UN .
There is also “the right of self-determination”, Which we can use to export our enemies, whether they like it or not.
Re Electric car PR people cherry picking another MP committee , to get PR to push their subsidy sucking product
and BBC joining in with th game.
@Pcar says there is a good debunk of that BBC Tosh
\\ (The expert) said pretty much the same as I have (1, 2) in that the battery technology is nowhere near mature enough to make the switch now, and probably won’t be for at least 20 years.
He compared the power to weight ratio of Tesla’s batteries with the internal combustion engine in his company’s vehicles, as well as their respective useful lives.
He thought there will be some improvements with a move to solid-state batteries, but without some sort of hydrogen cell electric cars aren’t going to replace petrol and diesel.
He also spoke about the environmental effects of making, recycling, and disposing of batteries for the 100 million cars which are produced every year, including the mining of lithium. //
Never mind this extra copper we’ll be digging up for charger stations etc.
As I hinted when previously debating on this with you Stew, I am not quite so gloomy about electric cars.
What is clear is that there is an immediate hurdle to get over, the jump to the 200-300 mile range. Fortunately there is a Brit who is working on it and she is a woman!
Quelle surprise, horreur!
Why isn’t the BBC all over that? They should be covering it and encouraging it and subsidising it out of their, er, our (if you pay the LF), own pockets.
There was a very interesting ‘Life Scientific’ with the wonderfully and appropriately named Jim al Khalili with this lady, whose name I unfortunately forget. May possibly be available in the BBC archives.
She has already been directly involved in one major advance in battery technology. Ought to be considered for a Nobel Prize, especially in the present ‘climate’.
Friday night, so I suppose you guys are all re-watching Yasmin Alibhai-Brown appearance on Newsnight
or maybe you are listening to BBC Radio5Live where 2 womena are debating the censorship of fairy tales
Yep that’s the Quality the BBC are giving you
\\ Martin Iles
@BiasedBBCblog FRIDAY NIGHT IS LABOUR NIGHT!, Newsnight with Kirsty Wark (Labour supporter), Yasmin Alibhai-Brown (the worst ‘journalist’ on TV, and Labour supporter), then Front Row with Emma Thompson (Labour supporter) and Mary Beard (Labour supporter). //
Great. Yasmin Alibhai-Brown and the Spectator’s token leftie Katie Balls (Guardian & Independent columnist).
What kind of loser gets 1,000 replies mostly critical and only307 likes
Dellers on Yasmin’s ridiculous tweet
What a vile repulsive woman she is.
And note the false equivalence between a man who wants to destroy our country and one who wants to save it from the likes of the former.
What do Yasmin alibhai-brown and Anjem Choudary have a lot in common ?
…….They both hate ENGLAND but still choose to live here….
Stew, Anjammer is now jammed, he has no choice. I wish we could have been rid of him, sending him to his country of origin but a Court decided otherwise.
During the extensive BBC R4 coverage this week, I had the dreaded and very uncomfortable feeling that it will not be long before ‘some people’ are campaigning for his release and creating a false equivalent of UK 2018 with Nelson Mandela and 1960/70s South Africa.
@StewGreen: One of the Spectator’s several token lefties, unfortunately.
Spare 4 minutes to complete ‘The Great BBC Survey?’
Results to be published in my forthcoming book, ‘BBC: Brainwashing Britain?’
Thanks for your help.
Oh, and honesty appreciated!!!
Done. I have never taken part in a survey where so many of my answers were at the highest or lowest levels.
Do share the results when you have a decent sample size.
Done but I had to leave question 2 blank as I don’t read any of the papers.
Leave it blank?
Invent something, that is what the BBC does.
Done. Now where’s my prize?
Grytpype: “Now young Neddy, all you need to do to buy this wonderful free time-share villa on Tristan da Cunha, beaches everywhere you know, is to open your wallet, stuffed full of plastic money and say this simple phrase “Help yourself.” Thanks, awfully.”
