Start the Week 27 February 2023
Over to you
Over to you
Every day people are dumping the TV licence – why not you ?
Don’t forget to cancel that TV licence
Over to you
During the week the Director General of the BBC expressed surprise that so many people still buy a TV licence …. Nuff said
Over to you -Happy Sturgeon Day
Apparently there is dismay at the BBC about the appointment of the Chairman . The Chairman was , apparently , involved in financial dealings with Prime Minister Boris Johnson prior to appointment . There is no suggestion of corruption of course – and no rules were broken . But politicians make the rules …anything undermining the Far Left BBC is good for us eh?
BBC on a war footing – ready to launch waves of biased reporting in Ukraine following the adoration of their President . Victory is certain . Meanwhile the British Army monitors the citizenry searching for the ‘unapproved ‘ .
Let’s hear it for Lucy Fraser . Lucy is the new ‘culture secretary ‘ – the last one lasted about 4 months . Good for your pension Lucy – let’s be sure you’ll be a good / bad as previous ‘culture secretaries ‘ …. It may be a sign that the current socialist government doesn’t care too much about stuff like the BBC or OFCOM or the end of free … Continue reading
Over to you