Weekend 6th May 2023
Destroy the BBC – But God Save The King ( or not if that is your view )
Destroy the BBC – But God Save The King ( or not if that is your view )
Will the Far Left Anti British BBC behave in the run up to the Coronation ? Or will stick to its’ Republican Marxist self ? Whatever it does – please don’t pay for it …
Will we see , this week , the BBC revert to being British and Respectful of the ‘home ‘country as the coronation looms ? Or will it continue in its’ Far Left UK hating self ?
Wanted – new Chairman to oversee the end of the BBC .
Defund the BBC Over to you
End the TV licence tax and – Happy St George’s Day for Sunday .
Over to You
Do you work for the BBC ? Have you received a ‘why don’t you leave ?’ letter ? Then why not get on this site and tell all .. we ll be sorry to see you go … or maybe not . Defund the BBC .
Defund the BBC – end the TV Tax
Over to you – stop paying for Government ( taxpayer) Funded Media…