Future Imperfect

  The BBC announced this morning that the ‘research group’ British Future had discovered that Leave voters want immigration to increase, all except for very low skilled workers. Now British Future is not a ‘research group’, it is a pro-immigration lobby group and this latest discovery is in fact a rehash of the same poll from last year which makes the result somewhat suspicious as you may ask how can … Continue reading

Lies, Damned Lies and BBC History

  The Left has spent decades trying to rewrite history to present Britain and the West as the most evil and immoral societies on earth, savagely exploiting and oppressing the charming, peaceful and innocent brown skinned people who otherwise populate the rest of the globe in harmonious cow-like amiableness. The BBC has been party to this massive deception and attempt to revise the truth in favour a narrative that suits … Continue reading


Whilst the BBC is hostile to any war on radical Islam, there IS at least one war front that it fully endorses. I refer to the war on gender. Yes, the BBC is an advocate of seeking to remove the idea of boys and girls being dfferent to each other. John Lewis are the latest coroporation to pander to this mental aberration and the Today programme had one of the … Continue reading

Interesting Times

Former Tory leader @WilliamJHague tells @EmmaBarnett the UK will get a worse Brexit deal because of the #GE2017 result #5liveDaily pic.twitter.com/CO9HOOjuZV — BBC Radio 5 live (@bbc5live) August 30, 2017     The R4 paper review this morning headlined with the pro-Remain Sunday Times own headline ‘scoop’ that May is being forced to do a deal with the EU on the ‘divorce bill’ and that she will keep it secret … Continue reading

A Warming from History as ‘Arctic Mission’ Put on Ice

  If we can produce a visual image of a sail boat at 90 degrees north I think that could become an iconic image of the challenge that the twenty-first century faces. Are we serious about running this planet, which is actually what we need to start doing, and it’s biophysical resources on a sustainable basis, or are we just here for a laugh?   Funny old world…and still quite … Continue reading

Doom about the Boom

  Typical BBC effort to hide the inconvenient truth that Brexit hasn’t wrecked the economy…far from it…….UK manufacturing hits four month high and the BBC hardly notice at all, the report not being  on the frontpage, nor the UK page, not even top billing on the business page…merely a small additional story buried in the small print half way down the page….. Note that the PMI figures are also surging…have … Continue reading

The Jewish Lobby

  Not BBC bias but a good friend [from the Islamist and anti-semitic MPACUK] of the BBC responds to the reaction to the C4 Islamist video….he says the negative reaction is the result of a Zionist conspiracy……hate speech?  Will he get his collar felt?….will the BBC et all be damning him as they did with Kevin Myers?  Myers of course was using ‘positive dscrimination’ to praise Jews, this guy is … Continue reading