The only tricky question was about the Grand National 🙂
I only read the Guardian so I can comment on articles, hopefully enlightening the Lefties tax of their idiocy
Another batch of Pakistani Muslim child abusers and rapists.
But I’m perplexed: the beeb have been telling me all along that it has nothing to do with race or religion, and was just an isolated incident involving ‘Three Girls’ in Rochdale. To think otherwise was racist and islamophobic.
But it now seems to have everything to do with race and religion, and to be a nationwide pandemic.
Surely the beeb haven’t been misleading me, have they? And if so, what else have they lied about?
The BBC are rapidly deprioritising the Huddersfield Muslim Rape Gang story. It has lost its priority news spot to
a) Saudi Arabia admitting to killing a journalist.
b) A Muslim victimhood story – Five African Muslims died in Birmingham when they were working in a Metal scrapyard and a wall fell on them – this was back in 2016 – and the current story is claiming the British authorities are racist and Islamophobic. Strange timing for this story.
c) A murder charge for the killing of a black man in London.
d) More than 150 bird watchers descend on a man’s home in Norwich after he spotted a rarely seen bird in his garden back on 7th October.
And the time it has taken me to type the above, the story has been further deprioritised so that it has almost disappeared from the UK news page …
Yep, the mugshot thumbnails are shrinking by the minute on Home Page. By tomorrow they’ll be a distant memory.
And the Huddersfield Muslim Rape Gang Story has been completely dropped from the BBC homepage and BBC news homepage. Time checked at 5:55 am.
Early TR video apparently from 2010
way before Andrew Norfolk reported in 2011
Audio of TR addressing the crowd
“.. raping pimping beating , abusing our girls”
“We will smash Nazis just like we smash militant Islam, we are not racists
.. black and white alike, every single community in this country can join our ranks ”
In the text TR says
“my Oxford Union speech, I hand out an article in that speech from my local paper printed in 2004. It was a front-page article. I was 21 at the time and had organised a demo against what I called the Luton Taliban. I handed out leaflets which the newspaper printed, explaining the Islamic extremism problems in our town and the Muslim gangs that were selling heroin and pimping out and trafficking girls. ”
This another interesting TR interview video from New York on September 11th 2012
The thing is it is actually on an anti-Tommy channel
They posted it cos in it he admits he was in the BNP in 2004
but he also says that he thinks the National Front and BNP are “thoses groups are just Nazis, backward n…, they fight anything that is not white
.. but we, our sole purpose to tackle Islam”
He says he is wearing an “I am a zionist badge” to show he believes in a Homeland for the Jewish people.
“My battle is for my homeland”
.’this badge is humour to Nick Griffin of the BNP cos all he keeps going on about is that I am am a zionist, so I just tweeted this pic to him’
Convinving vid that there was no violence from FLA on the last march
“Antifa had blocked the street, so people were angry that the police had screwed up, and said we’ve had enough of your lies .
The vid shows the mixed multicultural FLA crowd calmly coming up the street and the police panicking cos the antifa have totally blocked the street one block up
Sp the police first try to form a broken line one block before the antifa blockade, but the FLA crowd push through them
The police horses come through to take the space
FLA stand back from the horses
Then they are lined up about 30 yards before the antifa line sometimes red antifa smoke bombs come over. The FLA can’t get past the line of police horses.
After a while another lifestreamer back at the one block line says he’s just seen a copper lash out with a truncheon at someones head.
We see the FLA line run back to help at the one block line
The commentator says that’s it and all we see is clam FLA walking around unti the police decide they want to go to towards a black female FLA and grab the flimsy 9 foot long flag pole she has in the air ..police don’t succeed ..she seems like the group mascot and flag bearer.
Next we see a guy lift his tee shirt to reveal a wound he claims was from police
..Seems , the march never goes on.
..footage goes right to the end .
