426 Responses to Midweek Thread 7 July 2021

  1. StewGreen says:

    4:30pm R4 science show
    ‘here we have these students in Iran or Korea that have invented these magic inventions that billion dollar corps haven’t’

    That very much sounds like PR world not real world.


  2. taffman says:

    “Builder caught on CCTV jailed for Hatton Garden murder”
    How many foreign criminals are housed in our jails ?


    • StewGreen says:

      No reports seem to feature the Albanian’s face
      ..they all feature the white victim’s face.
      ..they all seem to be cutNpasted from the Met Police page.


  3. theisland says:

    Dinghy invaders and the complicit government(s).

    Seem @pritipatel @BorisJohnson have been busy with a massive upgrade at the docks in Dover, huge circus tent has been erected and satellite TV been installed
    This is in addition to the new fences that went up weeks ago.

    Steve Laws reports opaque blue fencing has gone up all around Napier Barracks so nobody can see what’s going on.
    Apparently the Home Office are going to continue to use it – again with upgrades and lots of free stuff for the invaders.

    There is no excuse.

    We know why the bBC will not report this accurately (if at all).
    What is GBNews’ excuse?


    • taffman says:

      We have been invaded without the consent of the People of Great Britain.
      Speak or write to your MP about it. It is a huge security risk.


      • Charlie Farley says:

        Totally agree with you…But have given up contacting my Tory MP , just get the standard reply ” Thank you for your email blah blah blah blah blah ! ” won’t be getting my vote ever again almost as useful as the BBC


        • taffman says:

          Charlie Farley
          Unfortunately my MP isn’t a Tory. But with the present lot in power it would not make any difference because we have a liberal PM disguised as a Conservative .


  4. StewGreen says:

    BBC local news … emotional blackmail item
    ..”Man who almost died of Covid from Feb to April
    … says wear your mask”
    …as ever they never mention where he probably caught it.

    Final words ..which I bet were prearranged
    ..”Yes them NHS workers all deserve a big pay rise
    .. they put their lives on the line”
    … (actually most don’t)


    • StewGreen says:

      Last week the prog reported the first new death in our TV region for 2 months.


    • JohnC says:

      And of course that man has no clue whatsoever whether wearing a mask would have stopped him getting it.


  5. StewGreen says:

    Tonight’s TV
    9pm SkyOne Omesh & Rob Beckett vs British Olympic team

    9pm ITV Princess Diana

    9pm BBC2 RHS Garden Show at Hampton Court


    • StewGreen says:

      9pm SkyOne Romesh & Rob Beckett vs British Olympic team

      8pm BBC1 doco about 2008 transformed British Olympic team


  6. StewGreen says:

    ITV local news
    almost all 10 items were about people watching the England football team.


  7. Fedup2 says:

    The bbc / C4 went for the race issue with coloured players in England shirts – c4 even pointed out the ‘shame ‘ of the 1966 World Cup team all being white . C4 racism .

    Also – the MSM doesn’t seem to understand that the Euros is not the World Cup ….


    • Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi says:

      Typical C4: pathetic, illogical, Lefty drivel. Britain was > 99% White in 1948, when the Windrush people arrived. Their Black children, who would have been born here in say 1949-50, would have been 16 or so when the World Cup came around, so hardly likely to make a squad full of established professionals such as Bobby Charlton and Bobby Moore.


      • Fedup2 says:

        It’s well known that coloured boys are ‘good at games ‘ hence the gravitation toward footy . Muslims and Jews – not so many . BBC doesn’t really ask that question .

        The BBC news tonight did a thing about Brent / wemberley – and how coloured people have bought into footy because of their boy -,raheem .

        If only they’d just let things be and go colour colour colour . How many coloured footballers scored in the Engerland v Denmark game ? Answer – none .

        Does that matter ? No – it’s a team .


      • maxincony says:

        Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi,

        Typical C4: pathetic, illogical, Lefty drivel.

        Ok, here we go as usual on BiasedBBC. One poster makes something up; the next reacts with outrage, salivating like Pavlov’s Dog.

        C4 News had a segment on how the country was different in 1966. It featured the London Smog, Beatlemainia, Harold Wilson smoking a pipe, (jumpers for goalposts etc) and everyone in the winning team was white…

        There was no ’shame’ “pointed out”, or implied; either directly or indirectly. Just a matter of fact.

        But I do apologise for spoiling your indignation.


        • taffman says:

          maxincony you are on the wrong site .
          Trolling on this site “you are like a one legged man in an @rse kicking contest”.
          You do Al Beeb a dis-service.


        • Square-Eyed says:

          Hello, Max. Always good to hear an alternative view.

          Tell us, what are your memories of 1966? Were we up to our armpits in cliches? Not your fault if you weren’t around then.

          I remember 1966. There were differences in life then, some of them significant. Mind you, I’m not saying they were better or worse, just different. England football supporters tended to wave Union flags then rather than the St George’s Cross, for example. Make of that what you will.

