Corbyn’s ‘useful stormtroopers’

    The BBC tells us that Britain is a nastier, more anti-semitic, more misogynist, more violent, more sinister place since Corbyn became leader of Labour….his leadership giving licence to the thugs who roam British streets attacking those they want to silence and abuse.  The BBC gives us an alarming ‘warning from history’ about the rise of the Stalinist left across Europe with the echoes of the Thirties, the gulags, … Continue reading


  Trump’s imposing tariffs on steel and the world implodes…we’re going to have a trade war and the wondrous globalisation enrichment programme will come to a shuddering halt….the BBC tells us. Trump is just so stupid and ignorant.  How soon they forget…. EU raises import duties on Chinese steel, angering Beijing If a country dumped its excess steel at rock-bottom prices that is just the opposite of a tariff….it is … Continue reading

Weekend Open Thread

  ‘Any Questions’ fielded the editor of the online ‘news site’ The Canary Kerry-Anne Mendoza without telling us it is essentially a mouthpiece for Corbyn…not a ‘news site’ at all is it?,  good of the BBC to give it a platform…though maybe not as what we got was childish, ignorant, partisan nonsense from the editor…a bit of insight into what you could expect from The Canary itself? Interesting to hear … Continue reading

Red Alert

      Astonishing, our national broadcaster working hand-in-hand with the Russians to undermine, damage and impugn the credibility and standing of the Foriegn Secretary, Boris Johnson. We heard today, on the BBC, that the Russians would actually welcome being blamed prematurely for the poisoning of ex-Russian spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter as they could use this to discredit later accusations.  The above video is one from RT and … Continue reading

Loose Change…Loose Talk

We don’t half get some rubbish from the BBC. According to Nicky Campbell Putin’s speech the other day when he was boasting of Russia’s latest missile and its abilities was in fact part of a Trump/Putin conspiracy to boost American weapons sales…..the speech was ‘very profitable for the American arms industry’ Campbell whispered in such a way as to suggest a bit of Machiavellian connivance between the two old buddies. … Continue reading