[The attacks on Farage] have permanently installed the idea that the political class are a united vindictive force which regards the anxieties and concerns of a large proportion of voters with contempt. The people will not forget this lesson. Even when they return to the fold of the mainstream parties – as I have no doubt they will – in the general election, they will recall this vendetta, and it will leave a bitter suspicion about how seriously their opinions are taken by the governing elite.
Nigel Farage has hung up his spurs for a well deserved rest after having almost single handedly defeated what seemed like the unstoppable forces of the Establishment arrayed against him over the course of nearly three decades.
Much like Thatcher he is destined now to be forever mocked, sneered at and demonised by the likes of the BBC and the Guardian, all the more so for having been their ultimate nemesis, one man up against the torrent of pro-Europe, pro-immigration, pro-open borders propaganda that issued forth from the state broadcaster.
Adrian Chiles, who clearly adheres to the BBC othrodoxy about UKIP, repeatedly today claimed that Farage had ‘stoked the fears about immigration’.
Farage did no such thing. This is the usual BBC attempt to shape people’s perceptions and create the myth that there is not, and never has been, a problem with immigration…it’s just an imaginary fear created by the likes of Nigel Farage. Farage stoked nothing. What he did do was represent those who found themselves without a voice, their opinions shouted down, demonised as racists and silenced by the BBC which failed to report the truth about immigration and the effects it was having on society, the effects the people could see but weren’t allowed to talk about. Farage gave them a voice, he didn’t create or ‘stoke’ the fears. They were real and genuine.
Farage should be saluted and celebrated for the work he put in in the face of the enormous pressure and vitriol aimed at him, the tremendous amount of abuse, both verbal and physical, that he withstood, the mocking from the so-called BBC comedians and the interviews that were more like kangaroo courts than informed debate.
All we need to know about the BBC and its attitude towards Nigel Farage, and the people whose views he fronted, is that when LBC’s James O’Brien attempted a public lynching of Farage using lies, smears and innuendo in an aggressively hostile and prejudiced interview that had only one aim, to portray Farage as some sort of Nazi with a dubious morality, the BBC decided that O’Brien was just the man they needed to help present one of their flagship political programmes, Newsnight.
You don’t really have to know a single other thing about the BBC other than to recognise what the recruiting of O’Brien says about its thought processes, its values and the methods it is prepared to use to silence its political opponents…and of course just how biased it genuinely is.
Apart from the very obvious fact of the referendum substantiating Farage’s beliefs there are a couple of other points that should be made.
Remember that poster that the Left got so upset about?
And today a caller on the Nicky Campbell show justified Farage’s use of the poster saying that the problem was that they may be refugees now but when Merkel gives them all passports and citizenship they can go where they like and many will head to Britain. Campbell stated the he ‘understood that.’ So Farage was right and the BBC understands that…and yet still launched all out attacks on him for his poster….and the EU seems to have just a loose attitude towards the free movement of asylum seekers and imigrants as to that of EU workers…
Article 77
1. The Union shall develop a policy with a view to:
(a) ensuring the absence of any controls on persons,whatever their nationality, when crossing internal borders
Remember when Farage was attacked for suggesting HIV positive migrants shouldn’t come here? The EU agrees…it says a country can limit the freedom of movement for reasons of public health….
There are limitations based on considerations of public security, public policy, public health grounds
Nigel Farage has been right all along and the BBC’s contempt for him shows which side of the argument they are on….they are in no shape or form impartial or balanced when it comes to immigration or EU membership and blatantly tries to gag those who would criticise either.
“When the British people speak, everyone, including members of parliament, should tremble before their decision . . .”
The big battalions at the BBC have been mobilised to rescue the European Project from self-destruction as it implodes due to its own massive arrogance, contempt for the people and conceited self-righteousness. Not only the big battalions though, the BBC has launched its EU jihadis out into the wild to go freerange to infiltrate the Press and other media to ambush, deny and harass in order to press the case for a general election and a second referendum by spreading half-truths, smears and outright lies about the Brexit vote and the people who voted Leave, stirring up hate and anger against them.