          It would be interesting, Max, to hear what you do believe in, rather than just the sniping at us lesser mortals with narrower perspectives.


          • maxincony says:


            Hello, Max. Always good to hear an alternative view.

            Hello, Square-Eyed. I’ve not given an alternative view. I’ve stated factually what was reported on C4 News.

            Neither am I sniping. Just pointing out that when Fedup2 put ’shame’ in Parenthesis he wasn’t actually quoting Channel 4; just his own imagination.

            But it’s pretty obvious that anyone who isn’t a member of the cult isn’t welcome here.

            It’s also pretty obvious to any non-cult member why not.


        • JohnC says:

          If Channel-4 point out something is ‘all white’ they are implying racism.
          If you don’t appreciate that by now, you are stupid. Or a complete hypocrite.
          Take your pick.


          • maxincony says:


            If Channel-4 point out something is ‘all white’ they are implying racism.

            Any evidence to back up that claim, other than; “you are stupid”?


            • JohnC says:

              Same answer applies maxi.
              Are you oblivious to the reputation of Channel-4 ?. It’s like the BBC without so many shackles.
              Are you even English ?.
              edit: Put ‘channel-4 bias’ into google then scroll through a few pages.
              Might help with your ignorance.


              • maxincony says:


                Are you oblivious to the reputation of Channel-4 ?

                I wasn’t asking about it’s ‘reputation’ or whether or not it’s ‘biased’. I was asking for evidence that; “If Channel-4 point out something is ‘all white’ they are implying racism”.

                I’m still waiting…


        • StewGreen says:

          Were there any smog pea soupers in London in 1966 ?
          I thought that had finished a few years before that.


          • JohnC says:

            Last one was in 1962 apparently.
            All fits in with the C4 narrative : what dirty racists we were. Truth is optional, just like Panorama.


          • maxincony says:


            Were there any smog pea soupers in London in 1966 ?

            It didn’t say anything about “pea soupers”. It mentioned there was much more air pollution which used to be referred to as “smog”.


  8. theisland says:


  9. Thoughtful says:

    New poling shows a majority of Americans (57%) believe that President Biden in not in control of the country and is unable to fulfil the requirements of his office.

    What is perhaps more shocking of the dim witted Americans is that 51.7% of them actually support him still. That means 8.7% support a President that they believe is not capable of running his office !

    There is also a poll which shows the majority of Americans support Donald Trumps action against Big Tech, and an interesting comment:

    If you are supportive of Big Tech being able to cancel peoples accounts because it doesn’t like what they are saying or who they are saying it to, would you then also support the phone company being able to cancel someones phone line or mobile accounts for the same reason?

    The idea is of course unthinkable and is a valuable question to ask those on the Left including tha far Left Tories who are planning to give Big Tech even more power to censor speech.

    China is rattling sabres over Taiwan and Iran has announced it has enriched even more uranium in its quest to gain at least one nuclear weapon.
    This is not the time for a weak and feeble leader like Biden.

    Not that the BBC or MSM is going to be reporting it in this way.


    • Fedup2 says:


      There really is a serious ignorance of the state of the false president . It will be a hell of a thing when he has to surface and face examination – even if the MSM won’t want to do it –

      Obviously I’m thinking of a grave incident involving loss of life or similar

      Do you wonder what the Russians and the Chinese think of it ? Do they know who is actually calling the shots ? They must both still be happy that The True President was deposed in a coup disguised as an election .


  10. Fedup2 says:

    The sight of politicians of all types chasing to attach themselves to England Football – turn up at Wemberley – have to spend nearly 2 hours pretending to watch and understand the fellas kicking the ball about (‘it’s not as good as it is on TV is it ?)


    • BRISSLES says:

      Every year I get hacked off at all the publicity shots of the wealthy and celebrities alike who get to sit in the Royal Box at Wimbledon. Funny how the Left never seem to comment about this type of ‘privilege’ , and the same goes for football. Always the same shower who never struggle to get a ticket.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Brissles – the future Queen – Katherine – the – Great – patron of the All England ( not Scotland ) tennis club -was pictured in the seats not wearing a mask – but the kids acting as escorts had to wear a regulation mask .

        The following day she has to ‘isolate ‘ because of some App thing firing off … unusual for the Palace to put her in a negative …
        Personally I care less but the spin is the thing .


  11. StewGreen says:

    UK politicians are on record as telling us by 2021 we will have driverless cars.
    Now they insist there is a big crisis and we need 90,000 new truck drivers
    Surely in their world self-driving trucks will be available next week ?


  12. digg says:

    I just watched Channel 4 interview a young American Climate Warrior who was saying that the Government, Big, tech and Social Media should treat US gas Companies like enemies and not give them any support or air time.

    As they are regarded as targets now by these people, i f I were running the fuel Companies I would just close down tomorrow.

    Let them freeze and halt all travel, cars , home heating, electricity supplies etc.

    See how long that would last!


