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- Thatcherrevolutionary Feb 5, 10:39
Midweek 5th February 2025
All that money paid presumably for anti-Trump and anti-Musk propaganda. - Thatcherrevolutionary Feb 5, 10:38
Start the Week 3rd February 2025
She’s a sthite reporter in the United Shtates. - JohnC Feb 5, 10:35
Midweek 5th February 2025
Starmer voice coach was not key worker, Labour sources admit After all the daily ‘live updates’ about Boris and… - tomo Feb 5, 10:30
Midweek 5th February 2025
USAID the BBC [img][/img] - vlad Feb 5, 10:00
Start the Week 3rd February 2025
We need a Trump to sort out the madness. ‘Trump declares there to be ‘only two genders, male and female” - vlad Feb 5, 09:52
Start the Week 3rd February 2025
Presumably the mass killer in Sweden is another Welsh choirboy. Whoever he turns out to be, in just a few… - tomo Feb 5, 09:37
Midweek 5th February 2025
Reform policy initiative? – give the BBC the USAID treatment – eh? (Cutting funding to BBC shouldn’t be confined to… - G Feb 5, 09:23
Midweek 5th February 2025
Maybe, next time round, everybody else should play the same game with Reform bundles of votes. Just to make a…
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Monthly Archives: March 2012
Biased BBC contributor Graeme writes;
“After Jihad, the premier evil that threatens our country ishomosexual fascism.
I found it striking that as strongly worded as Cardinal O’Brien’sopposition to homosexual marriage was, it was still confined within theparameters of debate set by the BBC in accordance with the ‘gay rights’ agenda. David Vance rightly states in a recent post ‘It’sas if the BBC is Stonewall’s broadcasting arm’.
Has anyone ever heard Ben Summerskill’s views challenged byPaxman, Wark, Humphrys or Naughtie as grossly intolerant oranti-Christian? Whenever I have heardBen Summerskill on TODAY or Newsnight, he is fed prompts to give him a platformto present his views, while the likes of Cardinal O’Brien face the StarChamber.
I’ve heard no churchman simply state: “I’m against homosexual marriage becausehomosexuality is a perversion and if it is normalised society will become asdepraved as Sodom and Gomorrah ’.
This is the Christian view on homosexuality, yet it isn’tpublicly expressed. If you said it onthe street you could facearrest, notbecause it’s illegal, but becausea politically motivated police officer is abusing his powers to violateyour democratic right to freedom of speech. Yet none of these ‘officers’ ever face discipline. They certainly don’t have to worry abouttheir force coming under BBC scrutiny for failing to discipline them for abusing their authority. The BBC creates the climate that encourages them to do so. Having heard Cardinal O’Brien interviewedboth by John Humphrys and Edward Stourton on TODAY and ‘Sunday’, this mostoutspoken voice against homosexual marriage nevertheless allowed himself to bepsychologically hemmed in by what the BBC deems acceptable speech, as much as Stourton and Humphrys implicitly dared himto step outside those bounds so they could slap him down as a ‘homophobe’.
As DV also stated in anotherrecent post, when he was on the BBC a while ago and called race hustlers Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton, well, ‘racehustlers’, he was told he can’t say that. On the BBC conservativescan argue their case so long as they don’t do it effectively.
What was particularly disturbing about the way Stourtoncovered ‘gay marriage’ a couple of weeks ago was before he ‘interviewed’Cardinal O’Brien, he ran a lengthy piece featuring 3 ‘independent andimpartial’ experts giving their ‘different’ views on the history ofmarriage. Craig also heard it, and as I recall him inimically putting it:-
Expert one said through the centuries there have always beenfundamental changes in marriage, expert 2 said through the centuries there havealways been fundamental changes in marriage, expert 3 said through thecenturies there have always been fundamental changes in marriage and concludedthe piece with ‘gay marriage is just another fundamental change which isnothing out of the ordinary’. Cue theCardinal ..
Let’s just remind ourselves about Sodom and Gomorrah. Basically, a couple of good looking blokescame to visit Lot and his neighbours startedbanging on his door demanding to have sex with them. That’s where we’re heading and that’s wherethe BBC ’s been leading us. Until the churchmen and conservative voices(left, right or centre) put the BBC centre stage as the propaganda arm of the homosexual lobby that by forcemajeure is pushing our democracy to the precipice, opposition to this evil isonly ever going to be a feeble rearguard action at best.
If anyone is interested in seeing how the supposed ‘blog ofthe decent left’ Harry’s Place responds to the simpleChristian view on ‘homosexual marriage’, you may wish to take a look hereand here.
