Demonstrators take part in a protest against plans for new austerity measures on October 20, 2011 in Athens
Another blow to the BBC. Greece’s cabinet has given unanimous backing to the plan by PM George Papandreou to hold a referendum on a EU debt rescue package. You will recall that only yesterday the BBC was hoping that perhaps Papandroeu would fail to win this backing, so another bad day for those living in the fetid Euro-swamps of the BBC. They wheeled on Elena Panaritis, an MP from the Greek Pasok party, to the Today programme this morning but she did not follow the script and talked about the need to consult the people about the implications of the Austerity measures forced on her country by “the colleagues.” This was met by BBC stony indifference. It’s hilarious watching the puffed up outrage of the Euro-elite at the concept of  the people of a Nation being given the right to speak out about their future, it’s disgusting to note the State Broadcaster parrot this totalitarian creed.


Police outside Charlie Hebdo offices (Feb 2006)
It’s been interesting observing the BBC coverage of the overnight firebombing of the offices of French satirical magazine “Charlie Hebdo”.

The offices of the French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo have been destroyed by a petrol bomb, French police say. It comes a day after the publication named the Prophet Muhammad as its “editor-in-chief” for its next issue.Its cover carried a caricature of the Prophet making a facetious comment. The magazine said the move was intended to “celebrate” the victory of an Islamist party in last month’s Tunisian elections. Charlie Hebdo’s editor is quoted as saying: “We no longer have a newspaper. All our equipment has been destroyed.”

The BBC angle seems to be that these French satirists brought it on themselves being deliberately provocative. No discussion as to who carried out the fire-bombing. Perhaps “youths” from Les Banlieus? We’l never know. The website of the magazine has also been hacked, with a message in English and Turkish, left on it. (Not French, entertainingly!). Again, no real examination as to WHO was behind this.

It seems that the BBC accepts that Islamists have the right to raze to the ground any building and destroy any company that dares make fun of Mohammed. Not only that but it seeks to place responsibility on the victims of Islamic intolerance. 


The BBC is a strange creature. It is profoundly anti-Christian, in my view, and as detailed in these pages over the years, but yet it has a certain fondness for the Anglican Church just so long as that institution careens off in a nihilistic leftist direction. It has been fawning in covering the commentary by well known economist Rowan Williams in the FT this morning in which he backs the farcical “Tobin Tax”. On Today this morning it brought on that wholly fool Bishop of London Dr Richard Chartres (7.50 a.m.) who was made to essentially apologise for not immediately having gone on-side with the anarcho-communist rabble outside St. Paul’s! Chartres was an embarrassment who grovelled and in essence came out supporting “the ideas” of the protesters. So, with the St. Paul’s theological establishment dripping wet and opposing Capitalism, and with Rowan Williams doing his best to ruin our Banking system, a warm reception from the BBC is almost guaranteed. I would go further and suggest that just as the BBC has rotted away from within, embracing leftism instead of pursuing impartial reporting, so has the COE rotted away and St.Paul’s stands aloft as a glorious whited sepulchre.


Have you been enjoying BBC exasperation today that the economic figures have been BETTER than they were hoping for? All day long there has been a series of pundits having to repeat the GDP growth through gritted teeth before reverting to the Ed Balls mantra inanity that the growth isn’t really growth and the ONLY way we can get our economy going forwards is…Vote Labour!


…for they shall be granted a BBC interview. With the anarcho-communist rabble polluting the space outside St. Paul’s being asked to move on, the BBC needs to try and shore up support for these noble protesters. So,  at 7.51am, the BBC wheeled on two London based  Church of England clerics who performed as required. They expressed the required admiration for the bravery and courage of Swampy and his pals and were so dripping wet that I though their parish was the Thames!


You would need a heart of stone not to laugh at the BBC’s horrified reaction to Greek PM Papandreo’s decision to hold a referendum on the alleged “austerity measures.” Could it be that even Greece has no confidence in the EU? Heaven forbid. Anyway, the BBC wheeled on Vicky Pryce, former head of the government’s economic service, to tell us that the Greek people were “suffering terribly” because of the horrendous austerity imposed upon them (e.g paying taxes) and that perhaps Papandreo could win the referendum because, after all, the Greek people desperately want to stay in the EU (BBC meme alert) (BTW Ms Pryce is the former wife of Chris Huhne, and came to her office care of Labour, a few details the BBC conspicuously forgot to mention).


I’m not sure if anyone else was listening to the Today programme this morning but there was a remarkably cheap little attack on GOP Presidential potential candidate, Herman Cain around 7.23am. For some reason it’s not referenced in the running order so I cannot link it for you but it consisted of a short introduction to Mr Cain who was quickly described as “facing sexual harassment charges” (Were he a Democrat I assume these would be seen as a sign of his humanity if not greatness – see under Clinton) before they played a 1991 ad of him singing an Ad for his Pizza company. Cain must unhinge the BBC hive mindset – here is a man who speaks of himself plainly as a black American, who has proven his commercial astuteness, and who speaks to unashamedly conservative values. It seems that not all black Presidential candidates are equal through the BBC prism and the patronising tripe served up this morning may yet come back to haunt them should Herman Cain #occupy the White House


Interesting insight here by B-BBC contributor Alan;

Peter Salmon: The BBC's outlook for Salford is sunny
“BBC loves the idea of a borderless Europe with free movement of people all living in harmony and peace, bringing diversity and sparking exciting, innovative new ideas off each other… long as you don’t want possessions or a ‘homeland’…or maybe even a home….wouldn’t it be more efficient to ‘hot house’ and merely temporarily live in any house…ready at an instant to move onto your next exciting project….no ownership, no house chains, no problems…and all forced, sorry ‘facilitated’, by the government…isn’t that reminiscent of a failed ideology that did seem to like borders so much they built a wall and killed you for trying to cross it?
After all it all works…or surely will work, at BBC Salford…..

‘Staff have been given lockers for their personal belongings, and then “hot desk” at different seats as required. But one luxury they are not allowed at their hot–desks is a waste–paper bin. The only bins are near the photocopiers and in the kitchen areas (which, of course, also have recycling hoppers and a receptacle for “lined single–use paper cups”). According to Salmon, the lack of a personal bin “makes people move round a bit more, collaborate a little bit more and get to know their colleagues, learn new things about different ways of working. If people become territorial and defensive about their own space, they tend to work in less efficient ways.”