  13. StewGreen says:

    Today’s R4 Film prog

    Tomorrow’s R4 Obituary prog


  14. StewGreen says:

    Oh :
    How the BBC let climate deniers walk all over it
    by George Monbiot
    The fossil-fuel multinationals fund ‘thinktanks’ and ‘research institutes’.
    But it’s gullible public service broadcasters that give them credibility”

    Published 12 hour ago, but already
    ” This discussion is now closed for comments but you can still sign in or create your Guardian account to join the discussion next time”



  15. StewGreen says:

    Did Biden’s earpiece controller stop working ?


    • Fedup2 says:

      His decline is speeding up. Very sad .


      • taffman says:

        Great Britain’s security relies on this president.
        Its very troubling . Very troubling.
        Of course his recent behaviour is not covered by Al Beeb. But this clip from a video is . Some would say it was edited .
        What do you think?…………………


        • JohnC says:

          ‘… saying that the Taliban force of approximately 75,000 fighters is no match for the 300,000 Afghan security forces.’
          The poor guy is simply unfit to be President. The first things the Afghan soldiers will be doing is selling all their free guns on the blackmarket. No guesses for who will be buying them.
          Now we will see the usual aftermath in Afghanistan. Thousands of collaborators will be immediately murdered. Entire regions will soon be under complete Taliban control and all those people we pretended to be helping will be left to fend for themselves. The Taliban will hate them for not resisting us.
          There’s no point going into a war to fight with your hands tied behind your back. Either go in with a level playing field or don’t go in at all. The Russians showed us how to defeat ISIS. It was bloody and dirty but they are gone.
          But what REALLY makes my blood boil about this is that the MSM – and especially the BBC – will only report what happens if it suits their political agenda. We will learn of 15 year old boys having to be the man of the house and girls who want to be doctors but can’t go to school. But we won’t be told about those victimising them because it shows us what Islam really is.
          Meanwhile countless numbers are going to be murdered and people will live in fear every day. It will be like life under Nazi occupation. And the BBC will ignore it.
          And of course next time we decide to go in, none of the locals will trust us. And I don’t blame them.


          • taffman says:

            Some Taliban will seek revenge and get in here by the back door to terrorise us with bombs etc . All because of the totally useless Border Farce and Home Office.


            • JohnC says:

              Yup : we will let them in because of a picture of a young boy who drowned trying to get here.
              What a shame they didn;t show us pictures of what those young people looked like after the Manchester bomb. Might give the woke some perspective.


          • digg says:

            Nail on the head JohnC.


    • JimS says:


      Five day old story from the USA. Nothing to do with the BBC.


      • vlad says:

        Its relevance to the BBC is that they won’t show such footage of Biden’s decline and continue to pretend he’s compos mentis.


        • JohnC says:

          Yup – an excellent example of the bias and dishonesty of the BBC. We should be thankful – it shows it clear as day.
          Contrast it with the headlines when Trump was nervous walking down a ramp.


    • vlad says:

      Stew: …Or did his brain stop working?
      Putin must be laughing;
      he is constantly probing the West and in Biden’s case he finds only mush. Which is why he ordered a massive cyber attack days after pathetic Biden warned him not to.

      And be sure Iran and China are watching closely.
      Confucius he say: strike when your opponent is a senile old git who doesn’t know what day it is.


  16. Thoughtful says:

    Just for fun laughs and nostalgia !



    • Beltane says:

      One disappointed spectator said, after the 0-0 draw:

      ‘It was all a bit of a cock up, to be honest.’


  17. taffman says:

    “Neptune seems to have made an appearance on the East Sussex coast during a storm.”
    Is this really front page news ?
    Anyone with a camera can take shots like that. Many have done before, its merely promoting one of their own photographers. A mutual appreciation society .
    With photographers like, why that does Al Beeb use so many ‘Getty Images’ ?


    • taffman says:

      With photographers like that, why does Al Beeb use so many ‘Getty Images’ ?


      • JohnC says:

        Read the Getty mission statement. Here’s a clue : they capitalise Black wherever they use it.
        The BBC are spreading the funds to like-minded causes, just like they do with The Guardian.
        I wouldn’t mind but often the picture is so agenda-driven, it doesn’t represent the story at all. Like schoolchildren from another country.


  18. taffman says:

    Watch out watch out maxincony is about.
    maxincony, have and your team you seen this before?……………………………..



    • JohnC says:

      Of course he has but he doesn’t care.
      You have made the mistake of thinking these people have decency and ethics. They are utter hypocrites who say whatever suits them at the time.
      You couldn’t be a low-grade forum troll if you cared about right and wrong.


  19. StewGreen says:

    ABC is just like BBC


  20. StewGreen says:

    Is this a £1m bribe to get ad agencies to make blacki-fied adverts ?



