Below Grade

Lord Grade slams the BBC for anti-Semitism [h/t Craig at Is the BBC biased?], though of course he protests that is not what he is doing…although he is, as he accuses it of singling out Israel for negative reporting that is unqualified and without context….thus helping to create the anti-Semitic narrative that is looming so large over so much of Europe and the world…..including the Labour Party…



The BBC is still pumping exactly that out even now as Jeremy Bowen blames the West and Zionism for all the Middle East’s problems…and a few days ago the BBC organised Lord Chilcott to come out of obscurity to damn Blair…the BBC helping him along by misleading the audience as to what he was saying…maybe we’ll look at that in more detail later.  Any coincidence that Bowen and Chilcott come together?  What else does the BBC have in the pipeline along the same lines?


Running Scared



Ian Katz, Newsnight editor, has penned an appeal for mercy, the BBC he insists is doing its very bestest in trying circumstances and yet it is under sustained attack as trust in the media is at an all time low and may go lower.

The irony is that it is those whom the BBC spends its time defending and shilling for that are the most aggressive critics of the BBC and the ones of course that Katz is responding to.  The cross-party group of MPs who complained politely of the BBC’s pronounced pro-EU bias got extremely short shrift from the BBC and were told the BBC is not at all biased.

How different Katz’s response to those who have the BBC news shaped and customised to suit them and yet batter at the BBC gates claiming bias….’those’ being the SNP, Muslims and the Corbynistas.

Katz says…

In each case there is a specific, albeit related, animus. During the election, it was Corbyn supporters convinced the mainstream media was bent on doing down their man. At Grenfell, it was an alarmingly widespread suspicion that the media — and especially the BBC — were part of an establishment conspiracy to play down the scale of the disaster. For the Finsbury Park attack, the charge was that the sensationalist coverage of previous attacks had whipped up Islamophobia.

First the Corbynistas, the Muslims and the SNP street thugs are not actually complaining about BBC bias, there is none, none that is negative for their ‘people’.  Corbyn was given an extraordinarily easy run-up to the election…a man who supports terrorists and terrorism, who has boasted of blocking anti-terror legislation all his career, who doesn’t want shoot-to-kill…and yet he was held up as the champion of the anti-terror position.  He lied continually throughout the campaign and flip-flopped on very serious issues and long held beliefs..and yet the BBC didn’t pick up on that unlike when they thought May had done so.  The SNP have in no way suffered the same degree of vilification and abuse that UKIP have and yet what’s the difference?  The SNP are are if anything more nationalist and more racist.  Muslims of course get an extraordinary amount of pro-Muslim programming on the BBC and the news shaped to hide the reality of Islam in the UK today.

What is such groups’ real point in complaining?  To shut down debate and to stop all media criticism of their group.  They intend to scare and bully journalists into toeing the line and are prepared to use any and all tactics to do so….and it works…Nick Robinson and Dimbleby came out demanding Corbyn got special treatment…and he duly got that.

Katz goes on…

When whole portions of a society don’t believe what they read or hear, the prospects of building any kind of cross-party consensus about what’s true and what isn’t become vanishingly thin. What’s left is a vacuum in which made-up stories are as plausible as any other kind. Fake news is not a tech problem; it’s a symptom of broken trust in the media.

Whose fault is that?  The BBC is one of the most prolific peddlers of fake news, news produced to send a message whether about Islam, the EU or climate change or any of the myriad of causes that the BBC thinks should be given prominence.  Katz of course does not accept that as his statement above shows….he says there is a lack of trust in the media that has left a vacuum for fake news to fill.  Hmmm….what he misses out is why the Public have a lack of trust in the MSM that leads to that vacuum.  It is of course because the MSM is itself mostly fake news and manufactured content selling a message….it is propaganda.

Ironically he finishes with this…

Possibly the most important thing we can do, however, is to acknowledge we have a problem. Right now the media’s attitude to trust brings to mind the proverbial frog in the pan of boiling water. Each increase in the temperature seems just about tolerable, but before we know it we are cooked. And it is starting to feel quite hot in here.

Trouble is he obviously isn’t prepared to actually do that and in fact used the article to do the opposite as it is clearly intended to pander to the corbynistas and the associated mob baying for blood over Grenfell.

Seems polite complaints about BBC bias just don’t work.  The BBC only responds to threats and violence…as from the adherents to the ‘religion of peace’…as Mark Thompson said…a man with an AK47 kind of demands your attention and a willingness to put aside your principles.

The BBC, as always, feeding the crocodile.



