. I’m sure that you won’t have missed the BBC eulogising Alistair Darlings’ multi-billion tax bribe yesterday which now solves Labour’s problem with the voters, allegedly. However the bit that I can’t seem to find on the BBC coverage and which MAY have some relevance to those on the lowest incomes is as follows. “Basic rate taxpayers benefit by £120 while low income earners on £7,455 remain £32.40 worse off. Leading business and financial adviser, Grant Thornton, says the Chancellor’s announcement to raise personal allowances to offset losses to low income earners by the abolition of the 10p rate will still leave some low income earners worse off, while benefiting all basic rate taxpayers under 65 to the tune of £120.” In other words, the government is heaping incompetency upon incompetency even as the BBC leads it news agenda for the day with the news that Mr Broon is moving on from the 1op tax fiasco with his outline of the “Queen’s speech” today. It must be a nightmare for the BBC seeing the end is nigh for their thieving socialist pals in NuLabour and I’m enjoying every moment of it. Can you imagine what the mood will be like at the BBC when Labour is routed at the next election?


Just ten minutes this morning into the “Today” programme on BC Radio 4 and I had to turn it off.

Just before the 7 a.m. news we had an item on “social cohesion”and the racial tensions that are evident in places like Dagenham. The spectre of the rise of the BNP was raised by the BBC interviewer and all agreed that this “far-right” abomination was undesirable. The solution to “divided communities” appeared to be “arts-based” social initiatives! Tell it to the Jihadists and those within the Muslim community who support them and who refuse to integrate within our communities. The BBC can’t even see the problem but instead fulminate against “the far right”.

Meanwhile, just a few minutes later and after a weekend which saw John Prescott, Cherie Blair and Lord Levy all expose Gordon Brown’s dysfunctional personality, the BBC then ran an item clearly designed to bolster Brown. The loathsome Denis McShane and Lance Price were allowed to explain why all this tittle-tattle meant nothing and said more about those who indulged in it than it did about the Great Leader. It seemed to escape them that all this invective against Brown was coming from within the Party, from senior figures. Operation Save Gordon seems in full swing and it should prove hugely entertaining to watch the BBC explain away what looks set to be a rout of Labour in Crewe in but a few weeks!


Sorry for the lack of output from me here these past few days but normal service is resuming! Hey – have you been following the BBC’s coverage of the Local Council and London Mayoral elections? Some hilarious stuff – did you see Jeremy Vine’s performances late last night? Cringeworthy! Makes Peter Snow seem good. These results must be such a nightmare for Al-Beeb as Labour are humiliated across the country and it’s looking like Boris is going to dethrone the gruesome Livingstone in London – fingers crossed. I’ve heard some very easy rides being given to those Labour Minister suckers forced to come to camera – Alan “Postie” Johnson was given the most gentle of interviews on the lunchtime news. Did you see it? Tonight should be great stuff as the dawn of the end of Ken becomes apparent and the BBC have to see their beloved Jihad supporting Mayor take a your highlight of the election coverage…!


Just as Sky News are making it clear that Boris will win, the BBC are still equivocating on the Mayoral result as of 10pm. The line being taken is that Ken Livingstone WON the last time despite Labour, now he “may” lose because of Labour! Looks like the BBC will berate Labour but still loves the IRA supporting Jihad understanding Jew hating Livingstone.

UPDATE TWO. It’s now 10.30pm and Newsnight are still in denial mode. The air of depression is obvious although I noted that the lead item was prefaced with the description of Boris being a clown, a joker and chat-show host. Better than being a terror-supporting anti-semitic goon, eh?

UPDATE THREE. It’s now 10.45 and Newsnight are now in full-on “Save Gordon” mode. Ruth Kelly, a vision in pink, is being allowed to talk tripe and commentator Michael Crick has been saying that in a way this was not unexpected.