  21. JohnC says:

    Photographer’s shopping centre exhibition shows the authentic face of black Britain
    ‘A highlight of the city’s international arts festival, it’s an attempt to counter the inadequate representation of the black community’
    Meanwhile the BBC UK page main headline about quarantine a has a prominent picture of a black woman waiting at airport check-in.
    3% of the population.
    What a complete f**king joke these people are. Do you have no shame at all about being one of them maxi ?.


    • StewGreen says:

      @JohnC interesting the story “Holiday bookings surge after quarantine relaxation”
      is NOW illustrated by an image of white people.
      And just a bit further down the list is now another photo of a black girl : An American spelling bee champion.

      Do they have a rule that every news page MUST feature a pic of a black person. near the top ?


      • JohnC says:

        White man bad.
        Woman good.
        Black man good.
        Muslim good.
        Orange man bad.

        It’s pathetic. They are like children.


  22. digg says:

    Who would have guessed?

    NHS Covid-19 app sensitivity to be reviewed


    I suspect that they know they have been rumbled and are moving quickly to shift the blame to the software.

    This is software that has happily bumbled along for quite some time, so the question should be why it decided to go berserk the week following the announcement of a looming end to lockdown by Boris.

    An internal NHS IT review doesn’t cut it, it needs to be established by an independent third party exactly how and why this happened. It could after all have major implications on the well-being of the Public.

    Software log audits with date times etc. should reveal any tinkering and if so and assuming a rigorous audit process was in place which it should be at this level, reveal any changes and exactly when and possibly by whom.

    If these audits are not in place, it reveals a shocking lapse of security practises.


  23. Guest Who says:

    BBC #wefiles


    • BRISSLES says:

      What IS IT that these diversity idiots don’t get ???

      It isn’t lack of diversity in rural areas that’s the problem, its the fact that those of colour prefer to inhabit and be entertained in the inner cities !!!

      I’m only surprised that the BBC’s own programme “Escape to the Country” haven’t recruited bogus BAME’s to participate, just to even the balance up, because the number of non white couples who actually take part can be counted on one hand in the years the programme has aired. That should tell those barnpots something !!! Even using BAME hosts hasn’t helped.

      I’m rural which is only a spit from well populated towns, where there are large communities of non-whites, but they are NEVER seen venturing out of their confines to take a walk or bringing their kids to the park. Maxi won’t like this, but the reality is we DO see cars parked up in secluded spots to do a spot of dealing – and they ain’t white !


  24. Guest Who says:

    BBC Moaning Emole

    Biden defends Afghanistan withdrawal

    US President Joe Biden has defended his decision to withdraw forces from Afghanistan. American personnel pulled out of Bagram airbase a week ago, with their former Taliban militant opponents making advances around the country, and will complete their withdrawal by 31 August. Mr Biden denies a Taliban takeover is inevitable, pointing out Afghan security forces outnumber the 75,000 militants by four to one. “Just one more year of fighting in Afghanistan is not a solution but a recipe for fighting there indefinitely,” the president argues. Our correspondent, Lyse Doucet, says the president made clear there’s “not much the US could do, or should do, if Kabul collapses”.

    As the last Nato troops pull out, the mother of a British soldier killed in Afghanistan asks what the sacrifice was for

    Other aspects of what Sleepy ‘made clear’ have been carefully steered clear of by the national Democrats propaganda service.


    • Guest Who says:


      Bookings surge after travel rules relaxed

      It’s been a matter of hours since the government announced fully vaccinated travellers returning from amber-list countries would not have to self-isolate after 19 July. But there’s already been a surge in demand for flights and holidays, with budget airline EasyJet saying bookings to those destinations have increased by 400%. And while travel agents’ association Abta says prices “may well increase as more people book”, the Independent’s travel correspondent Simon Calder believes some fares would get cheaper as airlines and holiday companies add capacity – a view backed by the Which? consumer publication.

      Shaz and Marcus Jr. prepping for their anguished citizen journalism trapped somewhere sunny in a few months as we speak.


      • Fedup2 says:

        Declaration – I’m personally affected by the travel rules . I’m lucky – my job involves sitting at a screen so I can do it anywhere . I’m out of the UK waiting for conditions to improve
        Such as not paying punitive fees for tests when I get back . Checking the boots site – the new changes will reduce test fees by 60% – and I might get away with a preflight test where I am £55 and a cheapo day 2 one when I get back £50? Or maybe cheaper .

        I’m in a place with better conditions than London yet I will be treated as suspect when I return to a non Heathrow airport .

        Nut nut got it wrong with India – for woke and political reasons – the reprisal is now to punish everyone – including those returning from ‘clean ‘ countries .

        Stand by for stories of families suffering because of the rip off cost of tests to come back to the UK – stranded – missed flights – no hotel – no money – please crowdfund -……


  25. Guest Who says:

    Like an RT list for Americast by BS and American Beauty.


    • Fedup2 says:

      Guest who – a bit of background please ?


