As is often the case with the BBC, it’s remarkable the news they choose not to report. Biased BBC contributor Alan notes;

“With many political and corporate interests vested in green technology and the continuance of the war against CO2 ‘polluters’ it seems they have been caught with their hands in the till.

The Sunday Times reports that KPMG, one of the world’s largest accountancy firms, completed a report that concluded windfarms and solar power were unnecessary and expensive means to meeting government CO2 emission targets….huge savings and strategic benefits would flow from nuclear and gas fired power stations. To quote the Times, the report would have ‘explosive consequences for the government’s energy policy’ and serious political damage.

KPMG were bombarded with emails and phone calls from companies and environmental groups demanding the report be ‘pulled’. The Report was duly ‘buried’. KPMG is one of the government’s main advisors on energy policy as well as making millions advising companies on renewable energy projects and helped shape the very policy its report called into question.

I wonder when the clamour will start from all those environmentalists who claim that ‘big oil’ was funding many of the sceptics… is a company which is benefiting from advising the government and then having the government fund projects that in turn KPMG benefits from.

Kind of smacks of Goldman Sachs betting on both sides before the financial crash.

I eagerly await Richard Black first of all actually drawing attention to the story and then seeing what line he takes firstly in defending KPMG and then defending wind and solar power….when the report says that nuclear and gas fired power stations make more sense.”

Sunday Times (paywall) ‘Blown Away’ by Danny Fortson:


Anyone catch THIS interview with Cardinal Keith O’Brien on Today this morning? John Humphrys exuded bias in my opinion but then again anyone prepared to go onto any BBC programme and criticise “gay marriage” is in for a hammering. I know, I have been there. The BBC’s defence of the militant gay agenda is one of those defining features of the Corporation and I think it feels it essential to pose as a defender of the faithless. I felt sorry for the Cardinal having to put up with the sneering tone from Humphyrs. Wondered what you think?

Justin Webb Reveals His Bias And Dishonesty

Justin Webb (Mark Mardell’s predecessor as BBC North America editor) has written a little piece about the current state of the Republican Party. He’s not pleased, of course, which is no surprise to those of us who remember him looking down from on high and declaring that the US had “moved on” from social conservatism. Now that there’s a struggle for control of the Party between – I generalize a bit – the recently ascending Tea Party-inspired small government/fiscal conservatives, and the Santorumite, Republican establishment, who love big government and spending out their ears, and see nothing wrong with legislating personal behavior, ol’ Justin simply does not know where to turn.

And so he sticks his head further up the ivory tower. His goal here is to show you how the Republican Party is simply not ready to lead the country, because they’ve become too extremist.

Right up front, we can see Webb trying to frame the Narrative, eliding facts to create the context he needs. When Henry Olson from the American Enterprise Institute says that the Republican Party is united in its opposition to “government”. He means the current Government’s far-Left policies, as in those of The Obamessiah. Spend a few minutes at and decide for yourselves exactly what’s being opposed.

Rick Santorum is still close behind Romney because of all the social conservative/big-government types left trying to take control of the Party back from the Tea Party movement, who gained the momentum in 2010. Santorum is not a fan of personal freedom, yet he’s still getting quite a bit of support from Republicans anyway. Anybody trying to tell you that the whole Party is united against “government” is either lying, or is actually saying something else.

What really angers ol’ Justin is what he perceives to be how the Republican Party is being driven to the extreme right by the “deep south”. And – what a shock – he dishonestly describes the authority to whom he appeals for this.

Political writer Michael Lind left the party because he sees its modern unity as toxic. Too much based on the values of the deep south of the USA – and in particular a visceral and unquenchable dislike of any government by anyone, of anyone.

“The thing that holds together the modern Republican party is opposition to the government,” says Mr Lind.

Lind indeed left the Republican Party: in 1996.  The following year, he published a book entitled, “Up From Conservatism: Why The Right Is Wrong For America”.  In 2002, he published a book about George Bush and the “Southern Takeover of American Politics”. Does this sound like someone who’s talking about “modern unity”?  Yet ol’ Justin is using Lind’s decade-old song to prove that this is a new problem.

Of course, this also denies the fact that Texas is not part of the “deep south”, nor are Arizona and Utah. But I guess that’s beside the point, as he’s probably sort of referring to the fact that the agrarian southern Colonies were concerned about too much government power back when the US was founded, and that legacy continues to this day. Perhaps I’m giving him too much credit for having a clue about US history.

Even so, Bush’s Republican Party was big-government to the max. That’s why the Tea Party movement went after the incumbents in 2010. They were, and those still left are, social conservatives and not much else. But ol’ Justin hated them for that, and was happy about the “strange death” of that movement in the US. Except, of course, it that movement is very much alive, which is why Rick Santorum is still going.