Cartoon and summary of the Jamal Khashoggi case
… a classic example of the death of one person (NY Times Saudi Journalist) is a tragedy while the death of ‘millions’ (Saudi-Arabia & Yemen) is a statistic …
Very good … it also depends on what individual gets killed. I assume this journalist was a ‘favoured person’ by the liberal-left media.
Ps you haven’t yet had one of your videos go viral? Is drawing / cartoon production a hobby of yours? Maybe you could see if a local or regional newspaper might accept your political cartoons. Start small and build. The other thing is that you could try publishing a book of these cartoons – pick out the best and maybe adapt them for print publishing.
I’m not too fussed, I work for an online financial company and this is really just a hobby, something to do on a Friday with a nice bottle of red to hand. I really just set out to improve my drawing, writing and speaking, all have which have become better in the last year or two. I do a monthly art blog (www.maestrocartoon.com) for essentially the same reasons.
As for a wider audience, I’ve been working on a game (as an excuse to improve my programming skills). Little treat for folks at Christmas!
It looks like they have mustered the necessary 48 letters to spark a Tory leadership contest. With information from the Irish that even with a no deal, the EU would not insist that the Irish government impose a hard border. So its clear that the Irish border question was being used by the civil service to get an extension, so that its people could take part in the next EU budget. Therefore traitorously throwing away the threat of a “No Deal“, and instead, rewarding the EU with an extra £17 billion for a fake problem. So Theresa May has deliberately or incompetently allowed Oily Robins to snub Brexiteers and Border Technology Experts with solutions, so as to conspire with the EU to create a fake problem that the Civil Service has been using since it created the “Chequers Deal“. So with Theresa May, the EU is now confident that there wont be any “No Deal” and therefore its intransigence has been rewarded with a payment to the EU of at least £56 billion for free trade with the EU for a few years, for 15% of our economy. Therefore preserving Britain’s trade deficit with the EU. All thanks to traitors negotiating Brexit with the EU.
Scientists would use correlations as a way to judge what is likely to happen if Britain was not a member of the EU. The results are obvious that: (1) Territories with a predominantly British ethnic population, but not in the European Union have a much higher standard of living, due to not paying billions to the EU. (2) Smaller territories have a higher standard of living than larger territories. (3) Canada paying nothing to the EU for free trade, is already a reason why Britain would have an even lower standard of living if Theresa May paid the EU £56 billion for free trade. (4) Anyone who supports the European Union must be either a traitor, ignorant, unintelligent, on the EU gravy train or a white supremacist.
So if the resistance has enough vote for a leadership challenge why hasn’t it been done yet ?
I have to confess that I’ve listened and listened to the likes of Davis , JRM , boris , bill cash , and many others but when are they actually going to do something ?
Even if they were to disable the negotiations so that there can be no agreement before A50 expires and sets the ReuchEU into a blind panic when it realises it will suffer far mor than Blighty . What is it 60 billion trade deficit … -and we can boycott EU products and do a rapid deal with America ..
55,000 people sign petition calling on London Mayor to install a statue of Stephen Lawrence in Trafalgar Square
More than 55,000 people sign petition for Stephen Lawrence statue in London
Islamophobia reporting group Tell Mama launched the online petition this week
Stephen Lawrence was murdered in a 1993 racially fuelled attack in London https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6296613/55-000-people-sign-petition-calling-London-Mayor-install-statue-Stephen-Lawrence.html
Toady watch
When al beeb gets a bee in its bonnet it don’t let go . Lawrence , Cox , Grenfell and now some Saudi journo
Others here have noted the mass rape story has gone , thought for the day was about the journo , the news leads on it .
I’ve said this before and will say it again – you can always get another journo – you can always get another politician – both types think a lot of themselves at our expense .
Saudi is about global politics – Russia has Syria because of Obama and America won’t let Saudi go to Putin as well . So it’s all Far Left BBC tedious hot air.
Meanwhile last night young white girls in towns around Britain were being groomed / raped and al beeb cares less .