      • Fedup2 says:

        Tell you what – I will do the background for you –

        BBC cut paste

        Disgraced US lawyer Michael Avenatti has been sentenced to 30 months in prison for attempting to extort up to $25m (£17.4m) from Nike.
        Avenatti, 50, who represented adult film star Stormy Daniels in a lawsuit against President Donald Trump, was found guilty last year.
        He shot to fame while representing Ms Daniels, at one point suggesting he might run for president.
        On Thursday, a New York judge said Avenatti had become “drunk” on power.
        Federal prosecutors alleged Avenatti met a lawyer for Nike in March 2019 and threatened to release damaging information about the company unless it paid him between $15m and $25m.
        At the time, Avenatti was representing a client who ran a youth basketball league in Los Angeles. Court papers said Avenatti had threatened to say that Nike had made illicit payments to young players in the city.
        The jury heard he had been at least $11m in debt.
        Appearing for his sentencing in a Manhattan courtroom on Thursday, Avenatti told Judge Paul Gardephe he had “lost his way”, betraying his values, friends, family and the legal profession.
        “There is no doubt that I deserve to pay, have paid, and will pay a further price for what I have done,” he said, fighting back tears.ENDS


      • Guest Who says:


        I just figured most not using the BBC for news here would be aware.

        Meanwhile, guessing Sweeney! was not one of those calling for this to the bbc hotline?


    • Old Goat says:

      The well-known creepy porn lawyer…


      • Guest Who says:

        Worth asking renowned US political fact checker Springster how many ways and times the MSM has facilitated ways to ‘get’ Trump and come up blank, or… blown back big time oddly never mentioned?

        Spoiler: you do need to be on her ‘nice’ list and not on ‘Wendy’s’ naught, mostly transparent list.


    • StewGreen says:

      So Michael Avenatti the lawyer the media really really trusted when he represented pornstar Stormy Daniels as they did their smear campaign against Trump
      … has now been found guilty of a large fraud against Nike.


  26. Guest Who says:

    BBC News via #bbcquotes

    “They sold it to me, it’s mine… I can take it apart and fix it if I want. If I want to throw it in the river, if I want to paint it pink, I can do that.”


    The choice of colour is inevitable. Irrelevant, and hardly a new opportunity, but inevitable.

    The throwing into the river bit, though…


  27. Fedup2 says:

    Early morning rant ( so look away now )

    Why do we ( I ) listen to the BBC – particularly Toady – it is one social problem after another – which always ends with a mouth wanting more ‘support ‘ – which google translates into taxpayer money .
    Relentless – never a contrary view like mine – personal responsibility – breaking dependency on The State – reducing the Government .
    Today – why is UK having more deaths of young people than – whatever – then stories of some thicko who started smoking at 14 – and no one said ‘don’t smoke ‘ – so blame someone .
    If you are thick enough to suck smoke into your lungs and don’t expect bad thinks to happen – tough ?

    But the BBC never judges or blames – people who do the wrong thing . It’s a liberal sickness …


    • Scroblene says:

      Spot on, Fed!

      Lefties just love ‘victims’, they’re the life-blood of their wish to steal from the people who actually create wealth, and dole it out to the feral, feckless, lazy wasters.

      Because the BBC falls well below the normal standards of proper journalism, at least two of these adjectives apply, so the bar is lowered even more.

      Comic strip stuff, but less funny.


    • JohnC says:

      I’ve decided it’s all about feeding their sense of moral superiority. Nothing else. They don’t actually care one bit about anyone but themselves.


    • Up2snuff says:

      Fed, you’ve stolen my thunder there! I only covered the first 40 minutes of TOADY before hitting the off-switch and heading off to start on the jobs of the day so I missed the latest whingeathon on behalf of a victim. Like London buses, there will be another few along in a while.


  28. Up2snuff says:

    BBC WEB-SITE Watch #1 – only on the web-site but not in the sport on RadioFlaw

    On the web-site is that funny photo of a non-laser spot on Kasper Schmeichel’s face from the footie semi at Wembley on Wednesday. Rob and Gary, the famous Sport twins are either on hols or having a day-off (the BBC do like their days off but sports journos have to work weekends) and motor racing stand-in, Jonathan Legard, doesn’t mention ‘the laser incident’.

    Nor do the newspapers on their front pages. Nor do Rick Nobinson and Simon Jack who as Beeboids are now forced to shine a spotlight on England and the English footie team.

    Is it Brexit related?

    I am surprised that the BBC have not asked that question.


  29. StewGreen says:

    “BBC-induced Climate Disinformation”
    isn’t that what we get in every BBC new programme from Harra ?
    … as the BBC step up their relentless Climate Alarmism campaign ahead of COP26
    so that the public hear
    Harra shout “human-induced Climate Change” dozens and dozens of times, day in day out.


  30. Guest Who says:

    BBC cleared the Toenails, Laura, BS schedules….?


  31. AsISeeIt says:

    The World to Come with the Guardian’s reverse cowgirls

    Economics can appear a little off putting since we often see a tendency for people to deliberately jargonise and to seek to complicate matters.