After Jo Cox’s murder the BBC really stepped up a gear along with Cameron and the Guardian to exploit her death, desperately trying to link the Leave campaign to the murder, Mishal Husain the next day suggesting that it was Leave’s, and only Leave’s, extremist rhetoric that caused Jo Cox’s death. Then we had the actual vote and the BBC went into meltdown, all semblance of balance and impartiality has been cast aside in order to put an end to this nonsense of a democratic vote overruling the elite’s domination and control….as Michael Heseltine suggests..…
We have a constitutional crisis unprecedented in peacetime and a referendum result that flies in the face in the overwhelming majority of MPs, who believe our national self interest is inextricably interwoven with that of our European neighbours.
Yes that’s right, we must do what our MP’s tell us to do. Funny I always thought it was the other way around and that the MPs were there to represent us. But then again the BBC, after the death of Jo Cox, hurried to suggest we ought to have more respect for our politicians and not to believe the evil Press which told us politicians were out of touch with the common man. What, politicians like Cameron, Osborne, Heseltine, Mandelson, Blair and Clarke? The most arrogant, conceited, out of touch, patronising, condescending and contemptuous (Did I forget ‘lying’?) bunch of politicians as we’ll ever come across…and they all want you to have another vote…just vote the right way of course.
The BBC really is going to town on this as it works to promote the EU and to inform us, educate us, as to how vital the EU is to maintain peace, security, stability, economic success and the cultural and social benefits of staying part of Big Brother. The other tactic is to delegitimise the Leave campaign, as said above by blaming it for the death of Jo Cox and for the ‘unleashing of racism’ as well as claiming the campaign was based upon lies and extremism that fooled or tricked the voters, the voters who were too stupid, uneducated or prejudiced or who didn’t care enough to vote the right way. The voters that were too old, too white, too poor, too stupid to be allowed to vote…their vote doesn’t count apparently. Never mind I know plenty of highly educated, well off young people who voted Out….and no, they’re not ‘racist’ in the slightest….unless smug BBC types count as a race.
On Thursday Melvyn Bragg compromised his integrity and produced a programme that was blatantly about the EU and the benefits of being subsumed by a superstate telling us that splitting authority between different bodies is the road to conflict, that the good order of the state is founded on one ruler, one faith (God Bless the EU) and one system of law and that the solution to fragmentation and instability is ‘sovereignty’…of an overarching super authority. Just another BBC programme ostensibly about one thing but really a less than subtle allegory with a message about the wonders of the EU superstate and its all encompassing rule.
Then we hadFrom Our Own Correspondentwhich was again just a vehicle used to deliver a message. First we had Jeremy Bowen up to his old tricks and telling porkies about Iraq, delivering what has become the BBC standard narrative that the 2003 Iraq War was the root of all the ills in the Middle East….how about the invention of Islam and the Arab conquest and colonisation which is still an ongoing project as Saudi Arabia floods the world, including the UK, with money and fundamentalism to further its Jihad…both hard and soft?
Following Bowen we had a trip to Prague where we learned about the perils of splitting up a state…the BBC didn’t want to suggest that this leads to conflict and bloodshed but…..
Then we went off to Brazil…a country in crisis, a dire situation…a very different country to the booming and confident one it used to be as it’s economy sinks into the mire, we are told….all not compared in the slightest to the UK…no suggestion that this is going to be the fate of a post-Brexit Britain…no really.
Finally there was a report from Sudan, not much about the EU here but naturally Britain got the blame for the civil war there…apparently it was all about ‘divide and rule’….the British’s fault from over a century ago.
Just another day on FOOC where ‘programme’ is just another way of spelling ‘propaganda’.
Naturally Brexit has destroyed Britain and Leave got their country back….Germany in 1932 apparently. Personally I’d like to think it was Britain in 1941 after we’d smashed the Nazi hordes trying to subjugate us with their fleets of bombers blitzing our cities.