Toady 2
Humph spent 20 minutes on the Saudi journo story which is of no importance to ordinary British taxpayers – just al beeb getting on its high horse .
Earlier they gave free rein to the traitor Gieve – a Tory MP elected on a manifesto where brexit was policy but obviously without honour as he is doing anything to undermine the democratic mandate by marching today .
What this issue does show is that manifestos are meaningless and promises mean nothing
On the Brillo programme the other night a Labour MP Caroline flint made the observation that if the brexit vote is undermined it will move many further to the right and that Right Wing Extremism – docile and repressed in Blighty will get a boost from the undermining of what remains of democracy here.
Yep, true to form the BBC has dropped the Huddersfield rape gang not only from its home page but also from its U.K. page.
It is now item four in the England page!
It is not featured on its TV headlines.
All this less than 24 hours after the outcome of one of the most important trials ever.
No follow-ups, no further questions asked, nil urgency, no ambition to delve into the murky, sinister religious cult that is eating away at the fabric of towns across the country.
Shame on the BBC, utterly disgraceful.
“Muckers”. Raking it in. Impartially.
Toady 3
Meeshhall the Muslim beeboid interviews a muzzie female academic about Pakistani white child rape gangs . Instant dilution of the issue by adding white male white paedophiles .
Al beeb threw in Sarah Champion – a local Labour MP – who – guess what – had a bad line to the BBC . Often happens when someone might say something the BBC does not like . A shallow and poor item 5 minutes long – you can hear that the beeboids don’t want to talk about it
So pleased I don’t pay for this ..
@Fedup2 My post detailing the Sarah Champion R4Today interview is over page at the top of page 2
Stew – yes got that thanks – I suppose Ms Champion should be grateful al Beeb wanted to talk about it at all . Too busy getting ready to roast TR on Tuesday ….
The Today programme has now done its two minute bit on the Hudderfield rapists, at 8.35am.
And it’s angle? Of course, it managed to find an apologist who stressed that most sex abuse in this country is perpetrated by white men – that Pakistani ‘grooming gangs’ are just one aspect of a broad societal problem. That’s ok then.
Absolutely no interest in the pattern of grooming, the targeting of young white girls, the mysogonist faith that treats women as meat.
What should be treated as a mighty national scandal is reduced by the BBC to a shrug of a shoulder, so what, they’re all it at it kind of story. Biased to its rotten core.
Re: the Huddersfield Pakistani Muslim Rape Gang. Mischel Hussain on Radio 4 Today at 8.35am can’t bring herself to say ‘Pakistani’ men (or that they are Muslim) but chooses to address the rapists as ‘Asian’ men. She is interviewing an ‘expert’ who says that the majority of groomers are WHITE MEN and that PAKISTANI girls are actually the majority of the victims.
I really cannot believe my ears.
Toady 4
Snowflake lord Dubbs think it’s a great idea to import child refugees into Blighty . In real life of course a lot of these children shave like men – even the men .
His ridiculous Labour naivity has ruined our country
Fortunately lord Dubbs is getting on ….
I bet if you suggested to Dubbs that UK should take in white surviving refugees from the murdered (and frequently tortured) families of South African farmers, his ‘compassion’ would suddenly evaporate.
Of course, I’d be more than pleased to be proven wrong. But it would be interesting to see. Make him watch Lauren Southern’s ‘Farmlands’ first. Those potential refugees get virtually no publicity by the beeb or the MSM, or Toady, where the Dubbs thing was well received, while the people beeb has in mind get smothered in coverage almost non-stop.
I suspect if you close your eyes you will see exactly the people Dubbs, beeb, Toady have in mind. Think of the Blair millions (not the money). Meanwhile, white farmers and their families are under constant threat of brutal attack. So, for that matter, their non-white employees. But somehow they probably don’t qualify as virtue-signalling material.
The new Home Sec has decided to tar a whole continent in his tweet on the matter.
The Examiner Live article says he converted to Sikhism in 2013.