To further support his argument, ol’ Justin points to Sen. Olympia Snow (R-ME) who has decided not to seek another term. He describes her as “moderate”, which means big-government, Republican establishment, exactly the kind of pol the Tea Party has been trying to get rid of for the last couple years. To those of us who get our news from outside the bubble, it’s no surprise that she’s decided not to accept a challenge for her seat from within her own Party, not because she’s unhappy that the Party has moved too far to the Right for her taste (which is a stupid reason to quit anyway), but because her husband is facing a major corruption lawsuit. Even the far-Left FireDogLake blog knows that Justin’s story is complete and utter BS. Snowe isn’t really facing a serious challenger yet, but has decided to drop out anyway.

So this is pretty much a total lie from Justin Webb.

Next he speaks with Matt Kibbe of Freedom Works, a major organization supporting the Tea Party movement. He really does talk about shutting down a few enormous, bloated government agencies, some of which have nearly the sacred cow status that the NHS has in Britain. Naturally, this frightens Webb, as his visceral inclination is that the State is All.

This is supposed to be the final proof that there’s something seriously wrong with the Republican Party. The thing is, the Party’s move to the right on this issue is a bad thing only if one is on the Left, and views small government as some sort of extremist position. Ol’ Justin is definitely making a value judgment here, and his personal political bias is on full display.

It’s My Party and I’ll Cry If I Want To

That outrageous interview on Today was but a mere chapter in the Jenny Tonge saga.
She may not have anticipated that her recent ill-advised antics at the Middlesex University would make the headlines so spectacularly. That is, apart from on the BBC.

The BBC were particularly reticent about the event, waiting till her ‘resignation’ was announced before they realised they had little option but to report it. Even the Guardian was quicker off the mark. Martin Bright suspects that the report in the Guardian “not known for its Zionist views” was what finally did for “Jihad Jenny”. Of course Ed Miliband’s Tweet obviously helped:
“[There is] no place in politics for those who question [the] existence of the state of Israel. Nick Clegg must condemn Jenny Tonge’s remark and demand [an] apology.”
Motes and beams.
Despite Baroness Tonge’s record of making antisemitic speeches of varying degrees of virulence and her relentless pro Palestinian campaigning, which frequently veers into full-on conspiracy theory paranoia, Nick Clegg dragged his feet interminably before deciding to dump her from his party. Previously the Lib Dems had dealt with her by imposing a series of cautious incremental demotions.Of course the BBC itself has used Mrs Tonge before, as a roving reporter. In 2004 they sent her to Israel, or rather to Gaza, as an apologist for the suicide bomber.
The clutch of below the line comments “reflecting the balance of opinion” were gratifyingly hostile to the line she took, and I’m pleasantly surprised that the BBC let them through.
The Web Article.
The BBC is not alone in giving the impression that the Baroness ‘quit’ the party – rather than being presented with an ultimatum that forced her resignation, but I think it’s fair to say that anyone who hadn’t been following the tale through Richard Millet, Student Rights, The Commentator, Guido Fawkes, etc., might glean from the BBC’s report that she was made a martyr. Martyred for the cause, scuppered below the line by the all powerful Jewish Lobby.
The strap-line implies that she had been unfairly punished for making a relatively trivial observation, which stated the obvious:

“A Liberal Democrat peer has resigned from the party after saying Israel “is not going to be there forever”

Many people have taken this line and defended her on various blogs, remarking that she was ‘only saying what’s true.’ I imagine John Humphrys would identify with this notion.
She herself complains that her comments were taken ‘out of context’, but clearly anyone who viewed the video in which she played a prominent role in what she disingenuously calls the “ill-tempered meeting” would realise that taking her comments ‘out of context’ as the BBC does here, effectively does her a huge favour. It’s viewing them in context that damns her out of hand and justifies the Lib Dems’ ultimatum and her dismissal.
The sub-heading “Proud Record” stands out. An odd choice, because it alludes, not to Jenny’s personal record, as any casual reader might assume, but to the Lib Dems’ proud record of campaigning for the rights of the Palestinians.
She was given a considerable amount of space to defend herself in the article, which included a generous number of direct quotes, although her accusation that the Zionist campaigners mouthed obscenities at her, and her complaint that:
“the leadership of my party” (ex party) did not consult me….
“…………...seems always to abet the request of the pro-Israel lobby” looked like desperate straw clutching.
The Today Interview.
Throughout the interview John Humphrys was clearly sympathetic to Baroness Tonge. He spoke to her warmly, and sounded ‘sorry for her troubles’. He allowed her to speak virtually uninterrupted, whereas while Robert Halfon was speaking Humphrys continually interjected with helpful counter-arguments on Jenny‘s behalf. “She’s saying what she believes”
He addressed Mr. Halfon with amused cynicism. Robert Halfon seemed sadly unprepared. He kept calling her Mrs Tongue, and over-used the word ‘delegitimise’ which has become meaningless. Through over-use.

