A reader rightly asks why is Anders Behring Breivik anything to do with the death of a Norwegian Swimming Champion?  It seems entirely irrelevant but there it is – 5 sentences into this sad story of the death of a young Norwegian swimmer. Could it be that the BBC wants to reinforce and remind us as regards its’ narrative of right-wing views being threatening and associated with this gunman? What do the actions of a clinically-insane, steroid-abusing mad-man have anything to do with this?


Now this is a strange report on the BBC.  First the essential detail;

“Seven people have been arrested on suspicion of funding overseas terrorism with money linked to smuggling of the stimulant khat. The Metropolitan Police said six men and a woman were arrested in London, Coventry and Cardiff in early morning raids by counter-terrorism officers.”

That’s quite a number of alleged terrorist supporters. So, what angle does the BBC take? Which terrorist group was getting funded? No idea. Where was this overseas terrorism taking place? Can’t say. However the ace BBC reporters are there to advise that…. Khat is a stimulant favoured by older Somali men. No further line of questioning is pursued. It’s as if the BBC is nimbly dancing by the Islamic elephant in the room, and NOT for the first time.


It’s so blatant it is unbelievable, isn’t it? I’m talking, of course, about the BBC’s continued frenzied coverage of the News Corp “phone hacking” issue.  This gets massive lead story emphasis on the UK news page, and other stories are relegated to minor importance. From where I stand, the BBC is clearly conducting a witchhunt against Murdoch with the intention of maximising it’s already monopolistic position in UK media. It’s a travesty that a weak willed Cameron idly stands by and let’s the BBC away with this. I suspect it is because he too is afraid of the power of the monster that presents itself as lovable old Auntie Beeb but as anyone with an ounce of wit understands, appeasers that feed a crocodile thinking it will devour them last…still end up devoured! We see this on daily basis as the BBC acts as the unofficial cheerleader for Labour. But it’s sheer 24/7 media power means that whilst some of us here see the danger, many others STILL actually trust the beast and are manipulated into thinking what it wants. I’ve said it before but I will say it again, the BBC as currently constituted is the biggest danger to the UK. 


As you know, the BBC meme is that the economy can only recover if we bring back Labour, despite the fact it wrecked the economy in the first place; Biased BBC contributor Alan notes..

“Last Wednesday the latest GDP figures were released revealing we were in recession again.

During the morning before the figures were released the BBC had been telling us that all the experts and business organisations were expecting some minor good news….but the BBC hurriedly brushed that aside and went on in every report to then paint a doomsday scenario ‘what if’ the figures were negative?.

The figures were then released and the floodgates opened at the BBC. However not all went to plan when they opened the phone lines. Just about every caller suggested they were doing OK, some said business was booming….and most recognised that far from only ‘just’ going into recession we have actually been in recession since at least 2008.

The BBC then found to their delight a fellow doom monger by the name of Raymond Moan (really) a building supplies businessman from Northern Ireland. Mr Moan was used on every news broadcast from then on with the BBC ignoring all the ‘good news’ merchants.

Damien Lewis on HIGNFY ( http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01gxn3w/Have_I_Got_News_for_You_Series_43_Episode_3/ ) 14 mins in or so…. pointed out this…. ‘The BBC weren’t trying to influence our feelings at all either way when they interviewed a NI businessman Raymond Moan who said ‘If this goes on we will all be on our knees’.

What the BBC news didn’t bother to keep reporting was another construction company…Sporn Construction in Bicester, who said (on Vic Derbyshire    http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/b01gjy6t    44 mins in) they were doing so well that they were expanding…and taking on 30% more staff….look on their website and there are some jobs there for builders now.

Incredible how the BBC just manipulate the news…they lie to us….in order to damage the present government and no doubt try to help Labour out in the coming local elections.”


The Telegraph gives us a report on wind farms altering the climate…..not just locally but potentially regionally…Biased BBC’s Alan reports….

Wind farms can cause climate change, finds new study. Wind farms can cause climate change, according to new research, that shows for the first time the new technology is already pushing up temperatures. This could have long term effects on wildlife living in the immediate areas of larger wind farms. It could also affect regional weather patterns as warmer areas affect the formation of cloud and even wind speeds.
Richard Black also reports the same story…however he uses language designed to reduce the impression that anything significant is going on……

Blackwash 1:
‘Recognising that this could wrongly be interpreted as suggesting the local temperature will continue to rise….’
You don’t want to ‘wrongly’ interpret anything do you? …however the caveat was that this was only wrong if no more turbines were built…but  ‘Nature’ tells us….’The wind industry in the United States has experienced a remarkably rapid expansion of capacity in recent years and this fast growth is expected to continue in the future.’….so expect more warming.

Blackwash 2:
‘…the scale of the effect they saw is equivalent to a warming of about 0.72C per decade.’
Black manages to miss out the word ‘significant’ in relation to warming as used in the original Nature magazine report…..’Our results show a significant warming trend of up to 0.72°C per decade.’

Blackwash 3:
‘Dr Zhou and his colleagues believe the turbine blades are simply stirring up the air…’
Nice use of the word ‘simply’….only a fool would think anything different!