So the perps were ALL born ethnic Muslims,
…. but one CONVERTED to Sikhism and changed his name AFTER the abuse came to light.
Sikh discussion page On Facebook
“Amere is a Muslim name and Dhaliwal could be a Pakistani surname too”
If Amere was a Sikh name , you’d expect to find lots of “Amere Singh”s
but Twitter search never shows one until March 2017 when this one was named in the court case
\\Amere A variant for Amir which has different derivations.
in Arabic it means “Prince” //
People calling out Dominic Casciani @BBCDomC
Dominic replies to KTHopkins
that relentlessly thinking of groom/rape gang victims is being a “stuck record”
So 99% of paedophile gang rapists across the land are muslim, and one is a Sikh mate of theirs?
Well I’m so sorry, I take it all back.
Interesting trying to find out about this beeboid – studies languages at university , married lives in London , got two kids and likes cycling in France …. there must be something more for an apologist for Muslim paedophile racist gangs …
Dominic Casciani seems to push the angry Hatey No Hopers AGENDA
Dominic says his obsession with TR is cos he has been reporting on him for 9 years
Yes his early report shows that tommy founded the EDL cos he didn’t want to be in a group which was racist or supremacist
\\ joining Tommy is an older man called Alan, from London. Later, a young man from Luton turns up with a *mixed-race* teenager from north London, who Tommy says is the head of the “youth wing”.
“There are town centres now that are plagued by Islamic extremists,” he says. “There are women who don’t want to go shopping because there are 20 men in long Islamic dress shouting anti-British stuff and calling for a jihad and stirring up religious and racial hatred. Those are our town centres, and we want them back.
“We want them back, not from the Muslims, but from the jihadist extremists that are operating in the Muslim communities. And the Muslim communities need to deal with their extremists…”//
Took me a while to catch on – have too many distractions – but the BBC made it plain yesterday that their interest in Jamal Khashoggi was only as far as they could attack the Conservative Government in the UK and President Trump’s Administration in the USA.
After The Humph tripped over Khashoggi’s family name this morning (bit strange that, experienced Presenter and old enough to have used Adnan Khashoggi’s name in news broadcasts in the past) he interviewed a gentleman from Turkey.
Quietly spoken, he was allowed to speak without much interruption (very pleasant for a change) prompted by the occasional question. He brought some light to the situation and finished by saying, in effect, more evidence, clear evidence is needed.
A certain froideur entered the studio at that point. Evidence?
The BBC doesn’t like evidence.
One other thing has struck me over this whole affair: the quality of espionage and spying is not what it used to be when I was young.
Same with that lady in America who said she got fondled. Not the porn star. They still like her.
Meanwhile, No.10 has hung up a red light.
Seems apt.
“BIG BROTHER” I know you are head of the Diversity and Positive
Discrimination dept of the BBC. BUT we just have to mention the
rape case in our TV and Internet news coverage ,even if it’s just for
a few hours. We can go back to Grenfell again from tomorrow.”
“OK, but just this once. Two conditions firstly I want a picture of
the Sikh being the main perpetrator. And tell Easton when
he writes his analysis on MY website that he writes this, refering
to the rape grooming gangs. THEY OFTEN COME FROM IMMIGRANT COMMUNITIES. On no account is Easton to write
that at least 90% are from Pakistani Muslim heritage.
And by tomorrow I want this all off the front page and to
completely disappear by Sunday. And remember by Tuesday
we are to go full tilt on ROBINSON who anyway is responsible
for all of this !!!”
Dear old Mishal is not the sharpest chisel in the tool rack. She interviewed a new National Trust President and used the expression ‘nature is under threat’.
Unfortunately, in a previous item Mishal had done on the UK’s most numerous (not commonest as Mishal said – there is a difference*) bird, she had a contributor observe how the wren population is extremely fragile but always recovers.
(*https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/35935561 – based on observation, hence commonest, but be aware it is two years old, from 2016)