“We’ve got to give customers more choice”

    The BBC reports: Ed Miliband to call for banking competition inquiry A Labour government would tell regulators to investigate whether there is adequate competition between High Street banks, the BBC understands. Ed Miliband is due to say on Friday that the authorities should look into whether breaking up banks would benefit customers.   The question ‘What should the Treasury do?’ actually refers to bank bonuses and not competition … Continue reading


  Just listening to 5Live Sport (still on air now) talking to Lord Herman Ouseley, Chair of Kick It Out about Anelka and what is an anti-Semitic salute.   The FA has been taking a long time to come up with a verdict…the BBC presenter, Mark Pougatch probably, said that ‘cultural differences would have to be considered’ when Lord Ouseley said that a lot of information was coming back from … Continue reading

The Anti-Neo Nazi ‘EDL’?

  The BBC loathed the EDL which campaigned against an ideology that incites homophobia, misogyny, apartheid, death to apostates and anti-Semitism. But the BBC praises those who chase Neo-Nazis out of town: The North Dakota town that thwarted a neo-Nazi takeover [The Neo-Nazi’s ] plans for Leith were exposed in August last year by the Southern Poverty Law Center, an Alabama-based civil rights organisation.   The Southern Poverty Law Center … Continue reading

The Daily Mail

  There’s hardly a day goes by without a sneer or a derogatory remark about the Daily Mail from a BBC presenter. Now that Murdoch has been somewhat neutered the Mail is the next in the firing line for the relentless barrage of criticism that is intended to close it down….either literally or by making life so difficult for the owners that they backdown and give in to what amounts … Continue reading

Where Credit Is Due – The BBC And Christianity in Britain

I know this title will shock and annoy most people here. The following is not meant to discredit or dismiss all the complaints about the BBC’s shabby treatment of people with  Christian faith. I’m not here to claim there is no BBC harsh treatment of the religion itself and its various churches as opposed to what Mark Thompson admitted was the soft touch with Islam. I offer this only as … Continue reading


  SamCam’s father nets £350,000 a year from subsidised wind farm The BBC and their pet scientists frequently lament the fact that so many people are sceptical about global warming and the attendant political policies forced upon them. Why oh why they ask in despair does no one believe them? Could it be for instance the inconvenient revelations in the CRU emails?  Could it be the rigged ‘inquiries’ into those … Continue reading


A Biased BBC reader notes; “I watched Wild Winter: Surviving Avalanches on BBC4 last night (Tuesday). A fantastic documentary, except for the following. At the 39 minute mark we have cine material showing the snowy Cairngorms in the 1960’s, and then scenes of the next two snowless decades. This is followed by news footage of the last three years of sever snow. The narrator adds a token global warming comment … Continue reading


Oh Mr Miliband, you DO so impress us. First you take on the “Big 6” energy companies and now you take on the “Big 5” banks. Amusingly, you then send Chris Leslie, shadow chief secretary to the Treasury, onto the Today programme and ..oh dear, it’s a car crash. Did you hear it by chance? Just after 8.08am Mishal Husain was pretty straight with him and he wiggled like a worm, … Continue reading

King Coal

  China is still massively hooked on coal.     Roger Harrabin has been reporting the ‘excuses’ for China’s use of coal and telling us how wonderful the Chinese are at tackling environmental issues for a long time. There are always two threads he likes to emphasise….firstly that China must continue to develop economically, it’s only fair, and that the West is responsible for China’s emissions as they buy Chinese … Continue reading