Guido had the goods here yesterday and now the Mail today. B-BBC contributor Alan makes some very valid points here..

“The recent ‘BEST’ report, not peer reviewed, on world temperature changes, was cited as evidence by Richard Black that the sceptics are wrong…..and that Phil Jones of the CRU has been proven to be a truthful and honest reporter of facts (despite absolute evidence from the emails and indeed the science itself to the contrary). Now it seems the BEST report and the conclusions drawn by one of its authors were best taken with a pinch of salt. The temperature hasn’t risen for over a decade, there is no proof that warming is the result of man’s activities to any large extent…..North America and Northern Europe have been cooling.

I wonder how Black will get out of this one…..having reported so enthusiastically and uncritically something that he believes rather than taking a professional, objective view? Black aside the BBC are adopting more slippery tactics in persuading us that global warming is having seriously detrimental effects on the world…and it never mentions any benefits.”READ MORE HERE

“The BBC’s ‘FrozenPlanet’ is a stunning and fascinating film presented by the trusted,authoritative and well loved David Attenborough.

The BBC recognise that Attenborough can be a hugely influential figure havingbeen a fixture in most people’s lives for years from childhood onwards….atrusted, ‘fatherly’ figure. To have him hint that global warming is a disasterfor the world will be calculated by the BBC to change our attitudes and supportthe climate change movement.

When Attenborough slips in comments such as ‘this maybe the last time we seethis Arctic wilderness’ or similar statements throughout the programme it isessentially ‘product placement’ by the BBC using a programme about the Arcticto champion its own political agenda in a subtle and devious manner.

What is so clever is that there is no mention of man made causes for climatechange….so you are not alerted to any agenda nor do you then start askingdifficult questions that distract you from the message.

Once the BBC has it fixed in your subconscious that climate change is real andimportantly, harmful, it can move on to nudge you into believing the sole causeis man made emissions of CO2.

Look at Black’s piece on the BEST report….he claims it proves ‘sceptics’ werewrong about denying AGW…..but the report only concludes that temperatureshave risen…it states categorically that there is no proven link to man madecauses.

The sceptics though have never claimed that there has been no rise intemperature …they are ‘sceptical’ of the ‘proofs’ so far provided by somescientists…many of whom seem to be so determined to ‘prove’ AGW that theywill do anything to hide the truth….as shown by the CRU emails and now bythis revelation about one of the BEST author’s activities.

The BBC unfortunately is promoting a lie.”


When you look at this video and then you read this BBC story, you wonder if we are living on the same planet. BBC staff should don Keffiyehs when reading out every story on Israel as the visual cue for what is a patently underlying contempt for Israel and a cloying support for whatever trash the Palestinians put out.


I’d like to ensure that as and from this post going up, fellow writers do their best to use that they use the “below the fold” facility to keep as many posts as possible up on the main entry page to the site. I think this helps our reader contribute as fully as possible to the many excellent posts. Thanks for your help and for your continued support.


Reality tends to have the nasty habit of puncturing the BBC’s fantasy “Arab Spring” narrative so this report from them on the current situation in Tunisia is a tad tortuous. Islam is good, Islam is moderate and most definitely in favour of women’s rights, if not gay rights. Meanwhile, back on Planet Earth, Melanie Philips spells out some realities for the gravity based community!


Biased BBC contributor Alan observes…

“Interesting to hear Nicky Campbell on 5Live this morning keep telling us that Capitalism is in crisis.

Is it? Capitalism is thriving…..China, India, Brazil, Poland, Canada, Mexico…..all seemingly booming.

Capitalism is working because it follows the profit…when the West made itself too expensive for manufacturers they went looking for cheaper labour forces and less red tape.

What is in crisis is Socialism.READ MORE

“It is Socialism that demanded ever higher wages, better work conditions, endless maternity leave and now paternity leave, health and safety requirements that prevent anything being done, and massive welfare for non-workers which drained the capital to provide further investment to create more jobs.

Socialism destroyed the Western economies, Capitalism just moved on to greener pastures.

It was Socialism that bailed out the banks, capitalism would have let them fail.

It was Socialism that borrowed massive amounts of money and employed millions in the Public Sector without a plan to pay them and left generations of British workers a massive debt legacy that will crush the economy for decades.

Socialism means that children in school now will be paying for their parents wages (now paid by borrowed money) and their pensions.

The shallow and rabble rousing comments from Campbell illustrate perfectly all that is wrong with the BBC.

The BBC has a malign influence on Race, Politics and Religion….it is sowing the seeds of social and political unrest…creating anger, discontent and fear in order to ferment trouble for the Coalition government that will allow in the BBC’s favoured political party….Labour.”