Leave voters are ‘precious little snowflakes’….not the BBC calling them racist surely?
Farage naturally gets it in the neck…he, and the people who voted with him, are xenophobic, Europhobic, homophobic Klu Klux Klan members…apparently, according to the BBC….and all posh Old Etonians are ‘casual racists’.
Seems that it is the BBC that has the genuine ‘racists’, the people who disdain Leave voters and label them and use that label to attack them…..Deadringers is just another one of those lefty ‘hatecrimes’ dressed up as comedy. If they’d said about Black people or Muslims what they’ve said about Leave voters the police would be searching their offices and computers right now. It is outright abuse, discrimination and demonisation of Leave voters. And it’s not just the comedy ‘racists’ who do this…the BBC’s most repsectable and solid citizens partake in a bit of hate as well….masked, not very successfully, as intelligent and profound comment.
Andrew Marr, Nicky Campbell, John Simpson and Anita Anand all engage in spreading anger, discontent and loathing against Leave voters.
Anand goes it alone in the Telegraph as she tells us ‘Britain needs to pull together to beat this ugly rise in racism’. Really? I’m sure the police can more than adequately deal with a few nutters and idiots without the involvement of ‘Britain’. Anand spins a few tales of racism into a country wide phenomenon that is endemic and on the rise…the very fact she writes this article suggests she thinks she is in Germany in 1932 (does she get her material from Deadringers?) and that a new Holocaust is about to happen. In reality she doesn’t think that, this is just another attempt to put Leave on the backfoot by propagating the idea that racism has suddenly become acceptable and is spreading like a virus across the country due to the Leave campaign. Just the usual lefty tactic of trying to win a debate by shouting ‘racist’.
John Simpson, well, his article in the New Statesman (A careless, nasty, mendacious and vicious campaign) I don’t really need to ‘Fisk’…read it for yourself, the prejudice, the extremely one-sided nature of his toxic narrative is self-evident and very, very obvious. Simpson is hugely disappointed about the Out vote and as is the norm blames the racism and ignorance of the Leave voters for it. Just as he ‘liberated Kabul’ he thinks he won the 1975 referendum…and is gutted that nobody asked him for his opinion this time….the Leave voters were carelessly uninterested in the referendum, they didn’t think it mattered he tells us…what complete bollocks. He tells us that the children and our children’s children have had their futures blighted, again complete bollocks…and naturally Jo Cox’s death is used to prop up his argument, his rant. Apparently Britain in 1975 was a haven of racial harmony and mutual respect for one and all, especially politicians…now things are so much more brutal and coarse…some thug had the temerity to shout ‘Traitor’ at Cameron…the uppity little pleb, how dare he.
Nicky Campbell also appeared in the New Satesman…the New Statesman certainly understands its contributors and knows where to get a reliably pro-EU line. Campbell uses much of his space to tell us how wonderful the BBC and 5LIVE is…and all done with ‘unimpeachable impartiality’…can’t say I’ve noticed, but thanks Nicky, must rememebr to check it out again, must have missed something. Campbell was ‘privileged’ to hear the ‘the pride, the prejudice and the passion’ coming over the airwaves…..the ‘prejudice’…..ahhh yes those racist, bigoted Leave voters eh? What’s up with them then? Apparently ‘The referendum’s result surprised no one here’ at 5Live. LOL. Had to pick you up off the floor when the result came in luvvie. Note also Campbell’s little love-in with Corbyn….Marr, also in the New Statesman, fed us a line about the wonders of Corbyn.
Rather than see this as a British vote, he portrays it, as the opponents of the vote would like to have it protrayed, as a vote split into certain sectors…..England against Scotland and London, the old versus the young, the rich versus the poor, the ignorant versus the educated…he doesn’t have the guts to say outright the ‘whites against the people with brown skin’…but of course he slips it in later.
