I’m not talking Jihadists but rather the BBC. Interesting interview here with Baroness Finlay of Llandaff. Along with some other peers, she has stated in a letter to The Times that the BBC is “running an orchestrated campaign” to change the law on euthanasia. Justin Webb sounds decidedly hostile to the contention put forward by the Baroness and after contradicting her position himself, he then plays back comments from another BBC spokesperson on the subject. The truth of the matter is that the BBC is very much on-board with the assisted suicide narrative and it gets annoyed when those such as Baroness Finlay and her colleagues simply point out their bias!


The underlying bias of the BBC comes across in some small ways as well as more obvious ways! I was listening to an interview concerning a new book on the interrogation of Rudolf Hess at 7.42am. John Humphyrs was conducting it and all seemed quite reasonable until suddenly, as from nowhere, Humphyrs makes a snide comment about waterboarding and then answers himself by pointing out that “some” use waterboarding as an interrogation tool. His voice was dripping in disgust – the most curious thing of all being that he seemed to talking to a voice in his own head. It’s located at 2.30m in – really odd. I suppose the BushHitler meme runs deep.


Conservative backbencher Philip Davies is one of those rare things – a really solid Conservative voice. Naturally the BBC loath him and so everything he says is subject to great scrutiny. Today has a go at him over allegations that he suggested disabled people are disadvantaged because of the minimum age and should accept a lower rate of pay than their able bodied colleagues, you can listen to it here. Davies is talking common sense and showing a sense of humanity towards disabled people. Of course any economist worth his salt will explain that the socialist construct of a Minimum Wage is harmful to the employment prospects of many people but through the prism of the BBC, the Minimum Wage is a good thing and there can be no negative consequences.


BBC seem to be enjoying the bellicose threats coming from the Trade Union comrades. Today we have the (helpful for the Unions) news headline from the BBC that Unison and other unions could bring about the biggest wave of strikes since 1926. This, of course is in defence of the unsustainable pension provision that the State workers demand, beyond their already inflated salaries. In a hilarious example of just providing us with one side of the narrative, the BBC quote Unison’s Dave Prentis and then invite on TUC leader Brendan Barber in order that he can provide the much needed balance by..agreeing with everything Comrade Prentis said! This is a perfect BBC meme – evil Tory led Coalition attacking helpless low paid kindly public sector workers. Danny Alexander is getting it in the neck for daring to suggest a degree of balance and at every point the BBC is selling the Union line. What a disgrace.


As we know, the BBC narrative is that the Arab Spring is a “good thing” and the Muslim Brotherhood are a kindly and progressive group….as a Biased BBC reader observes;

“Heard this this morning on ‘Today’…Muslim Brotherhood moderate, democratic, nothing to worry about…..Jim Naughtie not ask difficult questions nor dig too deep…. Egypt’s largest Islamist movement, the Muslim Brotherhood, announced this week that it is forming an alliance with one of the country’s oldest liberal groups, the Wafd Party, a union that could prove to be a powerful force in the September election. Dr Abdel-Moneim Aboul-Fotouh, a senior figure in the Brotherhood who has declared himself a presidential candidate, gives his view of what an Egyptian parliament could look like. “The democratic process will go on.” 

‘Consensus between the parties and lead to balance…not just between MB and Wafd but between 12 parties’ the MB rep. told us….Naughtie does not mention who the other groups are. 

Naughtie asks ‘Will extreme Islam prosper’…..answer…’Nothing shall happen…except progressive democracy and justice….moderate and tolerant.’ Naughtie…’Copts have nothing to fear then?’ ‘No, I myself defend them….Christians have same rights as Muslims.’

“Well that’s OK then…..except I later read this rather different picture …….“and then this.Oh, and
Why is it is almost AS IF the BBC is wilfully sanitising the Brotherhood, surely not?


It’s always important to remember that when it comes to the BBC, impartiality is in their DNA. It’s one reason why they are so special. Anyhoo….A BBBC reader observes….

