The morning after the night before. Feeling a bit shattered after our collective LIVEBLOG late last night, but it seemed to go well and betraying my OWN bias, I am of course happy to have seen the GOP/Tea Party deliver a stinging rebuke to BBC poster boy Obama. Thanks to all those hundreds who came along, I enjoyed your comments and company. However the BBC has not been prepared to take this lying down and I have received several irate emails from B-BBC readers showing outrageous examples of bias in their coverage last night and again this morning. There was a “debate” on Today around 8.45am with Andrew Sullivan and A.N.OTHER where the punchline was – unbelievably – that the defeat last nuight made Obama’s chances of re-election more likely. Yes, Obama won. This was the consensus view. I can’t find a link to it, for some reason it is missing from their audio archive, perhaps you too heard it? The BBC are gutted that Obama has lost nd so they are merrily revising the events of last evening to “prove” that the “great communicator” is on track for four more years come 2012.

Stephanie Flanders was also in good form, suggesting that the stimulus from the Fed to be announced later today is “more important” than the events of last night. She somehow missed the fact that the new brooms coming to see want to  a reduction in spending – less, not more, stimulus. I presume this goes over her head, as she seemed in thrall to the wonders of the Fed’s latest economic madness. Whichever way you turn, this is a bad day for the BBC.

US Mid-Term Elections Live-Blog 2nd Nov

Tonight we’ll be live-blogging the US mid-term elections. The BBC and the left-leaning media are already trotting out the excuses, the blame game is beginning and the spinning on all sides has been going for days. But the polls are only just closing and careers can still be won and lost in the next few hours.

We’ll have the live-chat going at midnight UK time, which will be two hours after the polls close in the eastern states and just as the BBC start their live coverage.

The chat session is spread across five blogs (in alphabetical order) A Tangled Web, All Seeing Eye, Barking Spider, Biased-BBC and GrumpyOldTwat so a chance to see familiar faces and meet new ones. We hope you can join us, even if only for a short while.

Today Is Also a Referendum On the Media.

Today, Nov. 2, the US is holding mid-term elections to choose who is going to represent them in the House of Representatives, the Senate, and selected State capitals. Judging from the wild-eyed Katty Kay in the video DB posted below, it’s also clearly the second-most important election in human history.

The main question on so many people’s minds since even before the BBC dared ask it is: Why are all these people motivated against the President and His Plan For Us?

BBC North America editor Mark Mardell believes that this is going to be a verdict on the President. He coyly poses it as a question, of course, but we all know what he’s thinking as this is the line he and all of his colleagues have been pushing for some time now. As we saw from the President’s audience with St. Jon Stewart, they wonder what more He could have done, why don’t we appreciate what He’s done for us, why the masses don’t understand how He’s already saved us. And of course, why do they hate the black man?

While the President should accept the brunt of the criticism (He may have been anointed elected with a mandate for “Change”, but it was obviously taken too far, and at the wrong time, not to mention the endless string of foreign policy errors), the Tea Party movement is as much a rebellion against Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, and the mainstream US media and assorted comedians and Hollywood types as it is against the President Himself.

We’ve all been through the economic arguments of why ObamaCare was the wrong massive debt increase at the wrong time, but Pelosi and Reid were more responsible for it than the President was. Contrary to what the BBC and their fellow travelers keep telling you, there are economists besides JournoLista Paul Krugman or David Blanchflower, and hundreds of them believe that both ObamaCare and all the excessive, debt-increasing spending plans of the Democrats are the wrong policy at the worst possible time. They’re also the ones who are going to let the Bush tax cuts expire at exactly the wrong time. So the Democrat-led Congress is on trial today as well.

Not only that, but the Republican Party is also being served notice today. Everyone talks about how the Tea Party movement is attacking the President and Democrats, but we’ve drawn blood from the Republican establishment first. In Alaska and Florida, for example, the incumbent Republicans lost the nomination when the people got fed up, and have unfortunately chosen to run as spoilers against the Tea Party-backed nominee instead. Many of the vox pops we hear from Tea Parties say that the excessive spending and debt began under Bush, and they’re just as sick of the Republican establishment who went along with it.

But in addition to the President and the political parties, there’s another element against which so many people are rebelling: the media. This includes edgy comedians and Hollywood dopes.
Watch this video and mark how much the statements you hear match what comes out of the mouths of Beeboids. Then you’ll know why we’re so angry, and what we’re really voting against today.