He thinks this is the biggest democratic event in our history but then wields the knife to say it was all built on lies and foolishness…
It is also one of the elite’s most significant blunders, provoked by the most senior politicians for the wrong reasons and then pursued in what (to use a crude but apposite phrase) is the biggest establishment cock-up in my lifetime.
And Brexit attracts the ‘wrong sort of people’.…
There are calls for national revolt against the EU coming from across the continent. Far too many of the continent’s leaders welcoming our decision were the wrong sort of people.
The EU protects us all…
There are the darker forebodings about Europe, which has never managed to stay at peace with itself for long as a constellation of independent countries. Immigration pressures and the Russian threat are just a couple of possible sources of future conflict.
That’ll be the EU that has helped to escalate the immigration crisis and provoked Russia and stood back whilst IS and Assad demolish Syria and forced out millions of refugees who then headed towards Europe.
Fair enough he recognises the problems of the EU…
Is it possible that leaders in Brussels will eventually react, once the anger has cooled, to take a different path: to listen much more acutely to the sounds of pain caused by the euro experiment; to do a proper deal for Greece; to reassert democratic accountability (much more Council of Ministers, much less Commission); and to reassess free movement?
Which makes you wonder why the BBC et al so stridently shouts down the Leave campaign which articulates those very concerns and which the referendum was all about.
Marr then makes a big admission, again at odds with the BBC narrative…that Cameron’s much vaunted negotiations with the EU were a failure…
As soon as it became clear that Mrs Merkel was not prepared to countenance an end to the free movement of people, the plan began to fall apart. I vividly remember interviewing Cameron as the details of the negotiation became clear and thinking to myself, between his explanations: “This isn’t nearly enough.”
But Marr slips in his analysis here….
David Cameron and his closest political allies decided that the only way of scuppering Ukip and the Euro-hostile right of the Conservative Party was to give the British people a referendum.
The brutal way of putting this is that Cameron decided to put party management and tactics ahead of grand strategy, grossly overrated his own negotiating skills, and has been badly bitten in the bottom accordingly.
Cameron had no choice…you just have to look at the general election result when UKIP took 4 million votes to know that the Tories, and as it turned out Labour, were on the ropes about Europe. Marr forgets that Labour is currently being destroyed by that very fact as Labour voters haemorraged away from ‘in’ Corbyn to vote for Out in the referendum. And this wasn’t just an exercise in party management…as the result of the referendum shows the British public wanted a say that was long denied them about the EU….for them this was about democracy not any political party.
Marr also recognises that there was a ‘project fear’ and yet in all the post-Brexit talk from the BBC all we get is that it was the Leave campaign’s ‘extremist’ rhetoric that brutalised the debate. But Marr admits….
A close confidant of the Prime Minister told me, when I questioned him about the wisdom of this: “On the contrary, we need more fear. Fear is the only thing that can win it for us . . . We need lots of fear. We need as much fear as we can get.”
Don’t hear that from the likes of Anand do we?
Marr then goes all BBC and reverts to type…
The most significant reason Project Fear failed was that it was confronted by a larger project of fear: the fear of uncontrolled and uncontrollable migration running, cumulatively, into the millions for many years ahead. Frank lies were told. Gross exaggeration ran riot.
Lies and gross exaggeration of the Leave campaign? Bit of a lie and gross exaggeration in itself that claim.
Oh yes and what about this twaddle?…
A rash of racist and xenophobic politics immediately after the results.
‘Politics’? Does he mean a rash of racist and xenophobic incidents?
And of course the Leave voters were the losers of society, the people who had nothing…no education, no money, no scruples, no morality it seems….so they voted Leave…..
When George Osborne warned of an economic apocalypse, people with nothing who felt they had no opportunities just put their fingers in their ears and went “la-la-la”.
Seventeen million no-good-for-nothings have hijacked the country and don’t know why…the stupid bastards eh?
Hilariously Red Andy tells us..