Baroness Tonge spoke with the confidence of someone who knew she was among friends, sure that what she was saying would be welcome.
“Oh, come on Robert,” she laughs beguilingly at one stage, like a person who knows the world is on her side.

“Israel is making enemies all over the Middle East” she states. She knows she can get away with insinuating that Israel has deliberately made enemies of Turkey or Egypt. She can make wildly inaccurate comments with impunity under John Humphrys’s compassionate chairmanship. She knows quite well that with the aid of – or in her words ‘abetted’ by the BBC, many listeners languish in ‘psychologically embedded’ denial of the irrational Jew-hate that Islam drums into its followers. The BBC prefers to pretend that the Islamic world – Turks, Syrians, Iranians, those liberated Egyptians and Libyans, Muslims from Arab and North African Islamic states are ‘just like us’, only perhaps, being more devout, they’re all the more motivated by benevolence and goodwill.

Although I doubt that John Humphrys has watched the video of that “Ill-tempered meeting” he was evidently aware that Jenny Tonge had been sitting next to Ken O’Keefe the dangerously unhinged antisemite who the pro Palestinian fraternity have been busy distancing themselves from recently. Oh how the BBC fawned over him not so long ago, when they hailed him as a hero after the Mavi Marmara debacle.

John Humphrys wanted to hear why Jenny Tonge hadn’t challenged crazy Ken, but failed himself to challenge her likely story: “I didn’t know I was sharing a platform (with him)”. He asked if she had applauded him, knowing full well that she had indeed, and that it was captured on the film. She got away with a blustering justification “Probably at the end of his speech I did, y’know, at the end everyone gives a little clap.”

But the most outrageous thing was that she got away with her appalling little history lesson:
“Israel was a good concept at the beginning. I wish they’d left the Palestinians where they were. Jews were in a minority when the state of israel was founded. there were very few of them there.
If they’d gone in and said okay we’re going to help you, we’re going to build up this state and we’re gonna include Palestinians from the very beginning – If they’d done that instead of persecuted(sic) them and now trying to take the whole area for themselves it would have been a very different story.”

Pointing out that this is all wrong is not an attempt to enter the debate about the history of Israel. What I am saying is that anyone who knows the first thing about the birth of Israel (and if they don’t they shouldn’t really be opining) knows that there are conflicting ‘narratives’.

The Arabs allege that they were physically displaced in 1948 to compensate European Jews for the holocaust. The Jews say that when Israel was born they begged the Arabs to stay. It’s easy to find out what each side has to say on the matter. All you have to do is read a bit from both sides to gather that there are different versions of the story, and it’s up to you to decide which version, or which parts of which version, you believe. Which story seems more credible? Which bits are evidenced? Who do you trust?

“WE APPEAL – in the very midst of the onslaught launched against us now for months – to the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to preserve peace and participate in the upbuilding of the State on the basis of full and equal citizenship and due representation in all its provisional and permanent institutions.
WE EXTEND our hand to all neighbouring states and their peoples in an offer of peace and good neighbourliness, and appeal to them to establish bonds of cooperation and mutual help with the sovereign Jewish people settled in its own land. The State of Israel is prepared to do its share in a common effort for the advancement of the entire Middle East.
We all know that the surrounding Arabs merely responded by launching their war of intended annihilation against Israel.” (H/T Bio)

The BBC has been methodically portraying the Jews as greedy, untrustworthy, and recently, completely batty. They’ve reported Israel in a systematically negative manner and have continually portrayed the victim as the aggressor / aggressor as victim. At the same time they’ve been doggedly whitewashing Islam, and the more crazed the Islamists appear, the more the BBC whitewashes them. So the chances are that the majority of viewers will identify with Arabs and be suspicious of Jews. They’ll follow Jenny Tonge’s propagandistic defamation-by-short-cut, referring, knowingly, to “What Israel is doing” or “How Israel is treating the Palestinians.” Having established that Israel is a brutal, heartless, racist, supremacist, expansionist pariah state, they are confident that there’s no need to explain what’s already understood. Their obsession with the notion that Israel is oppressing the Palestinians is so ingrained that any mention of any measure Israel might take in self defence is reflexively treated with derision.

