Really excellent and moving report on 'from our own correspondent' by @BenjaminZand. I nearly cried too, Benjamin. #thankyou
— Sam Smith (@samhenleysmith) September 23, 2017
A new tactic from the BBC to tug at your heart strings?
We are well used to the well modulated, middle class tones of BBC journalists sermonizing to us about immigration and the plight of ‘desperate’ migrants. Most people recognise this for what it is, the liberal Establishment’s extremist propaganda pressing for open borders and an unending stream of people from around the world to be allowed to force their way into Europe, the BBC talking down to us and ‘educating’ us on our moral duty. How many times have you heard a BBC journalist question a phone-in caller’s morality or sense of humanity if they voice an opinion that goes against the BBC mantra?
The BBC knows that such a message from the privileged, vastly overpaid and clearly contemptuous of the ignorant great unwashed, BBC journalists will be received with a great deal of cynicism. So what to do? How about the same message but different messenger…how about a ‘working class’ regional voice…such as Benjamin Zand from Liverpool…admittedly the name perhaps evokes exactly the same thoughts about the BBC types as any middle class voice would….never mind using someone of immigrant stock to push the message…not likely to voice anti-migration thoughts is he?
Seems his reports are seen by many as somewhat one-sided…naturally he is a ‘victim’ of their prejudice….
A man from Liverpool. I make documentaries and then people send me offensive messages on the internet.
Zand is in fact of Iranian extraction and is BBC through and through…his interests are their interests….but he has a Scouser’s accent. No doubt the BBC thought this would give some street cred to their ‘reports’ on immigration and fend off the criticism of a privileged elite imposing their extremist open borders immigration policy upon us.
Zand appeared on FOOC which was just a puff piece advertising his fuller Panorama programme…who said the BBC doesn’t have adverts? Just for their own programmes….maybe they should run the ITV and SKY schedules past us as well?
Unfortunately the programme seemed to reinforce my ‘prejudices’ as we heard that these migrants are in fact economic migrants who come here expecting to be given jobs, housing and money. Despite that the message is the usual….we must do more to help migrants come here in safety. His real target is those who want to block migration…and he does so by sensationalising the problems of those who hit the migration trail and blaming the problems on those who don’t provide a concvenient and easy route for people to come to Europe.
Watch @BenjaminZand's doc exploring the horrors of the migrant trail, and the impact of the EU blocking it – tonight, at 8.30pm on BBC1
— Amnesty UK (@AmnestyUK) September 18, 2017
BBC One tomorrow, looking at horrors people face on the migrant trail & the impact of millions of EU money spent on stopping people coming
— Benjamin Zand (@BenjaminZand) September 17, 2017
One example was an Iraqi who said he decided to come to Europe when his heart began to fail and he needed treatment..he couldn’t of course go back to Iraq because, he said, he had no family there. Now that’s pretty unlikely…and he didn’t have any family in Europe…so rather than go back to a country of his birth, to the language, culture and religion of his birth, he comes to Europe. It’s a similar paradoxical excuse we get from the BBC when they tell us illegal immigrants can’t be deported back to their home country because the family has roots here now and it would be like going to a strange and unfamilair place if they were sent home….but the migrants in the first place break their ties with their homeland and culture and come to a completely foreign, strange and unknown place when they come to the UK. So how is it OK for the BBC to encourage them to leave all that is familiar and traditional to them in order to come to an alien Europe? Why is going back to the homeland a fearful experience whilst uprooting themselves from that homeland and exposing themselves to the extreme dangers of the migration route and human traffickers OK?
It was a bizarre programme…clearly intended to engender sympathy and a new accepting attitude towards migrants and yet it presented evidence that showed how wrong that would be and how migrants are being lured by tales of riches and false promises…so often given credence by the BBC and its like themselves [the BBC actually published a guide for African migrants on how to make the journey here ‘safely’]….Merkel’s open invitation to the world to come to Europe is often quoted by migrants…Merkel ‘invited us’.
Shame the BBC doesn’t spend so much time, money and emotion on the extremely negative effects of such migration on the lands to where the migrants go.
Frightening where the propaganda starts now as the BBC narrative infiltrates schools and ‘poisons’ children’s minds….
My primary school in Huyton is watching current affairs docs & showing me love on Twitter. I have officially achieved all I ever dreamed of.
— Benjamin Zand (@BenjaminZand) September 19, 2017
@BenjaminZand teachers and all staff @malvernprimary were so impressed with your programme last night. Talk of the staffroom! #proud ????
— Malvern Primary (@malvernprimary) September 19, 2017