There’s a John Sweeney film on BBC2 tomorrow (plus accompanying BBC online article) about Mitt Romney’s Mormon background. The BBC has therefore already done more investigative digging into a guy who isn’t yet the official GOP choice than it has into the shenanigans of the Obama administration these past three-plus years. Fast and Furious, cronyism, green boondoggles, Corzine… just some of the things BBC journalists have shown no interest in investigating.
If Sweeney’s article is anything to go by I think the intent is to create the impression that the GOP frontrunner’s faith makes him somehow weird. It’ll be interesting to see if Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D) – a convert to the Mormon faith – gets a mention in Sweeney’s film. An interview with a powerful Democrat Mormon would be interesting, but might not fit the agenda. We’ll see.
And here are some tweets from the film’s director James Jones:
Perhaps you read this article in The Telegraph concerning Caroline Thomson, one of the front-runners to replace Mark Thompson at the BBC?
Caroline Thomson, who is the BBC’s chief operating officer and one of the front-runners to replace Mark Thompson as director general, said that “nothing is more important” than the BBC’s independence. Ms Thomson joined the BBC as a journalism trainee in 1975 before leaving in the early 1980s to work for MP and SDP leader Roy Jenkins. She then joined Channel 4 before rejoining the BBC in 1996. She is married to Roger Liddle, Tony Blair’s former advisor.
She doesn’t seem to like Rupert Murdoch. Impartial to the core. Remember, VOTE LABOUR,
I never knew the half of it. Monday morning, sun is shining, and time for a new Open Thread. The floor is yours…..
Biased BBC contributor Alan asks;
“The Sunday Times has dipped its toes into what could be stormy waters publishing an article that reviews historian Tom Holland’s book on the origins of the Koran….’In the Shadow of the Sword: The Battle for Global Empire and the End of the Ancient World.’
The book is a authoritative and serious dissection of the history of Islam and the origins of the Koran…..and its conclusion will put many noses out of joint with overwhelming evidence that the Koran is, of course, a man made concoction and not the word of a God.
Far from being a harmless tract the Koran clearly inspires and indeed approves violence against non-believers….that is non-Muslims…..and it might be noted that Mohamed Mehra, the jihadi killer in France, told police he was radicalised by reading the Koran whilst in prison.
Religious historian Karen Armstrong denounces the Bible as ‘a dead or irrelevant letter, it is also becoming a toxic arsenal that fuels hatred and sterile polemic.’ ….if so how much more the Koran? and how much more important is it to neutralise such a threat?
What will be telling is the reaction of Muslims to this book. They may ignore it so that as little publicity as possible is generated for it…or Tom Holland could be the next Salman Rushdie.
The BBC has shied away from any criticism or historical or intellectual investigation of the Koran and Islam because, as admitted recently by Mark Thompson, there is the distinct possibility that Muslims will react with violence.
The BBC has in fact scurried down a different route, that of praising everything Islamic from the Empire, scientific achievements, art and even its allegedly ‘Islamic’ curry.
If the BBC feels unable to examine Islam too closely in a critical manner because it fears violence it is strange that it should then alternatively promote it in such a fervent manner as not just ‘acceptable’ but something to be praised and honoured.
The subject is of enormous importance with huge implications which is why the BBC ducks it.
Tom Holland says: ‘What is interesting about the academic debate is that it is so seismic and yet it has barely been noticed in the world outside academia.’
Seismic is the word.
Islam has a huge and detrimental influence over a vast swathe of the world’s population…it generates enormous amounts of violence in its name…but it also acts as a brake on those societies that under its oppressive dogmas. Science, education, arts, politics and social progress are all suppressed in Islamic countries……unless and until that stranglehold on over 1.5 billion people is broken the world is a worse place and often their lives a misery.
The BBC is just part of the ‘elite’ strata in Western society who refuse to look Islam in the face and admit that it is a threat to our society and the freedoms of thought and action that we enjoy.
In the US the New York Times (the US Guardian) has allowed an advert attacking Christianity…it then refused a similar advert criticising Islam.
The complete refusal of Western media to engage in examining the tenets of Islam and what its Believers are told to believe and act upon commits society to a creeping advance of a doctrine that is implacably opposed to everything those self same ‘Liberals’ tell us they themselves believe in.
We have three options….reform Islam, accept its beliefs and impositions upon us, or expel it.
Whichever option you would choose it would be nice to think that society actually had some form of informed choice about what is being allowed to infiltrate into our society and what this might mean for us who do not wish to ‘submit’ to the joys of Islam….rather than being spoonfed soothing platitudes about the ‘Religion of Peace.’