    And so it is this morning, as we read in the Times that the government have reaslised that their plans to further subsidise green energy production will make our consumer gas bills so high that they will have to subsidise them for us:

    Payouts for families to offset green energy bills‘ – which would solve the problem that is in anycase of the government’s own making – if you’re one of those people who believe government money is fashioned out of whole cloth. (That’s a traditional saying and I’m keen to move away from over-worked idioms such as that famous magic money tree that has so taken root that its meaning has wilted)

    When we read a female byline in the papers we tend to find she is invariably anxious about something: ‘Judith Woods writes features for The Daily Telegraph‘ – so what’s up this morning, luv?

    How do I tell my Covid-cautious husband that I deleted the Test and Trace app? ‘ – Touché, it seems it is the bloke who has gone all anxious in this story. And to think the male chauvinist in me was about to tell our Judith to man up, luv!

    I’m pleased to report she goes on to deliver a sound conservative message: ‘We may not always agree but people should be trusted to make a choice that is right for them – without being infantilised by the Government‘ – Bravo!

    The Guardian brings us something of a new departure in cinema: ‘New Frontier. The making of a lesbian western

    For some reason I’m reminded of an old rock and roll gag cracked by Bob Mortimer and Vic Reeves: “I like guns… and I like roses… but I don’t like Guns N’ Roses

    I don’t know what sort of westerns the Guardian has been watching but in the traditional scenario the male hero tends not to get the girl anyway, strictly speaking the genre instead demands at the finale he rides off into the sunset.

    Indie Wire informs us: ‘Mona Fastvold’s queer period romance “The World to Come” finally arrives following major acclaim at the Venice Film Festival.‘ – I have to admit the humourously suggestive title of this movie has me thinking this has to be a spoof.

    But no, the Guardianistas ain’t no jokers and they are decidedly straight-faced about this gay movie: ‘The World to Come is a ravishingly beautiful love story set in 1850s America, with painterly visuals that nod to the work of Winslow Homer and John Singer Sargent. I could stare at its dense forest landscapes all day, which is essentially what the film’s characters do

    Katherine Waterston gives a moving central performance as Abigail, the farmer’s wife reeling from the death of her infant daughter and increasingly estranged from her husband, Dyer (Casey Affleck, underplaying to good effect). Life is drudgery, the winters are harsh and the closest she draws to Dyer is when he catches a chill and requires an enema made from molasses and lard

    Perhaps here we ought to count our blessings in terms of modern medical treatments. If that’s the rednecked backwoods anti-vax prescription then you can jab me like crazy, Boris. One in each arm, a booster in the autumn… whatever you say, I’ll take it like a man.

    In that old movie saying – let’s cut to the chase: ‘It is Abigail and Tallie’s fate to be, in effect, chattels in a nation claimed and carved out by men. The most they can hope for is a few stolen hours amid their daily chores. They make their own small America in the woods, out of sight, and then trudge back to their farms when the cows need milking.

    I think we’d best head this one off at the pass.

    Bring back John Wayne


    • Guest Who says:

      Last one I saw the oddly easy to see squeeze turned out to be a fireproof alien who blew up near Virgin Galactic’s billionaire apogee ambition.


  32. Guest Who says:

    Wonder what a fact check on BBC Savile and McAlpine style activities ‘cost’?


  33. Sluff says:

    Divide and rule.
    Divide and repress.
    Divide and subvert.
    The normal currency of BBC news.

    On Toady we hear that half a million- that’s a lot – very vulnerable people fear freedom day on July 19th. Cue BBC wailing.
    OK – the individuals in question need to be considered.
    But half a million out of a population of 65 million is a small proportion – well under 1%.

    So my question to the BBC is….what about the rights of the other 99%? Do we not deserve consideration as well?
    Admittedly some of us are straight whiteys, but that still leaves a lot of their favoured BAME and LGBTQxyz ‘communities’ to consider…..


  34. StewGreen says:

    The “We’ll convert Your Children” song from the gay choir

    Breitbart has a link to a working video
    There was a Bitchute copy, but that has already been banned


    • StewGreen says:

      Ah LotusEaters have done a 24 minute takedown
      .. it’s a small wacky group
      who previously did a theatre production seemingly glorifying “boy play” ..sexual enslavement of young boys.
      …. https://youtu.be/gP6qiqCIeMY


  35. Up2snuff says:

    TOADY Watch #1 – the BBC like rules, do the BBC. I wonder why?

    Is it ‘cos that’s how you impoverish everyone who watches ‘live’ telly in the UK, BBC, and make yourselves rich? Rules: you must pay us money or no ‘live’ TV and definitely no BBC catch-up on iPlayer. Labour like rules, the BBC like rules. The BBC don’t like personal responsibility. They want rules. The Labour Party don’t like personal responsibility. They want rules.

