Midweek 7th February 2024
BBC still on full Royal duty to keep the ‘powers that be ‘ onside – they;l soon revert to hating Britain and the people who still pay the licence ….( hope it’s not you )
BBC still on full Royal duty to keep the ‘powers that be ‘ onside – they;l soon revert to hating Britain and the people who still pay the licence ….( hope it’s not you )
In the last week the BBC has been forced to release 3000 emails concerning the fraud on Princess Diana , the publications of anti semitic hate social media by a BBC manager and yesterday the story of BBC manager giving ‘expert evidence ‘ to support criminal Somalians trying to get ‘asylum ‘… take your pick – and that’s just the vile BBC stuff we know about . And you still … Continue reading
Over to you
Still paying for the BBC ? Be ashamed .
Over to You
Do you wonder why the current ‘Conservative government ‘ has done nothing to control the BBC or its’ so called ‘regulator ‘ OFCOM ?. Well here is a clue – in the last 10 years there have been 11 ‘culture secretaries ‘. One might assume from that -that there is no drive to change the Far Left Anti British BBC . It seems that is a job for a real … Continue reading
The current ‘culture secretary ‘ apparently for ensuring the BBC is unbiased is Lucy Fraser . Fraser has announced another ‘review ‘ of BBC bias. There have been 9’culture secretaries ‘ since 2017 None have done anything .Thats what this campaign is up against . If you want to complain about the BBC where do you go ? You have to go to the BBC ! With other broadcasters – … Continue reading
BBC bias can be seen across their output . But it’s most clearly seen in editorial values – such as the treatment of people who are ‘disapproved ‘by the BBC . Donald Trump will feature bigly in 2024 as fear of his re election mounts . Watch ( or not ) and see ….
Have you dumped your TV licence yet ?
Over to you