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- StewGreen Jan 22, 21:57
Midweek 22nd January 2025
Telegraph : One in 12 in London is an illegal migrant London is home to as many as 585,000… - Up2snuff Jan 22, 21:56
Midweek 22nd January 2025
Scrobie, think they were called ‘Teddy Boys’ with DA hairdos and drainpipe trousers pre-beatniks & hippies although ‘Teddy Boys’ were… - Eddy Booth Jan 22, 21:53
Midweek 22nd January 2025
New government licence revealed: [img][/img] - StewGreen Jan 22, 21:42
Midweek 22nd January 2025
Why would libmob want Twitter banned ? [img][/img] - Mustapha Sheikup al-Beebi Jan 22, 21:37
Midweek 22nd January 2025
“Whosoever refuses to obey the General Will shall be constrained to do so by all the others; which means nothing… - Fedup2 Jan 22, 21:34
Midweek 22nd January 2025
Seems that president trump is going to refuse mandelson as ambassador …. Meaning – presumably milliband senior will get the… - StewGreen Jan 22, 21:32
Midweek 22nd January 2025
James O’Brien the genius [img][/img] .. - Loobyloo Jan 22, 21:31
Midweek 22nd January 2025
Male models used to be handsome – now they look like crime watch mugshots. As the Don would say, shame! - Lefty Wright Jan 22, 21:13
Midweek 22nd January 2025
JohnC The BBC believes that white Britons need to have their noses rubbed in diversity as prescribed by the Bliar…
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Monthly Archives: December 2009
Our usual Question Time live-chat starts here at 10:30pm and carries on until either This Week finishes or the alcohol runs out. Usually it’s a combination of the two. Appearing tonight are ex-Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett, the Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, St Vince of Cable, Clive Anderson and Kirstie Allsopp.
Pro(sperous) Palestinians
Melanie Phillips links to a report in the Wall Street Journal by Tom Gross. It’s about life in the West Bank and Gaza. No, it’s not the usual tale of hardship and deprivation.
She ends by asking “When we will get to hear about this on the BBC?” Well, probably never. All we’ll get is endless stories about settlers, olive trees and illegally occupied land.
With the BBC for an educator is it surprising that a virulent streak of anti-Semitism prevails?
I see Rowan Laxton is back at his desk at the FCO.
And this clip is all over the web.
If it weren’t so shocking you’d have to laugh. The man bears an uncanny resemblance to Brian Murphy.
“Everybody in Britain can see what a nasty unpleasant type of people Jewish people are in English.”
(Breaks into song.) ”It’s in-dic-ative that the Jews are vin-dic-ative, so if you’re living in English…. You can….. fuck off back to Israel!”” Tap dances off stage, right. Not really.
Chris Hartnett responds…
Oh my days!
I must have really enraged poor Simon MacDonald in the BBC Family Trees post to have him forgo his spellcheck! Given his stating that he really “has no opinions one way or the other” about what I said -which he says he didn`t find in my” foolish drivel” anyway!…I can only quake at the level of abuse I`d be getting if he REALLY had an opinion about it all!
So Simon-let me summarise for you.
1. I`m not alone in thinking that the BBC zealots that proseletyse on “natural selection” as a faith system seem curiously intent on getting the talent from a very small gene pool! I cited Brigstock as an example-and more of him later (not a phrase I thought I`d ever find myself using!)-but if you`re more relaxed about Dimblebys, Taylors,Wrights,Robinsons being my examples then let`s use them. Does that help?
2. These self selecting meritocrats are all too often the commissioning editors for their chums who are adept at the weekend rebellion. Like a Brigstock they will go at taxpayers expense (sorry to be so grudging) by plane to tell we the people of what our annual flight to Magaluf might do to the Inuit! Can`t imagine too many of our opinion formers going to Copenhagen by foot now can we?…but go they will!
3. Thier atheism is not “militant” maybe-but its consequence in the offices and schools of the land sure are! No crucifixes?…a Mandelson but not a Buttiglioni?…why fight on the prep school fields when you can use your slippers and creep through the institutions of Brussels or Bromley instead!
4. Simon ought to have got my point about an Ince or an O`Briain not truly being “edgy and out there “when they`d not “stick it to the man in Bradford,let alone Riyadh.” Christians make cheap targets but they open up churches by the Strand as the aimless controversists (like our Simon even?) milk their” oh so edgy “routines nearby.When Dawkins shows up at his “atheist Alzheimers” care home to cut the tape I`ll be more impressed about his “rational compassion” or whatever he`ll be calling it. He seems to have removed his memes theory from his latest “best seller”-maybe he`s learning he might have been wrong once-and if then…why not now?