    And thus it was with Rick Nobinson in his prime interview slot with Grant Shapps MP, Secretary of State for Transport. Masks and rules about masks even though they do not work in Tokyo. Test and Trace and rules about the App and pinging for quarantine. Rick Nobinson wanted rules, not responsibilities. “What’s to stop someone deleting the Test & Trace app from their mobile phone?” asked Nick, also “What’s to stop someone ignoring the instruction to quarantine?” There you have it, Nick. Time for you to grow up a bit.

    The BBC’s ‘Pinging for Quarantine’ might become more famous than Moore’s ‘Bowling for Columbine’. Or not.


  36. Emmanuel Goldstein says:

    On the previous page there are some comments about the state pension.

    In the DE today they are still saying there’s an 8% increase coming.
    They use the higher pension of around £180 p/w as their example but fail to mention the older second class pension which I believe is around £127 p/w.

    To get the new pension you need to be at retirement age from April 2016
    My guess is that maybe 80% + pensioners are on the old lower second class pension and the DE are using the new high pension to somehow have a go at pensioners even though only a small percentage are on the higher pension.

    How can it be right that there’s a two tier pension with some getting almost 50% more than others if they were born after 1951 (or 1953 for wimmin)
    It should be the same payments for all pensioners and not a lower one for those over 69.


    • Fedup2 says:

      It’s not right . But if the Treasury can fix the pension system it will . I’m of the ‘don’t pay in don’t get ‘ school but I’m very unfashionable . …


    • jazznick1 says:

      Hi EG,

      I entered the pension system at the crossover between the 2 pension types. As a consequence communications were sent to me showing what my ‘fund’ would have delivered under both the old and new systems.
      I would have had the old Full pension plus around £70 pw SERPS.
      Under the new Full pension I would get a pension around £30 bigger but lose around £30 of my SERPS to pay for it.

      No actual difference at the time but as subsequent ‘lock type’ increases are applied to the MAIN pension (but not the SERPS which stays tied to the CPI) the MAIN pension of ‘new’ pensioners will tend to increase more quickly.
      (e.g. £30 still in SERPS would go up about 0.7% pa but moved to the MAIN pension it increases by say 2.5% p.a)

      Had I been due for ,say, £10 SERPS only pw the pension would have been increased by the government by a further £20 to reach the new pension level.

      That difference you claim came out of the newly retired’s SERPS, Grad Pension or 2SP pot and re-applied to the new pension amount – it wasn’t an EXTRA unless you had little or no SERPS where the government made-up the difference of a max of around £30 per week.


      • Emmanuel Goldstein says:

        Thanks Jazz.

        All I have to go by is a letter I received shortly before my 65th saying I was entitled to a full pension.

        I had worked since 15 and never was unemployed. I was paying NI for 50 years without a break. Now it’s 35 years to get a bigger payment.

        I don’t know anything about serps and stuff but I think the 2 basic pensions are about £127 and £180 which is unreasonable.

        Someone retiring in March 2016 would get about £50 per week less than someone retiring in April 2016.

        Everyone should get the same basic pension and have to pay for the same number of years.
        I don’t know why pensioners over 69 years don’t make more noise about this inequality.


  37. Fedup2 says:

    I heard that out of personal interest . No wonder government politicians avoid Today as much as possible .

    Robinson – who is a c word – no better description – goes off about the ping app and tries to get shapps to float some compulsion – with criminal consequences for deletion – and then Robinson can spout about a ‘draconian ‘ government .

    Any one must see that HMG has a real problem balancing unlocking with increasing serious infections in the gap before the flu season ….
    But c word Robinson – just playing Westminster bubble games . Be good if he had to isolate for a few decades .

    Btw – anyone know anything about the 2021 flu virus – such as – is there one ? Just forward planning 3 months …


  38. markh says:

    A minor issue perhaps but the BBC continues its headlong rush to the bottom- Paddy McGuinness is the new presenter of Question of Sport. Nothing against him personally but he needs to drop the northern buffoon act and he probably knows as much about sport as I do. The two new captains are BAME- no, me neither.


  39. Beltane says:

    Winning against Denmark is proving to be a mini-Brexit re-run.

    The European MSM united in condemnation of underhand tactics, accusing the English of double-standards while UEFA make the most of their ability to impose dubious fines based on commonplace events in continental football.

    Meanwhile our Scotch cousins rail against the iniquity of it all, having been dumped out despite having the most gifted team in the comp. At least they will be looking forward to monumental piss-ups if we lose on Sunday.


  40. vlad says:

    The BBC is giving a huge amount of coverage to the death of Sarah Everard and her murderer.

    Yet one hears very little of the almost daily gang killings and even less about the murderers.

    I wonder why?


    • Fedup2 says:

      The world at one had mark easton running through the list of metropolitan police ‘wrongs ‘ – including the’ institutional corruption ‘ of the investigation of a murder from about 30 ? Years ago .
      I think the BBC should be careful about using terms like ‘institutional corruption ‘ – all I have to do is write ‘Bashir ‘…


  41. StewGreen says:

    Sky’s Extreme Weather Fairy Tale
    An utterly absurd piece from Sky News, which the BBC would be proud of:


    in Canada excess deaths from associated with cold weather amount to about 10,000 people year,
    making Sky’s concern about a few dozen heatwave deaths seem ridiculous.