“Evan Davies wants usto allow in more immigrants…nice that he has a BBC programme…and a helpful spot onthe news Frontpage to broadcast his own views in highly emotive language asusual:

 ‘There right in front of us were dozens of young men walking between thevehicles and opening the backs of trucks to clamber inside. They were evidently mostly Afghans, taking advantage of the fact the trafficwas moving slowly to try anything to sneak a ride into the UK.

For me, any thoughts of disapproval at the unruly behaviour I was witnessingevaporated at the sight of a teenage boy cowering dangerously at the top of alorry driver’s cab under the back canopy. He was not a trouble-maker. He was obviously petrified but still so desperateto get on to a car ferry to Britain, he was going to take the risk. I felt like stopping the car to ask him why. What journey had he taken to gethere and where did he think it might end? What is so good about our countrythat people would go to such lengths? It is a chance to tell the migration story from the point of view of thosetrying to get into our country, rather than those of us lucky enough to be herealready.

Perhaps the saddest revelation was the indecency of the reception in theEuropean Union. It is in Greece that many Afghan migrants’ illusions of Europe as a welcomingplace are quickly shattered. 

One young couple, Abdullah and Zarminah, made the trip with their three youngchildren. “The children ask me, is this really Europe? Is this Europe where we haveno place to sleep?” said Zarminah, who relies on a local charity to feedthe children once a day.  I defy anyone to watch the programme and not think that Greece and Italy badlyneed help in dealing with undocumented arrivals. 

At the heart of this investigation lies a simple dilemma – to tolerate thesuffering on our own continent is unconscionable – but to alleviate thesuffering by simply opening the door might attract vastly more people than wecan realistically cope with humanely. We meanwhile are trying to maintain complete mobility across borders for thepopulation of the rich world while trying to build ever higher walls to denythat mobility to the world’s poor. I am sorry to say our examination of the issues does not deliver a solution. ‘

Open borders means the end of the welfare state, the end of free schooling, theend of the NHS…’s a shame a senior BBC journalist, an economics one atthat, allows his personal prejudices to over ride common sense and to concealthe real consequences of unlimited immigration….never mind the social andcultural disasters that will entail. Naturally Davies is a very left left winger…so ‘Internationalism’ and the endof a capitalist state might have its attractions….and he has a foreignpartner who lives in the UK….any personal reasons then for wantingimmigration?


I found this email from a Biased BBC reader interesting…

“Just renewed my TVlicence. Last year I paid in full in one payment. This year I decided to renew online.Went on the web site and what first struck me was that the site seemedto promote the monthly direct debit option. I clicked on this method of payment.However going through the process it seemed that the monthly payments shown onthe screen did not add up.I was paying around £25 for the first 6 months andthen around £12.50 each month thereafter. You pay the full fee in the first 6months and then keep paying.

I phoned the licence people. The reason they do it like that is so that you are”always in credit”. “So when do you get the overpayment back?”
“When you stop using a TV”
“That is usually when you die”“But we will refund the overpayment if we are asked”
How many people think to reclaim this overpayment when a relative dies? Theyare clearly making a nice secret profit out of this.

There is an upside to this. Once you have paid your first 6 monthly instalmentsyou can cancel any time and you do not need to start paying again for 6 months.There must be millions paying on direct debit. If they all stopped paying andtook the 6 month holiday that the system allows, it could seriously damage theBBC.It is a double whammy. Expose dubious financial malpractice and at the sametime inflict serious financial pain.”


Fascinating. A BBC reporter has been detained in Tajikistan for allegedly participating in a banned Islamic group and using his position to promote its extreme ideology. Oh my, what a surprise!

“BBC radio correspondent Urunbay Usmonov, 50, was detained for membership in the illegal movement Hizb ut-Tahrir,” Makhmadullo Asadulloyev, a spokesman for the interior ministry in the former Soviet republic, confirmed on Wednesday. Mr Usmonov “was engaged in extremist propaganda and campaigning for the movement on the internet,” he added. Hizb ut-Tahrir, which promotes a rigorous and puritanical brand of Islam, is legal in the UK but banned in most countries in Central Asia. It seeks to establish a global Caliphate, but rejects the use of violence to achieve this end. The BBC expressed “very great concern” at Mr Usmonov’s arrest and demanded his immediate release.

Allahu akhbar.

Hat-tip to the eagle eyed reader!