There were people who saw what was happening and understood that disregarded Lower and Middle Britain was fed up to the back teeth and ready to revolt: some trade union leaders – whose job it was, after all, to represent them – and some Labour MPs.
Not the old Etonian, the Tory minister, the UKIP fella then, just some Labour chappies and union barons?
Marr presses the Remain line…that a general election is needed…after which of course Brexit will be quietly shelved….
In usual circumstances, we would expect an early general election. There is a strong basic democratic case for one: otherwise, we get a prime minister, never chosen by the country, attempting to enact a manifesto no party has ever stood on in a general election.
Trouble is Cameron promised a referendum pre-2010, backed out then promised it again…and the 2015 election was run knowing a referendum was on the cards…and 17 million voters does give the referendum legitimacy..as well as an act of parliament. As for a party manifesto…it will be the same as the one they run on now.
Marr ends by implying Leave may have destroyed the country and will have to apologise…
If it turns out that George Osborne’s blood-curdling warnings about jobs and investment turn out to be even half accurate, then those same cheerful gentlemen will have many personal apologies to make to people who do lose their jobs, or see prices rise and their pensions fall. There is plenty of anger still to come.
Perhaps all those who tied us to the sinking disaster zone that is the EU should apologise to all those who lost their jobs, their homes, their identity, their dignity and their hope. Funny how Marr doesn’t remember, and demand apologies for, the ERM or the lies and deceit that led us into the 1975 referendum, Maastricht and Lisbon…Lisbon where the ashamed and cowardly Brown didn’t dare sign the agreement in public as he signed away British sovereignty, the lies and deceit about immigration…but then the BBC has spent decades covering up those lies, so why reveal them now?
The Empire is striking back and the revolution is in danger.
The BBC is acting as the private propaganda unit of the Remain camp providing them with endless and invaluable proaganda to create the narrative that the referendum was illegitimate and that a general election and a second referendum is necessary or that Brexit can be blocked with some legal trick or that 17 million and 1 signatures on a petition will overturn the result….
Legally speaking, the petition would have to show a clear majority of the electorate now favoured Remain for a second referendum to be triggered, says the BBC’s legal correspondent Clive Coleman.
Utter tosh…there is no legal ruling that allows a petition, signed by who knows who, to overturn a referendum result. Just more BBC hustling to harass and pressurise politicians into bending the rules towards the BBC’s favoured way.
If the result is overturned and ignored the BBC had better hope people have short memories, the tanks will be on their lawn as well as the politicians’.
The land of my fathers is dear unto me, Land of poets and singers and people of stature, Her brave warriors, fine patriots, Shed their blood for freedom.
George Osborne’s Treasury celebrating Welsh patriotism and spirit? The Wales that rejected their scaremongering and Project Fear and voted Out? Whatever next? The PM celebrating a famous Welsh win in Europe?
Just where does the BBC get its journos? Wherever perhaps they should consider recruiting elsewhere.
Clive Coleman provides us with some genius journalism…that is no doubt intended to ‘encourage’ the Remain protestors to step up their protests in their attempt to overturn democracy.
No bias in that headline then. Coleman seems a tad disappointed that Brexit seems unstoppable…
While lawyers may raise arguments, it seems impossible to see a legal challenge stopping the great democratic juggernaut now chuntering towards the EU’s departure gate.
There are times when politics simply outstrips the law.
This feels like one of them.
So his conclusion is that the law can stop it but that politics trumps it. But erm, read his article and that’s just not true…the conclusion is really that the law cannot stop Brexit despite Coleman trying his best to engineer his piece to suggest it can.
For instance he asks if Article 50 can be stopped as it needs the assent of Parliament before it is invoked…
Article 50 says any EU member state can leave “in accordance with its own constitutional requirements”.
That phrase has given lawyers pause for thought as to what is lawful under our constitution.
In a piece co-authored by three legal experts, for the UK Constitutional Law Association, it is argued that under our constitutional settlement, the prime minister cannot issue a notification under Article 50 without being given authority to do so by an act of Parliament.