    • StewGreen says:

      Cliscep double article on it
      And on Monbiot’s “How the BBC let climate deniers walk all over it


      • Philip_2 says:

        Thanks Stew. A nice quote in the comments section there, made me laugh as its so true. Also a good comment of The Guardian use of words that the BBC later use in later news bulletins to the ‘plebs’ (the liberals see non liberals as ‘plebs’).


  42. StewGreen says:

    Guido : ‘hey remember JolyonMaugham QC’s GoodLawProject just failed in a Brexit court case’
    And in completely different news
    A QC has been hauled before the Divisional Court over a supposedly urgent legal challenge to Brexit at the end of 2020, with the court finding them to have diverted “limited judicial resources away from cases that did require urgent attention”. They escaped being referred to the Bar Standards Board by the skin of their teeth.”
    And in this case the name of the QC was suppressed



  43. StewGreen says:

    Telegraph : Newly published research shows that only 25 under 18 year-olds died from* Covid-19 infection in a one year period.

    * They probably mean WITH, not from


  44. tomo says:

    The chairman of the House of Commons media select committee, Conservative MP Julian Knight told The Times that it is “clear the BBC is haemorrhaging support amongst a significant proportion of the British public.”

    h/t Breitbart

    One million in two years – it’s probably safe to say that that trend isn’t being staunched by Crapita / TV Licensing


  45. StewGreen says:

    Video clips and articles
    GBN discussion : Sainsbury’s worker sacked over Black Lives Matter joke
    .. https://youtu.be/sNboK2Aus_k

    TCW article based on SkyNewsAust https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/global-warming-latest-australia-experiences-second-coldest-june-on-record
    …. https://youtu.be/P1P_PLAdLQs

    TCW article saying the Methodists had a bible and belief sytem
    then entryists have come in and rewritten that belief system

    Canada news : a pride month is not enough, it’s now to be a Summer of Pride
    meanwhile draconian hate speech laws are to come in

    A claim government is running a cushy Covid test scam


  46. taffman says:

    Just woke up to this good news link from UKIP………

    “BBC licence fee in CHAOS: 700,000 rebels refuse to pay as critics say end is coming” – source: The Express.

    I am sure that maxincony and his chums will be pleased.
    Apologies to those that have already posted similar .


    • Philip_2 says:

      If just 10% of that number sign up to this petition then we have a chance of changing the BBC.
      Hold a binding referendum on the future of the TV licence.
      The TV Licence has been a cause of much concern to the general public over a long period of time with many petitions and debates taking place. The BBC say they are answerable to the general public yet the public get very little say into their funding, it’s now time to let the public have their say.


  47. Kaiser says:

    they wont be happy until we are all gone



    • G.W.F. says:


      Such a shame, with so many parts of the world where POCs are in the majority just awaiting leadership from these unhappy but talented people from the UK.


  48. AsISeeIt says:

    Another case where our justice system fails to provide answers to some important questions?

    Whilst the BBC simply revels in the outrage.


    The BBC report appears happy to pass on quotes and leave it at that…

    ‘Sarah Everard murder: Met PC Wayne Couzens pleads guilty’

    ‘The firearms officer snatched her as she walked home from a friend’s house in Clapham on 3 March, driving her away in a car he had hired.’

    OK, but did he present himself as a police officer?

    Did he show his warrent card, perhaps?

    Did he threaten her with a firearm?

    Were these questions asked of him under interrogation?

    How did he answer?

    We suspect the police service may have previously had good enough reason to suspend him from duty. It is a fine point but if he had been suspended it may not have kept him off the streets and he might well still have been able to pass himself off as an on duty cop – as might anyone – but there seems to me at least, to be an important difference. Tell me if I’m wrong?

    ‘Speaking after the conviction, the Crown Prosecution Service’s Carolyn Oakley said: “Wayne Couzens lied to the police when he was arrested and to date, he has refused to comment.

    “We still do not know what drove him to commit this appalling crime against a stranger.

    “Today is not the day for hearing the facts about what happened to Sarah. Today is a day to remember Sarah and our thoughts remain with her family and friends.”

    Fair enough, but when will be the time to let the public know the facts? I feel the guilty plea may now allow the CPS & police to brush certain facts – such as for instance my question about the circumstances of how exactly this murderer managed to get an adult woman into a car and drive off some distance with her, to be brushed under the carpet.


  49. StewGreen says:

    4:30pm Radio4
    – “The BBC’s Deputy Director of News Jonathan Munro discusses impartiality
    – the writer Jan Etherington talks about her comedy series Conversations from a Long Marriage.

    The Deputy Director of BBC News Jonathan Munro discusses impartiality, cronyism, and the tendency for guests to disappear at a vital moment in an interview.

    There is a button suggesting you download the feedback podcast
    This is the graphic