The Biggest Story Never Told….The Death of a Civilisation


As Swedish girls are forced to conduct themselves as if in a Muslim country by segregating themselves away from men,‘certain men’ as the sexual attackers are coyly called, such matters rarely, if ever, concern the BBC and many others in the media who wish to sweep such things under the carpet…as Mark Steyn points out…




Timely then that Trump is reminding us that we must defend our civilisation and our borders…

“The West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail, our people will thrive, and our civilization will triumph.”

We have to remember that our defense is not just a commitment of money, it is a commitment of will. Because as the Polish experience reminds us, the defense of the West ultimately rests not only on means, but also on the will of its people to prevail and be successful and get what you have to have.

The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive. Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost? Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders? Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?

We can have the largest economies and the most lethal weapons anywhere on Earth, but if we do not have strong families and strong values, then we will be weak and we will not survive.



The Ministry of [BBC]Truth


The policy says: 'If you post or send offensive, inappropriate or objectionable content anywhere on or to BBC websites or otherwise engage in any disruptive behaviour on any BBC service, the BBC may use your personal information to stop such behaviour'


Seems like the BBC isn’t the only media organisation that has decided it should be the organisation that polices the internet and decides what is ‘appropriate’ for you to post on it….curiously it’s that other fake news outlet, CNN, who also thinks it can bully and intimidate people into thinking and speaking only approved thoughts…or else…..


Free speech campaigner Tom Slater, the deputy editor of Spiked magazine, told MailOnline: ‘The idea that the BBC reserves the power to shop you to your boss for saying something ‘objectionable’ should concern anyone who believes in free speech.

‘The definitions are so broad. ‘Objectionable’ according to whom? Who decides? That anyone could draft this without getting flashes of Nineteen Eighty-Four is beyond me. ‘


This is of course the same BBC that has ‘trolled’ Nigel Farage, Thatcher, Tommy Robinson and anyone who wants to control immigration or voted to Leave the EU….apparently anyone who did is racist and bigoted and just a little bit thick…according to so many BBC journalists who repeatedly make such claims.  The BBC is the biggest peddler of hate crime and lies in the country….the BBC that labelled Britain a ‘nastier and more racist place’ after Brexit….just the white people of course.

I fail to see why anyone who voted for Brexit should pay the licence when they are treated with contempt, vilified and demonised and their democratic rights trampled on as the BBC works to undermine and stop Brexit.








A B-BBC reader notes..

“If you want a good example of the bias of the BBC, just take a look at the most recent episode of Frankie Boyle’s New World Order (Series 1 Episode 3) – broadcast on BBC Two. Possibly the most unashamedly biased thing I have ever seen on the BBC.

The panel and audience are all left-wing. They insult Theresa May. Insult the DUP. Insult UKIP voters, particularly ethnic minority UKIP voters. Boyle calls all Brexit voters racist and insults British expats living in Europe. Guest Sara Pascoe openly calls for the Tories to be removed from government, to great applause. And they feature a video of a member of the public calling for a revolution, and applaud the suggestion. Honestly one of the most revoltingly biased things I’ve ever seen on the BBC. Easily 95% of the “humour” and social commentary was anti-Tory and anti-right wing. Fleeting mention of Jeremy Corbyn and the Labour Party was generally balanced, compared to endless vitriol directed at the right wing. I assume the previous episodes were similarly biased. However, a breakdown of this particular episode would highlight just how unashamed their bias has become.”

‘Gates’ of Vienna?

Latvian anti-EU protest in Riga, Sept 2015


The BBC is normally keen to report the words of mega-wealthy philanthropist Bill Gates…no so keen today for some reason as he ponders Europe’s future as it drowns in immigration….

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has warned that Africa’s population explosion will overwhelm Europe unless the continent makes it more difficult for migrants to reach its shores.

Gates also spoke of a dilemma caused by ‘the German attitude to refugees’, referring to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to open Europe’s borders to illegal migrants arriving from the third world.

“On the one hand you want to demonstrate generosity and take in refugees, but the more generous you are, the more word gets around about this — which in turn motivates more people to leave Africa,” Gates told the Sunday newspaper.

“Germany cannot possibly take in the huge, massive number of people who are wanting to make their way to Europe.”

Because of this, Gates stressed that “Europe must make it more difficult for Africans to reach the continent via the current transit routes”.

Start by jailing the heads of the NGOs who provide a taxi service for economic migrants and of course those in the media who make it their job to pressurise governments into keeping the borders open despite the fact that this will clearly lead to the destruction of Europe as armies of unemployed and increasingly violent migrants roam Europe.