The Article 50 process would cut across and emasculate the 1972 act, and so, the argument goes, the prime minister needs the backing of a new act of Parliament to give him or her the constitutional authority to push the Leave button.
He also promotes this campaign which most people will never have heard of…
There is also an attempt to crowd-fund legal advice on the issue: “Should Parliament decide?”
TheCrowd Justice website says a legal challenge could be “the most important public law case in living memory”.
If it was decided that a prime minister acting alone under prerogative powers lacked the constitutional authority to trigger Article 50, an act of Parliament would need to be passed giving him or her that authority.
What Coleman and these lawyers seem to forget is that the referendum wasn’t done on the whim of the PM it was authorised by Parliament in the European Union Referendum Act 2015 and as such must authorise any Out vote would enable the government to trigger Article 50. Not a great deal of point in having a referendum unless you are able to act upon it one way or the other. Curious that Coleman makes no mention of the referendum Act.
Coelman then goes on to contradict himself by saying the PM could trigger Article 50 himself without legislation…
Consider also that Article 50 arguably does not need legislation and can be triggered by a prime minister using prerogative powers.
In other words, the two-year period could run its course without any agreement and thus any legislation by the UK Parliament.
Ironically he does mention Parliament voting for a referendum but in the context of the much desired 2nd one…
The sovereignty of Parliament is a cornerstone of our constitution, so it is possible it could pass a law calling a second referendum.
Note that bit about ‘The sovereignty of Parliament is a cornerstone of our constitution‘…LOL…..not whilst we’re in the EU and all our laws subject to its approval. Funny how ‘sovereignty’ is suddenly important to a no nation, no borders Beeboid when it counts in their favour.
He has a little bit of wishful thinking at the end..
However, although constitutionally possible, this is politically unthinkable.
It would take something akin to a revolution and full-blown constitutional crisis for it to happen.
If the petition grew to show a clear majority of the electorate now favoured Remain, that might be tantamount to the revolution and might possibly trigger the unthinkable.
But four million is a long way off that.
Get signing that petition Remainers…..go for it!!! Vive La Revolution!
So Shami Chakrabarti has had her anti-Semitism inquiry and held a press conference to astound the world with its findings…apparently, and I paraphrase the BBC, there isn’t much to worry about. Labour is an anti-Semite free zone. Pretty much. Apparently.
The Labour Party is not overrun by anti-Semitism or other forms of racism but there is an “occasionally toxic atmosphere”, an inquiry has found.
Curiously the BBC makes no mention of the attack on a Jewish Labour MP by one of Corbyn’s Momentum Blackshirts only referring to a media scrum at the end of the event..no suggestion as to why there was a media scrum such as Corbyn not defending a Jewish MP at his own inquiry into anti-Semitism…couldn’t make it up could you? The BBC doesn’t bother, it just ignores it here in its ‘analysis’ [LOL]….
There was a melee as the Labour leader was pursued out of the room by reporters and photographers.
And some of those attending were left bemused by Mr Corbyn’s comments appearing to liken the actions of the Israeli government with those of so-called Islamic State.
The comparison was no doubt unintended but it was a reminder of the huge challenge facing the party if it’s to encourage debate yet avoid causing unnecessary offence.
So Corbyn didn’t intend to make such a comparison of Israel with the Islamic State…yeah right…Corbyn has form on this….remember his ‘friends’ comments about the Islamist terror groups…..watch the video and Corbyn’s excuses for what he said ring hollow as he says Hamas is a peace-maker dedicated to the good of the Palestinian people and is not a terror group….
Corbyn definitely did compare Israel to the Islamic State and other terrorist organisations (not Hamas obviously!) and Shami Chakrabarti herself in her attempt to explain away Corbyn’s remarks made exactly the same comparison as she said that what was being compared was Jews being asked to justify Israeli actions and Muslims being asked to justify the actions of Muslim terrorists….in other words she compared Israel to Islamic terrorists just as Corbyn did.