I could go on-but Simon needs to know that the BBC are fond of safe celebrations like the recent one at the Berlin Wall when Christians opened their churches for the people of the East to plan-when a Popieluscko(not on my spellcheck!) died for a faith that a true rational great like Havel would value. Paxman could not be found anywhere near the revolutions of 89-none of them!…but still the archive film shows him shouting at Charles Wheeler when the firework display was an-old Reagans bit at the wall previously was left on the shelf,due to lack of time and never “editorial bias”.
Brand and Ross was a watershed-a dry run for the MPs expenses maybe?…but we`ll not be getting that debate on Points of View or Feedback-we might get it on Biased BBC which is why both Simon and I are keen readers! I write because “they`re only words mate!”..and even Nick Griffin deserves sparing from my pathetically weak blog if I`m as bad as you say.Hope you can make the time up you lost in writing to put me right Simon.I`m not worth the medication…honest!
Credit where credit is due – the BBC has reported with a straight bat the sensible call by Conservative MP David Davis for a major re-think by his party of the £55bn that is being spent on useless ‘climate change’ measures. But it’s a drop in the ocean. Elsewhere the relentless barage of doom-mongering continues. This sordid, highly-selective, deeply dishonest piece from Richard Black continues his record of being the most biased science reporter filing in the MSM. Contrast that to an editorial in the Times this morning. Even though Murdoch’s sons, like the BBC, are ‘climate change’ fanatics, they at least concede that the CRU emails revealed practices and an outlook that were crass and anti-science. Something that Richard Black and his cronies are singularly unwilling to do.
The BBC Trust, according to reports today, is on the warpath because 40 – yes 40 – BBC ‘stars’ earn more than £1m a year, with 10 of them on more than £2m a year. That’s the cash from almost 360,000 licence-fee payers (£50m divided by £139.50). But they won’t name them. Which kind of begs the question – scratch you head here and think very hard – which of the morons who are BBC presenters deserve that kind of cash? And why the hell haven’t the BBC trustees (all ivory-tower quangocrats) done something about it before now? It’s our money!
The Today show gets ever more hysterical on the subject of AGW running an item this morning on how a group of “artists” are also helping to deal with the issue. (Mind you, I thought that CRU have already shown plenty of creativity!) Tracey Emin was interviewed and confirmed that she is pretty convinced that AGW is the real deal. I await the Krankies being interviewed on the topic next…
Question Time 3rd December
Question Time is once again upon us and today it comes from London. The gurning faces behind the table this week are ex-Foreign Secretary (no laughing at the back) Margaret Beckett, the Shadow Health Secretary Andrew Lansley, BBC favourite and all round flip-flopper St Vince of Cable, Clive Anderson and Kirstie Allsopp.
TheEye will be humbly assisting David Vance in the live-chat which accompanies Question Time starting here at 10:30pm and carrying on until either This Week finishes or the alcohol runs out. As usual, B-BBC Buzzword Bingo will be played, and recent weeks have shown that players with “blame Thatcher” on their cards have been winning quickly. Good luck this week, contestants! All welcome…see you here later.
So, I’m driving home from a late meeting and I turn on BBC Radio 4- “The World Tonight”. Not a great idea for my blood pressure. They ran an item concerning Obama’s decision to send an extra 30,000 soldiers to Afghanistan and sought the views of …..yes, a Taliban commander. In WW2, I suppose we were lucky the BBC did not seek the views on Concentration Camp guards to present a balanced view of the issue. The Jihadist did the usual, blame the infidels and boast of all the lives his killers would take. The BBC view was that one absolute certainty is that more US Soldiers in Afghanistan will mean more dead innocent civilians.
Then, when my stomach settled, up pops Michael Mann – Philip Jones favourite email recipient – to declare the “climate change deniers” were making things up and that there was not a shred of any evidence suggesting that the East Anglia’s CRU was anything less than 100% ethical! At that point, Talksport beckoned….
Climategate – Now Show vs Daily Show
As a number of commenters pointed out over the weekend, the first in the new series of The Now Show (Friday 27 November) chose to deal with Climategate by circling the wagons around the poor put-upon scientists and mocking the sceptics. The best that the collected comedy geniuses could come up with was a crap James Bond evil villain conspiracy sketch, the set-up for which was an absurd straw-man quote that Steve Punt claimed to have seen somewhere. The underlying message was, “Nothing to see here, move along.”
In contrast to this predictable response from Radio 4’s group-thinking leftie establishment comedians, the Daily Show’s Jon Stewart set aside his own ideological leanings and took aim:
(There’s more but this was the first Youtube clip I could find. Newsbusters has the full transcript in which Stewart goes on to mock climate sceptic Senator Inhofe, and to express despair at the contempt for the scientific method revealed by the emails.)
American viewers get a challenging take on the subject. UK licence payers get a pathetic wet fart of an effort from Radio 4’s tired old comedy echo chamber.
Isn’t it time for a shake-up, Ms Raphael?
Update. Full clip can be viewed courtesy of none other than Senator Inhofe.
Time for a new Open Thread endorsed by the now world famous CRU!