More is Less


As we’ve always pointed out on this site the Islamist trick is to claim that radicalisation is the result of Muslims not being able to freely practise their religion to its full extent…therefore the answer to Islamic ‘radicalisation’ is more Islam…allowing Muslims to live as Muslims….completely….this will make them feel happy and included in society…despite it actually making them far more isolated and alien.  This was the MCB’s argument about Islamising schools…the more a school adopted Islamic practices the happier Muslim pupils would feel…this led to the Trojan Horse plot to impose that philosophy by ‘force’ [led by the same man who wrote the MCB’s 2007 directive to schools].  So to stop an Islamic takeover we must become ever more Islamic.  Funny thing is the Establishment has fallen for that line…hence we get Warsi made a Baroness and then Chair of the Tory Party…purely on the basis that she is Muslim…naturally she is the tip of the iceberg as Muslims get ‘favoured’ treatment due to their status of victim and underdog…self-proclaimed…and of course we mustn’t forget those Establishment figures who sell-out themselves and their country to the Saudis et al.  Harrow school has just got themselves a direct descendant of the supposed prophet, Muhammed, as President of its Association…

The Harrow Association is delighted to announce the appointment of His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan bin Talal of Jordan as President of the Association.  He takes over from Field Marshal Lord Guthrie of Craigiebank, GCB, LVO, OBE, DL. The Association wishes to thank Lord Guthrie for his excellent service.  Prince Hassan is an Old Harrovian and was in The Park between 19603 and 19643.  He is a direct descendant of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and is the brother of His late Majesty King Hussein and the uncle of HM King Abdullah II of Jordan, serving as Jordan’s Crown Prince from 1965 until 1999.

I’m sure it cements international relations and furthers cooperation and development between our two nations…..some might ask though how sensible it is to normalise an ideology that is so alien to our own values and beliefs and so irreconcilably opposed to Western values and to make it and its proponents such a fixture embedded within our own society.

‘The fact is – once again – that we may ask the question but we don’t want to hear the answer. Because if what all these things suggest is true then we could be in serious trouble. Perhaps we are.’

One for the BBC to ponder…or not…..

Douglas Murray in the Spectator:

‘Last Sunday, I appeared on the BBC’s Sunday Politics to discuss the aftermath of the Manchester attack. I said what I thought, and various Muslim groups promptly went bananas.

This was not caused by my suggestion that this country should finally crack-down on British officials who spend their retirements working as shills for the House of Saud. Nor by my ridiculing of that modern European tradition whereby someone blows us up and we respond by singing John Lennon songs (and now Oasis too). Rather they objected to my simple two-word suggestion that we could all do with ‘less Islam’.

In a short film preceding the studio discussion, I mentioned that countries like Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic have very little Islam and very little Islamic terror. By contrast, France has a great amount of Islam and a great amount of Islamic terror. To most people it would seem obvious – to co-opt the immortal words of Donatella Versace – that ‘more means more’. Because although many communities are capable of producing extremists, only Islamic communities produce Islamic extremists. Of course some people don’t want to accept this fact. Not least because informed choices might result. For instance, it might help us weigh up the ongoing cultural benefits of large-scale Islamic immigration versus the down-side of dozens of obliterated lives every now and then.

What I really wanted to open up in that short segment was an oddity of our now 16-year old response to Islamic terror. For over that time we have essentially adopted the argument of the Muslim Brotherhood and similar groups for whom the answer to absolutely everything is ‘Islam’. You have a problem? The answer is Islam. Something good has happened to you? The answer is Islam. You have a problem with Islam? The answer is Islam.

For a decade and a half the West has adopted this reasoning. If a group of men fly planes into the Twin Towers all the leaders of the free world rush to the local Islamic centre to extol the wonders of Islam. When a group of British Muslims blow up the London transport system the city’s police chiefs wave away the smoke and immediately extol the peacefulness of Islam. And when a suicide bomber in Manchester blows up 22 young people as they leave a concert, the one thing nobody must say is that there is any connection whatsoever with Islam. The problem cannot be Islam. Yet the answer apparently always is.

Has our society got zero interest in working out what might produce people like Abedi? The fact is – once again – that we may ask the question but we don’t want to hear the answer. Because if what all these things suggest is true then we could be in serious trouble. Perhaps we are.’



Have a look at this video….or just scroll to the end to see what Murray talks of…the TV presenter has seen and heard a lot about Islam and its problems and yet a pretty face and a winning smile assuring him that Muslims are lovely wipes all that out even as the Muslim girl asserts that the real problem is not extremist Muslims but racism and those who have religious prejudices…not Muslims but those who criticise Islam…that old problem of ‘Islamophobia’.   The presenter concludes that we must have less debate, less ‘extreme rhetoric’ [you know he includes the likes of Tommy Robinson in that…as said the truth is a revolutionary concept] and instead more consensus and touchy feely multi-culti loveliness all round….let’s just not talk about the problems and they’ll go away.  Always a job open for him at the BBC.