Unfortunately the BBC has decided for you….any critical analysis of Islam is shelved because of the hurt and distress such disparaging remarks might cause Muslims and the danger of any resultant violence…better that non-Muslims adapt themselves to Islamic believes and give up their own culture than cause any offence or hurt to Muslims.
What will the BBC do with this high profile book?
I would suggest that the likely BBC reaction will be to invite in the slippery Islamist and BBC/Guardian favourite Tariq Ramadan to take the book apart in a dismissive manner suggesting that because Tom Holland is a non-Muslim he cannot possibly understand the subject and probably has a hidden ‘Islamophobic’ agenda and that Islam has always been in constant flux and is even now adapting to the ever changing world and is in the process now of becoming the ‘neo Islam’. Though what Ramadan really means by ‘reform’ is taking Islam back to its pure roots…the true Islam…the Fundamentalist Islam….the Jihadi, Muslim Brotherhood Islam.
The BBC adopts that old possum trick of rolling over and playing dead, hoping that everything will turn out right in the end without any nastiness.
I think possums will soon be extinct.
I wonder did anyone else catch the interview @ 7.53am on Today with Gehad El-Haddad, senior advisor to the Muslim Brotherhood board of directors and the Freedom and Justice Party board of directors. It’s a classic insofar as El Haddad walks all over Justin Webb, continually correcting him, and there is no challenge whatsoever to the repellent attitudes of the Muslim Brotherhood. Webb squeaks at the intro that there is the…ahem…outside possibility that things may not turn out quite as expected in Egypt with “conservative Islamists” doing so well electorally but El Haddad gives sweet assurances that all will be well and, gosh, the “Freedom and Justice” Party would even support a female President. Cool. How about a Jewish one? No mention of the vicious rhetoric directed towards Israel, no mention of the violence directed towards Egyptian Christians….just banality.
The print media has been awash in recent weeks with stories concerning the arrest/conviction of gangs of young men who have been involved in the the most vile sexual exploitation of young white girls. Rape, grooming and trafficking are some of the horrendous crimes that police have been investigating and the sheer scale of these incidents will alarm all right thinking people. Which brings us to the BBC and it’s curious reluctance to give these stories the sort of attention they deserve. Might this be related to the awkward detail that the overwhelming number of these cases seem to involve young Muslim men, many of whom seem to be related? Is the BBC scared to ask some tough questions lest it upset the community cohesion and multiculturalism narrative? When I have raised this point before, BBC apologists tell me that the religion of a criminal is irrelevant to the crime and that the media should not report it. But I think this entirely misses the point since in the case of Islam, it may actually be part of the driving force that sustains such abuse and contempt towards girls, especially white girls. Your thoughts?
Saturday and bumping the Open Thread!
I see that “America’s first black President” (to quote Mark Mardell) has decided to weigh on and heaven forbid, gain a little political capital from the killing of the black teenager Trayvon Martin. Naturally this is reported with bated breath although even Mardell admits that “These remarks are rare and deliberate, and some will find them controversial.” I guess the “some” Mardell refers to might be the parents of all those non-black teenagers murdered and sent to their graves without a word from “America’s first black President”?
Here’s the sort of analysis that the BBC would run a mile from allowing on their channels;
Why should the leader of the free wold dive head first into a racial controversy that has been blown far, far out of proportion by those who seek to use the death of a young black man for their own personal agendas?
A Hispanic man shoots a black kid where no one knows the exact circumstances in which the shooting occurred and where we are likely never to know what happened. Instead of waiting for the facts, narratives have replaced truth and we have a full blown racial incident when it isn’t even clear that race was a factor. Obama could have said – should have said – “no comment.” Instead, he sought out an opportunity to stoke the fires of race hate:
Obama as a stoker of race hate? Surely not? I can remember being admonished by the BBC for referring to Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson as race hustlers so I can but imagine the reaction if I included their President of choice in the same category.
Just because you are not interested in “gay marriage” does not mean the advocates of “gay marriage” are not interested in you. The BBC has been a relentless propagandist for the gay lobby and a good example of this was an interview with the highly divisive American cleric Gene Robinson on Today this morning @ peak hour 8.17am. Robinson was given such a soft interview and even got away unchallenged with suggesting that Christ may have slyly hinting that he was in favour of Gay Marriage at the Last Supper. It’s clear that the BBC sees Robinson as a hero and so happily provides him with this platform disguised an interview, a platform that his critics – and they are many – are denied. I have no problem with the BBC covering the topic (although it does so with much enthusiasm, entirely disconnected to its relevance to the overwhelming of people) but it sets the debate up in such a way that those who suggest it is unBiblical and morally wrong are then presented as bigots. It’s as if the BBC is Stonewall’s broadcasting arm.