I’m guessing that “Woman’s Hour” may not feature on every B-BBC readers daily repertoire of essential listening! That said, I happened to tune into it the other day and was regaled by Jenni Murray making the statement “Suppose you are walking along worrying about carbon emissions and you go to buy a punnet of blackberries”... Yeah, right. Then I heard a trailer for the show today which will feature Margaret Beckett whose career has been long and illustrious”. Really? I seem to have missed the illustrious element but I guess there is no bias in the BBC assertion. Whilst there are overt politically biased programmes like Today, the issue is that the sheer volume of BBC output provides a veritable constellation of bias all over the broadcasting spectrum, and Woman’s Hour is just one example. By the way, why is there not a “Men’s Hour”?


Hi folks! Just setting up for later tonight. The panel on Question Time this evening is Alan Johnson, Damian Green, Norman Baker, Nigel Farage and Dame Joan Bakewell. Hope you can toodle along to our weekly get together in real time!

Quick one off the wrist

Watching the latest video from the excellent Evan Coyne Maloney (“Rise and Fall of ObamaMarketing“), in which he contrasts the goofy support for Obama on inauguration day with the subsequent dramatic fall-off in sales for Obama merchandise, reminded me of a couple of BBC correspondents who were very keen to display their own celebratory items following The One’s election:

That’s Anita Anand in the Obama hat and Richard Bacon admiring his new Obama wrist band. (Bacon: “Even though I’m technically impartial I’m now allowed to wear one of these”. Love that “technically”.) And before anybody asks, I have no idea whether or not Mr Bacon wears his dainty fashion accessory while vigorously enjoying himself to Obama’s speeches.

Shameless in Gaza

Katya Adler’s report for Newsround Tuesday 13th October. BBC Newsround.

“Heading to school in Gaza, 9 year-old Huda and her brother and sister set off from their temporary home. Their real one was bombed in a war against Israel.”
“Their school came under attack too.”

“Israel says it bombed the school to protect its own soldiers from attack. 42 people were killed including two children. Some of the classrooms were totally destroyed and for months kids couldn’t go to lessons.”

“things look different now [….] the classrooms are freshly painted and the fighting in Gaza has stopped for now.”

“School kids like Mahmood are still angry about what happened to him. He says everything was burned and destroyed; how can we forget the war. It’s our right to live in freedom and safety.”

“Many of the children are still frightened, like Huda.
Many children have nightmares [..] remembering the war.
Living in Gaza is hard and there’s always the threat of more violence.

Coming to school is one of the best ways to have a normal life and escape the conflict.”

Katya ignores the 10,000 Kassams and mortars fired at Israel, that Hamas terrorists hide near and inside schools, the plight of children of Sderot, oh, and she forgets to mention the cause of the war.
The language she uses gives a false picture. It emotes innocent victims of a frightening enemy that deliberately targets children and prevents them from living in freedom and safety. In fact, the impression she gives is the opposite of the truth.

Freedom and safety is the last thing the children will ever have under Hamas, the only party that is guilty of deliberately targeting children and civilians.
Hamas is the cause of all their hardships, suffering, and nightmares. The radical Islam of Hamas is the cause of the war.
Hamas, its immutable charter, its genocidal aspirations towards Israel, they are the stuff of nightmares, for the children of Gaza, and the children of Israel.

Astonishing bias, broadcast to British schoolchildren by your BBC.


A Biased BBC reader has drawn my attention to the BBC coverage of the Jihadist attacks in Pakistan. The issue concerns the BBC’s use of the word “audacious” in describing these nihilistic bloodthirsty acts of Jihad. This in turn carries echoes of the BBC coverage of the Mumbai Jihad atrocities which were “daring” apparently. It is almost as if the BBC admires those who set out to kill and maim in the name of Mohammed. Surely not.


Another day and another item on global warming alarmism. Here you can listen to Professor Peter Wadhams suggest the Arctic ocean could be ice free during the summer in as little as 10 years. If true, this would be great news for the global economy. Not sure the BBC see it in those terms thiugh! The global warming fetishists keep lowering the date by which the Arctic will be ice free in the summer and since this assists in the daily narrative, the BBC will keep pushing it down our throats.


Anyone watching the Green “debate” on Newsnight? Three panellists and all points of view so long so long as they are eco-wackists Emily Maitlis frames the question “How can we stop climate change” LOL – just super bias. Hey Emily – how can we stop the Earth from turning?


Tomorrow should be interesting. I’m recording a contribution for BBC NI “Hearts and Minds” TV programme due to be broadcast tomorrow evening. In essence I have a three minute spot to say whatever I want on local political matters. However I am led to believe that there is a protest planned for outside the BBC Headquarters in Belfast for allowing the BNP onto Question Time next week so I hope to have a chat with any protesters I see. Seeing as how the BBC loves having IRA terrorists and Jihad apologists on it, I fail to see why the BNP is to be denied. So it would be interesting to understand what exactly they are protesting about.


A day is not a proper day in BBC land unless the reputation of Israel has been further besmirched. And so it is with this excuse of a report which alleges that must end “unfair” detentions.

On the matter of fact, the detainees concerned are terrorist suspects, hence the anguish in BBC circles. Once again, the far-left B’Tselem group (and Hamoked) is behind this agitation. The BBC is careful to designate them simply as a “campaign group” when in fact they are an activist hard left and pro Palestinian. Whilst one can accept that B’Tselem will use loaded language, it’s interesting to note how the BBC itself uses the term “incarceration” to describe how Israel deals with suspected terrorists. No bias? Sorry, when it’s little Israel, the BBC is very careful to use the right language to ensure Israel always looks in the wrong.


Did you read this report from the BBC on the latest record unemployment figures? Note how it spins as positive as is possible – a bit like suggesting that although the Titanic is remorselessly sinking into the cold Atlantic water, the rate is slowing! Rejoice – things can only get better, right? Note how “Fragile recovery” is used as the header for two of the three sections, just in case you didn’t get the message. Mandelson must just love the BBC – the UK economy is a train-wreck, the National currency is dying on its feet and yet the BBC is trying to suggest that there is underlying improvement. Keynesian delusionalism rules OK.