Some of this might stem from antisemitism of the type with which the foreign office is tinged, or the traditionally ‘Arabist’ proclivities of those who view Johnny Arab with a mixture of awe and amusement. The Queen has never, for example, visited Israel. In the political left this uneasy feeling about Jews is coupled with a misguided empathy towards Muslims whose intolerance towards everything, including themselves, they view with an illogical disregard. The need to be thought of as liberal and tolerant could explain the BBC’s policy of treating all Muslims, bar the bogeymen Al Qaeda, with exaggerated sensitivity, and re-branding them as ‘the new Jews’. This has taken political correctness to stratospheric heights, where almost any less than reverential reference to Islam is deemed offensive.

They needn’t worry about Jenny Tonge though. She will still be keeping herself busy.


We have heard a LOT from the BBC concerning the SWP and the alleged success of some of their campaign tactics in recent times. Biased BBC contributor Alan picks up on this raises a number of points;

“The Socialist Worker’s Party….a Marxist revolutionary group intent on destroying democracy. Let’s not beat around the bush…these people are fronting an ideology that is prepared to kill those who do not march to their tune. The romantic image of Marx so beloved of many in the corridors of the BBC is betrayed by his own writings…

‘The Communists disdain to conceal their views and aims. they openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions. Let the ruling classes tremble at a Communist revolution.’Communism called for the arming of every worker….and as put into practise in Russia these arms were put to good use….killing anyone who tried to improve their lot in life.

Given all that you might think it strange to hear a BBC senior economics reporter, Evan Davis, on the BBC’s flagship political news programme advocating the Unions join up with the SWP and adopt their tactics in battling capitalism.

Strange that a responsible senior BBC journalist should tie his flag to the mast of such a motley revolutionary crew and openly champion acts of public disorder, intimidation, blackmail and civil disobedience.

Strange that the BBC who apparently believe that democracy is a ‘sacred’ thing…or did when Nelson Mandela was fighting for it in South Africa….should now allow a senior journalist to suggest that rather than have a democratic engagement of the people we will allow those who are prepared to shout the loudest and use the most violence to decide government policy.

Of course that has long been the BBC policy when it comes to Muslims….giving them a platform to air their supposed grievances unchallenged by frightened BBC presenters who lack the knowledge, the will and the nerve to question any statement by these ‘community’ spokesmen.

All this is not new…though the BBC woiuld like you to think ‘Occupy’ and the SWP were the first people in the world to challenge Capitalism….see how sucha challenge turned out:


The BBC can be very quick to spin one story into another, if it suits them. But isn’t it curious that they can run an item here on the disturbingly low levels of numeracy amongst those leaving our schools without so much as once asking why we have such poor teaching of the subject? Each year, the BBC leads the hallelujah chorus that GCE’s and A level results have come to constitute,  with praise being lavished on the Education system and those within it. This is the same education system that delivers 22% of students obtaining a “decent” GCSE in Maths. On the Today programme this morning, there was an interview with a lady who had failed Maths at school but had subsequently went back to College and gained a Maths qualification. She stated that she felt let down by what went on in the classroom with the teacher allowing her to mark her own questions! She said she cheated. This went without comment. It’s remarkable to observe the BBC protect a dumbed down Education system.


I know we have discussed this previously but I am not prepared to let the BBC run a contrived headline such as “Iran conservatives contest poll for Parliament” without comment. As ever it is their use of the term “conservative” to describe those Mad Mullahs around “supreme leader” Ayatollah Ali Khamenei that I object to. There is nothing that is conservative about these Islamic radicals and the BBC know that – but it is such fun to attach the appellation”conservative” to such a hateful barbaric and deranged regime as that headed by Khamenei and so they just can’t resist it.  So, Iranian “conservatives” and British “conservatives” – what’s in a name?


Thanks to the BBC’s wonderful new policy of NOT linking the various items it runs on the Today programme (Well, you never know who might be listening), you will need to go to listen again and tune in to the 7.33am spot to hear an outrageously biased Humphrys interview involving Baroness Tonge and Conservative MP Robert Halfon. Tonge’s notorious views on Israel are a matter of record and yet Humphrys was easy on her and tough on Halfon. It amazes me the gentle ride that Tonge gets – it’s as IF her views resonate within the corridors of Broadcasting House. Surely not


BBC News Pentagon producer Joan Soley responds to the sad news about Andrew Breitbart’s death:

I guess those of us who are deeply saddened by the death of “the Weiner guy” just don’t care about the fate of NATO troops. If only we could see the bigger picture, like a BBC journalist.

Are BBC hacks playing this game elsewhere? “Davey Jones? Big deal. What about the troops? #spotthedifference.” Hmm, I can’t recall reading anything like that.

Of course, it’s not really NATO deaths that concern Ms Soley – she just wants to score a political point against Breitbart and his followers, and if that means using dead troops to back her argument, so be it.

I see she’s not shy about declaring her views on Newt Gingrich, either:

BBC World News America – motto: “If you don’t hate conservatives, find a job elsewhere.”