. Have you noticed the flurry of BBC interviews granted to senior Labour Ministers in advance of this weeks local council and London Mayoral elections? I watched Gavin Esler conduct a simpering interview with Nulabour harridan Hazel Blears on Newsnight last evening and she got away with blue murder with but the mildest of rebukes coming back from Esler. It’s as if we are living back in 1997 and the BBC have reverted to get Labour back into power mode. This morning, on Breakfast news, I watched the dreadful Harriet Harman do a repeat performance. It’s 1997 all over again. The reality is that Labour has been in power for over a decade now and carries full political responsibility for many of the ills that afflict this society but BBC interviewers seem reluctant to go in and challenge them the closer we get to the elections. I suggest that this is a foretaste for what we will experience when Prudence Brown finally is forced to call a general election. The real challenge for the Conservative Party does not lie with Labour or the Lib-Dems, it lies with a biased national broadcaster which when all is said and done wants to see the neo-marxists in Labour stay in power in perpetuity. Operation Save Gordon is underway – watch it grow.



I am sure we are all familiar with the curious incident of the dog in the night time from the Sherlock Holmes story.”The dog did nothing in the night-time.” said Inspector Gregory “That was the curious incident,” remarked Sherlock Holmes.

Interesting to read in the Telegraph and see on Sky News that the Conservative Party has opened up a massive 17 point lead in the opinion polls over dismal Mr Broon and his NuLabour ragbag collective. More interesting to scan the BBC’s politics page and see if you can find this news. They just can’t quite bring themselves to accept that the writing is on the wall for Labour, can they? I am no supporter of David Cameron and his lily-livered brand of conservatism BUT surely to goodness this lead over Labour is a major news story and deserves some degree of reporting prominence? My thanks to reader meggoman on another thread for putting me onto this. Maybe the BBC have reported it – but if they have it is far from obvious!


I’m not a fan of the Conservative Party here in the UK because I don’t think they act as conservatives under the leadership of Mr Cameron. However, I can understand the huge problem Cameron has to overcome when faced with the relentless pro-leftist agenda spewed out by the State Broadcaster and so I suppose it inevitable that he triangulates ever leftwards if only to escape the savage mercies of the BBC guardianistas. You see I don’t think the BBC will EVER bring itself to actually like the Conservatives and instead when push comes to shove, it will always cheer-lead for the Left. This is evident in a trio of stories leading BBC news this morning.

First up comes the news that despite the (now admitted) influx of 800,000 migrants from eastern Europe, (I thought Labour told us it was going to 14,000?) there is NO evidence that this has led to an increase in crime. Phew – what a relief for nice Mr Brown and his ten year long support for the multiculti nation without borders project. Yes, there has been the odd bit of bother here and there but let us be clear; overall crime has NOT risen despite this massive increase of eastern Europeans – those Romanians and Bulgarians are a law-abiding lot apparently – from the moment they hit these shores. The BBC runs this as if it were definitive. It’s not. The “investigation” is purely based on anecdotal reports from “detectives and community officers” and since the nationality of offenders is not even recorded, on what factual basis can any serious judgement be made?

Next up, good old Labour are showing how tough they are on cracking down on terrorism by announcing that 300 police officers “will be moved”into “helping dissuade” a small minority of people from being “radicalised.” How they will actually do this is left unclear and the BBC point blank refuses to tell us precisely which group this “small minority” might belong to. Ssssh – don’t mention ISLAM. Jacqui Smith’s so-called announcement is risible but the BBC are, in anything, worrying that it might be too tough and could alienate that “small minority.”! Last time I checked out a poll it indicated up to 10% of UK muslims supported Jihad attacks – with a UK population of at least 1.1.6 million British Muslims this means that up to 144,000 support terrorism. And 300 plods are going to sort this one out?? Really?

Finally the dear Leader himself is in the States today and preparing to tell Wall Street to “come clean” apparently about the financial losses they have made. Why doesn’t he do the same and why doesn’t the BBC ask this question? Also, in another PR makeover for Gordon the BBC is telling us that he is going to force a UN security council meeting chaired by Thabo “Crisis, what crises?” Mbeki to deal with Zimbabwe even though it is not an agenda item! The idea that Brown is going to get the corrupt African Union, and the even more corrupt UN, to do ANYTHING of substance here is laughable, and yet this is put out as if it were credible.

Labour is spinning like crazy these days and the State Broadcaster is doing as much as possible to help Brown and his dismal crew. There is little, if any, attempt made to query the substance of what the NuLabour masters put out. The more desperate Labour gets, the easier the ride given by the BBC. Preserving leftism in power is the number one objective at play here and you and I are being made to fund it through the taxation policy of the State Broadcaster.