Why can the BBC not produce an analysis that suggests the inquiry was a total whitewash...the Telegraph can….
Anti-Semistism a report a ‘whitewash’
Jonathan Sacerdoti, director of communications at the Campaign Against Anti-Semitism, has said Labour’s report was a whitewash and attacked Mr Corbyn.
He said: “It did not examine the disgraceful cases of anti-Semitism in the party, or their even more disgraceful mishandling by the party leadership, including Jeremy Corbyn, who presides over a regime of the lightest slaps on wrists for even the most offensive and deliberate anti-Semites.
“Inexcusably, the inquiry proposes making it harder to suspend anti-Semites and keeping suspensions secret so as not to affect elections.
“Additionally the inquiry dismisses any claims of anti-Semitism arising from sharing a stage with anti-Semites, and suggests that any anti-Semitic incident coming to light after more than two years should not be considered – a limitation period so short it has no parallel in any other disciplinary regime that we are aware of.
“Apart from imploring Labour activists to stop calling Jews ‘Zios’ or accusing them of supporting Nazi policies, this inquiry is a vague, meaningless whitewash that will do nothing to rid Labour of anti-Semitism or address the total absence of leadership it has shown on this issue.
“For Jeremy Corbyn to compare Israel to Isis during his event dedicated to anti-Semitism only goes to show just how little grasp he has of this pressing problem for his party.”
Justin Webb tackled Chakrabarti on Corbyn’s comments on the Today programme but he made no comment about her own remarks as she in effect also labelled Israel a terrorist sate…and no mention by Webb of this revealing bit of film from the end of the inquiry press conference that shows Corbyn on very friendly terms with the same man who attacked Labour MP Ruth Smeeth, he knows him so well that he has his phone number…..
Turns out Chakrabarti is quite the loyal little lapdog as she unquestioningly defends her new found master…just as she praised and defended the Islamists of Cage.
Boris wrote an article post Brexit in the Telegraph on Monday. He has been variously denounced for the content of it and the BBC et al are making much of the suggestion that this article led to his downfall. The BBC itself may have led to much of the misunderstanding of that article if it indeed was a catalyst for the Gove alleged assassination.
The Mail had a different interpretation of the article and suggested that Boris was in conciliatory mood and was building bridges as he sought to reassure Remain voters about the outcome of Brexit. Reading the article you can see this is true and that at no time does Boris back out of his Brexit ideals….of bringing back sovereignty, of escaping the clutches of the EU laws and the ECJ and of course of limiting immigration.
Boris made it clear that the vote was a straight win, if narrow, for Brexit…. ‘In the end, there was a clear result. More than 17 million people voted to leave the EU – more than have ever assented to any proposition in our democratic history.’
Boris has been woefully treated and maligned for something he did not do. His article was a balanced, reasoned and principled piece that sought to reach out to Remain voters whilst upholding the values and ideals of the Leave side. Far from being recklessly ‘dashed off’ as his critics claim it was carefully considered and thought out piece..and as for him taking his time….well where was Osborne at the same time? He was all but invisible until Monday and Cameron vanished himself from the stage completely reneging on his responsibilities and duty.
Did the BBC report that suggested Boris was selling out the Leave team influence events and result in Boris being butchered? We can never know but it was almost certainly written with the intent of sabotaging his campaign by undermining people’s trust in him. It looks to have succeeded. One more success for the powers of darkness then.
No one can predict what sort of outcome might emerge from his capricious gamble, and it doesn’t look like we’ll even get to vote again until all of that is done and dusted. Europe doesn’t crush our democracy. It protects what’s left of it. Now that protection is gone and our limited, gestural, dysfunctional democracy is all we have.
The unelected European government protects our democracy? Pull the other one. It’s busily smashing and suppressing democracy right across Europe and gets ever more arrogant, overbearing and dictatorial as time goes on.