When Bill Maher says that we’re too stupid to be governed, he’s got it backwards. In reality, we’re too smart. If enough of us are, today’s election will reflect that.


Let me introduce you to Barra Best. Who is he? Well, he presents the weather here on BBC Northern Ireland. He has a little history, here he is being interviewed BY the BBC back in 2005! 

Gerry Adams stands out for good reasons. He actively promotes the Good Friday Agreement and encourages positive change. Ian Paisley stands out for bad reasons. He publicly ridicules the Good Friday Agreement and seeks to revert to the status quo of the old days when unionism was in its hay day.”

Barra then reveals he is a likely Sinn Fein voter. In the past few years, he has joined the BBC and is presented to the world as their lovable weather presenter. What a  guy.
You don’t need to be a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing in the BBC! 


Here’s Richard Bacon dog-whistling his Twitter followers to get angry about a New York newspaper which is not supporting the Democrats:

Murdoch’s New York Times? Someone’s a bit too keen to play the Murdoch card to bother paying attention to detail, there. The image to which he links is of the New York Post. The New York Times is, as usual, backing the Democrats, which is what all newspapers are supposed to do (in the mind of a right-on BBC media luvvie, that is).

(Richard Bacon occasionally accepts money in exchange for putting his name to pointless drivel in The Sun. Sorry, I mean “Murdoch’s Sun”.)

Small Crumbs

Many of us have noticed the BBC’s fixation with cruelties imposed by Israel on the Palestinians.
This obsession forces them to scrape every half-baked crumb from the bottom of the barrel. I do feel sorry for this lady, bit I want to know why I should feel less sorry for Israelis who live on constant alert, a state of affairs which, after all, is at the heart of the cause of the obstacle to biscuits.

If we are to hear so very much about things wrong with Israel, why not for once hear about some of the things right with it?

And hundreds more which one would think the BBC might be mildly interested in, as some of them are green, and environmentally friendly.


As dodgy Dave sells out more of our sovereignty to the French, Indian scientists are off on a jolly jaunt to the south pole, no doubt with their expenses paid by our uncut international aid budget. To the BBC, there is only one purpose; to measure the unavoidable impact of climate change. Actually, the exact purpose of the mission is not clear, other than to establish an Indian research station in Antarctica. But the BBC signpost to the story says this:

India is to make its first expedition to the South Pole, in a mission focusing on the impact of climate change.

If that does not make it clear that ice is melting faster than a lollypop in a heatwave, when you arrive on the story page, right at the top is a picture of a fast-melting chunk of ice. To ram the message home further, there is then a quote from an expedition member that “everything is now linked to global warming”, a statement that sums up precisely the BBC religion. And if that does not get you to the correct propaganda point, there’s another subtle hint: it’s all about changes in the last 1,000 years, ie, when men began their evil industrial activities that are leading irreversibly towards destruction. Exactly in tune with this chilling kill-us-all-final-solution board game, which could have been devised by the BBC writer.

To round off this exercise in unbiased, fair, and factual reporting, the writer provides helpful links to five more Antarctic end-of-the-world fairytales, including that ice is breaking off from west Antarctica, and, from Richard Black, of course, when all the ice there does melt, we will all drown anyway.

There’s just one inconvenient truth that this alarmist claptrap does not take into account. Warmists have been trying to prove for 20 years that Antarctica is melting. But it isn’t – it’s stubbornly, unremittingly, colder than ever. Even when warmists go looking for confirmation of their bias.


As we approach the US Mid Terms tomorrow, and judgement is about to be cast on The One, the BBC seems to have gone almost hysterical as it adopts denial mode and nowhere was this more evident than here on BBC Radio with an “interview” with Thomas Mann of the leftist pro-Democrat Brookings Institute. Go to 1hours17mins and have yourself a laugh. First question “Is it Obama’s fault that so many Americans are disappointed in him”? Answer No! -and then it just gets worse, totally surreal. Tomorrow means little, Obama can win in 2012, we need more stimulus! You could NOT make this one-sided dross up. I know Seamus McKee the BBC interviewer and he should be ashamed of himself for participating in this overt damage limitation exercise on behalf of Obama’s cheer-leaders in the rancid local BBC.