Crunch Time

    The BBC has been blitzing us recently with tales of woe…A&E is swamped by ever increasing numbers, housing is massively in short demand and schools can’t provide anywhere near enough places for the numbers of pupils. Why has this situation arisen?  The BBC doesn’t know but of course is happy to speculate that it is due to the government not spending enough money…due to austerity measures [and of … Continue reading

Poirot Not Needed

  We’ve got another one of those BBC ‘mysteries’….the sort of mystery that is only a mystery to the BBC because it wants to raise some issues that otherwise it couldn’t…because they are not really ‘issues’ at all.   Belgium is apparently an apartheid state.  Who’d have guessed? Muslims, for naturally it is they, are discriminated against, marginalised and shoved unceremoniously into ghettoes by the racist Belgiques. I know this … Continue reading

Jerusalem on Thames     I know some MPs think we should have ‘Jerusalem’ as the national anthem but actually bringing Jerusalem to the UK?… Woman ‘tries to stab 15-year-old with kitchen knife on London bus’ Or as the BBC puts it…… Grandmother disarms teenager’s Lambeth bus knife attacker A curious and convoluted title as the BBC manages to mention the grandmother, the teenager attacked but not the actual attacker’s identity…If it … Continue reading

Hypocritical Oafs

    Our reporting should resist the temptation to use language and tone which appear to accept consensus or received wisdom as fact or self-evident. We must challenge our own assumptions and experiences and also those which may be commonly held by parts of our audience. These can present some of the most difficult challenges to asserting that the BBC does not hold its own opinion.  Care should be taken … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

Happy New Year to all B-BBC ers!

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from London. On the panel are Patrick O’Flynn MEP for Ukip, Conservative business and education minister MP Nick Boles, Labour’s shadow minister for wimmin Cat Smith, former editor of the Sun and Liverpool supporter Kelvin MacKenzie, and Camilla Long from the Sunday times.

Kick off tonight at 22.45

Chat here

Conspiracy theory that has legs

  The BBC’s ‘simpleton’ [©The Guardian] reporter, Hugh Sykes, thought that Cologne was down to a Far Right conspiracy to trick immigrants into behaving badly…..but a more credible theory is that it was orchestrated by the dark forces of the EU….this ‘conspiracy theory’ is actually backed with evidence of intent…. EU should ‘undermine national homogeneity’ says UN migration chief The EU should “do its best to undermine” the “homogeneity” of … Continue reading

A picture is worth a thousand words

    Interesting choice of photos by the BBC to illustrate its reports… On the upset caused by a change to a Spanish festival.….a story that had absolutely nothing to do with refugees…..   And a photo from a report about the anti-Christian ‘Commission on Religion and Belief in Public Life’s’ witterings….   Why illustrate such a report, which is really about Islam, with a picture calling Hindu Indian PM … Continue reading

For those BBC journalists still in denial

As George Walden once wrote in The Times, “Morality minus practicality is pious grandstanding, something best left to pop stars and theatre folk.” And BBC journalists. The BBC claimed on Sunday that no one knows what happened on New Years Eve….so just to confirm what everyone but the BBC knows here’s what happened… Today, the minister for North Rhine-Westphalia, the German state where Cologne is located, admitted that people of … Continue reading


    Hilariously, 10 days after the mass attacks across Europe and endless eyewitness and police statements, the BBC says… Even now, no-one – and that includes the police – really knows what happened. But of course… “The police should think now about what they do to help us,” Michelle continued. “This is not a situation that’s normal in Germany or the Western world.” But she worries. “It would be … Continue reading