We’ve just had one of the most democratic votes in the United Kingdom’s history with a massive voter turnout and the Guardian thinks our democracy is under threat……well yes…under threat from the likes of the Guardian which refuses to accept the outcome of that vote and whose columnists threaten ‘not to forget’ those who voted to leave and encourage their readers to ‘hold onto their fury’.
The biggest danger to democracy is the likes of the Guardian and the BBC who twist and corrupt the news as they malign and demonise the people whose politics and values they don’t accept…so much for tolerance, diversity and multiculturalism. Only get that ‘acceptance’ if you run a ‘takeaway’…according to Labour.
Freedland is one of the Guardian’s stormtroopers for the European Union’s undemocratic Empire, one of its useful idiots.
He bases his argument on economics, that whatever the rights of Brexit the economics say we must stay tied to the disastrous autocratic dictatorship that is the EU.
Such an argument is what put Hitler into power as the industrialists and elites looked to someone who could could bring order and stability to Germany so that they could keep on making money and maintain their entrenched elitist privileged status lording it over the German people as they adopted a wilful blindness to the reality of Nazism.
It didn’t work out that way and handing over our nation to the EU and relying on the kindness of strangers from all those other EU nations not to destroy our own nation as they seek advantage and benefit from the EU will result in the same scenario with the unintended consequence of an EU subjugation with the political and economic colonisation of Britain.
Freedland, a Jew, should know better than to pander to a threatening and rising power just because it seems to offer some form of protection which turns out to be a mirage.
He should certainly know better than to make the kind of threat that Hitler’s thugs would make...’We won’t forget you….you’ll pay for this later when we come for you.’
Where is the BBC’s concern about hate crimes? Freedland is pumping out ‘hate’ towards the Leave voters making lurid and inflammatory claims blaming them for destroying Britain…hold on to your fury he tells Remain voters…we will not forget them he says.
Peter Allen, and Adrian Chiles, always seem out of their depth when talking of the big affairs of state…better stick to football and man bites dog stories. Nice, friendly guys, but that is reflected in the way they interpret events….never prepared to condemn or say something harsh but true unless of course it’s someone from the ‘Right’.
Yesterday Allen revealed to us that he thought perhaps Brexit had ‘unleashed something in the nation that was always there.’….ie racism. So a double whammy there….associates Brexit with racism and denounces the whole country, well the white bits, as racists who normally hide their racism until given license to be racist by Brexit.
Allen also took the usual BBC negative view of Brexit [When have you ever heard the BBC putting the positive case for it?] and when talking to the head of government in Gibraltar asked him what his fears were and if Gibraltar will survive...no negativity there then. The politician quickly put Allen in his place and said Gibraltar would thrive and prosper and may well do better…and indeed a Remain voter on Gibraltar said that after a weeks thought on the result he felt that Brexit might actually be good for Gibraltar…needless to say that conversation with the BBC ended pretty quickly.
Just another day with the nice Peter Allen and the BBC….talking down Britain.
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JohnCMar 12, 01:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 What really bothers me about the MSM these days Deborah is how their reckless partisan left-wing bias affects the whole…
DeborahMar 11, 23:54 Midweek 12th March 2025 I have never been totally sure that Reform was the answer. However I watch as the MSM take Trump’s words…
JohnCMar 11, 23:18 Midweek 12th March 2025 Not just the UK : they now have the power to rig every election of EU member states. Final ruling…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:36 Midweek 12th March 2025 It’s funny when you think someone is a genuine commentator and then you find out how wrong you were. For…
JonathanRMar 11, 22:08 Midweek 12th March 2025 I wonder if this is the reason Farage and his moslom paymaster want to get rid of Lowe. If it…
Fedup2Mar 11, 21:59 Start the Week 10th March 2025 Yes Taffman – really with you there – their intro question is ‘are you mr / Mrs x – ?…
JonathanRMar 11, 21:58 Midweek 12th March 2025 It is now becoming obvious to me that there can never be a Trump like government in Britain Even if…