Blackwash 4:
They suggest that turbines in other places might not produce the same value of ground temperature change.
Wind farms can affect weather in their immediate locality, raising night-time temperatures on the ground.
They used satellite data to show that land around newly constructed wind farms warmed more than next-door areas.
That’s three times he’s made sure we are told this is purely and ‘simply’ a very small, local occurrence….however Nature says this…’These changes, if spatially large enough, may have noticeable impacts on local to regional weather and climate.’

Only subtle changes but they alter the whole narrative from possibly meaningful conclusions about how wind farms may affect climate to Black’s preferred ‘nothing to see here’ approach.

Black and Co like to tell us that minute, trace elements of CO2 in the atmosphere, 95%+ naturally occurring, have enormous climate changing properties….but are quick to minimise any possible detrimental effects of their grand solutions to this apparent CO2 problem.

Black, I always imagine as Hitler at the end of the war closeted in his bunker ordering around his imaginary armies to defeat the Russian hordes based on information from his generals who tell him what he wants to hear.

What they don’t seem to have told him is the below via ‘Bishop Hill’….
Green groups funded by big wind
The Mail on Sunday (not online) carries the news that several prominent Scottish environmental groups are sponsored by wind farm companies.

Environment group WWF Scotland admitted that it had received more than £22,500 in the past year from one of the UK’s biggest energy firms, Scottish and Southern Energy.

It has apparently also been revealed that Friends of the Earth Scotland are supported by Scottish Power Renewables, while the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds Scotland is also in the pay of big wind.
Amusing therefore to see this report issued jointly by the three organisations saying that fears over the reliability of wind power are overdone. Money talks, I guess.’

Funny how he hasn’t mentioned it yet….but is normally very quick to attempt to accuse ‘sceptic’ groups of taking funding from interested bodies.


The BBC’s Razia Iqbal visits Katar, the official cultural village of Doha, and talks to members of the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra, many of whom have been imported from Europe.
The BBC’s reverse cultural imperialism is slapped down in this programme about the Qatar Philharmonic Orchestra.

Razia Iqbal has been in the country two days but she has made up her mind about the evils of ‘Westernisation’ being imposed upon Qatar. She meets some young, educated Qataris and suggests ‘importing’ Western culture such as orchestras will dilute what it is to be Qatari……they tell her ‘no, we have opportunities now beyond our wildest dreams in education and business and in daily life.’

Iqbal gives up on them and asks the Emir of Qatar’s daughter, Sheikha Mayassa Al-Thani, if she is just buying a culture. Mayassa replies that Iqbal should back up her questions with some facts.

Iqbal again suggests that Qatar is importing Western values and there is a danger of diluting Qatari culture….and she has concerns about the future ‘informed by the potential for problems created by importing another culture….and does Qatar not need Democracy?’

Mayassa stamps on her hard saying ‘you are too negative, you are looking for problems, you are scared of change…..and isn’t it odd that you oppose the importing of culture but suggest the import of western political systems like democracy?’

Yes, odd all right. Clearly the Qataris should all be living in tents, herding camels or whatever their ancestral lives used to be before oil was discovered…by Western Imperial cultures.

Curious how the BBC thinks it is terrible for Qatari culture to be ‘polluted’ and diluted by Western culture…and indeed Iqbal admits to concerns about the problems of such change…. but in Britain we are force fed multiculturalism and are duty bound to celebrate diversity.

The BBC land in Qatar for two days and are horrified that the locals are celebrating Coca Cola, cars and consumerism.  I’m not sure but I think any Qatari would rather have a Coca Cola salesman riding into town than a miserable preacher  carrying a BBC microphone.


Listening to Today is like tuning in to extra-terrestial communications – it’s hard to understand what it is you are listening to. I’m sure you will all have heard of the brutal murder of British aid worker Khalil Dale, decapitated by the Taliban in Pakistan. This morning, John Humphrys prime time item  8.10am was about “whether the Taliban were out of control”. Huh? The Taliban have never been “in control”. They slaughter opportunistically, show no regard for the sanctity of human life, murder OUR soldiers with enthusiasm, and Humprys ponders if they are now “out of control”? This, of course, is linked to the BBC support for the idea put forward by Obama and those wise old coves in the F.O. that it is vital that we talk to the Taliban about how we can bring them into the Afghanistan Government. Appeasers then act surprised when the crocodile they seek to feed turns around and bites them. I contend that the BBC believes it is right to engage with the Taliban and so it is genuinely surprised when these dark ages primitives do what they have always done – murder with impunity. The BBC shows little interest in exploring or even discussing the savagery that drives the Taliban –  perhaps the proximity to Islam is discomforting for the BBC comrades.


I know I shouldn’t but I DO watch Nicky Campbell’s “The Big Questions”. Do you? It’s a grim programme but bang on all BBC memes. This morning saw Peter Hitchens being howled down because he spoke up in favour of capital punishment, meanwhile Islamophobia was detected in those who object to Halal meat. It’s truly grotesque in the bias.


Anything to do with Israel always brings out some of the worst bias in the BBC. Have a read of this story concerning how the country’s leadership is supposedly “misleading” the public on the merits of a possible military strike on Iran. Throughout the article, Israel is portrayed as the bully with poor Iran as the victim.  Nehanyahu is a guy that the BBC can barely disguise its contempt for – one reason why I find him a most agreeable chap. I bet Ahmadinejad and the rest of the genocidal Mullahs must give thanks for the BBC every morning.