The BBC do like to provide a platform for Professor Mona Siddiqui, the Professor of Islamic Studies and Public Understanding at Glasgow University. She is a regular contributor to Thought for the Day and this morning she was on to talk about how we should react to great tragedies. In particular she referenced how Norway has responded to the Breivik killings one year on compared to how the US has responded to the “Batman” shootings at Aurora. You see the Norwegians have responded by reinforcing their pacifist ways, their refusal to change their liberal spirit. Americans, by contrast, have responded to the slaughter in Denver by…..gasp…arming themselves in defiance of Obama’s words of wisdom. I suppose the Professor has never stopped to think that Breiviks rampage could have been cut short if Norwegians took a more American attitude towards guns. Still, anything that makes those red necks in the US look bad will always win a favoured place in Thought for the Day on the BBC.


BBC also in overdrive this morning to highlight the mistake made in Glasgow last night when the South Korean flag was flown by mistake at a Ladies football game featuring North Korea. I think the BBC reaction to this has been entirely disproportionate and if ever there was a Nation that we should not be apologising to it is the tinpot but nuclear armed despots of North Korea. Far too much hype afforded to this small incident and one trusts that when the BBC makes mistakes in the days ahead, as we all do in life, these too will be given headline prominence by the State Broadcaster.


Oh dear. Seems like the BBC have decided that Mitt Romney is a waycist! There was an absolutely DISGRACEFUL interview on Today this morning with   Stacy Hilliard, who worked on Mitt Romney’s campaign to become a Governor in Massachusetts.  With Billy Bunter look-alike Mark Mardell also putting in his pro Obama tuppence worth, this was a pure attack piece and I felt sorry for Stacy who at one point seemed to want to stop the “interview”.  Justin Webb was suggesting that Romney was playing the race card against Obama by referencing Anglo-Saxon heritage and when Stacy said that Romney hoped to rebuild the traditional alliances that Obama has chilled, again Justin launched into attack mode. The interview took place @7.21am but there is no link to it. However this was a pure hatchet job and as pro Obama as anyone could imagine. The BBC should be utterly ashamed of themselves for this. I hope Team Romney remember it.


BBC sycophancy towards Vince Cable has reached new levels of nausea this morning. A headline on the  Today programme was that Cable agreed that he would make a good Chancellor! You don’t say? This is of course also being used by the BBC as a not so coded attack on Osborne but it’s remarkable how the BBC grovels to Cable. I wonder if Cable’s self declared “war on Murdoch” is the thread that has earned Cable such respect from the BBC. To attack Saint Vince is to attract the opprobrium of the  Beeb yet his record on the big economic issues is abysmal, but he is the man who is always right- in hindsight. What next from the BBC? Mr Miliband – would you accept you would make a great Prime Minister?


BBC pretty exultant that the subsidy cut to onshore wind generation is only going to be 10% and not that 25% that “right wing” Conservatives wanted. The Limp as Lettuce politician Ed Davey was portrayed in heroic tones for seeing off the challenge to the Green Lobby although to be fair he gives such a bad interview that even this was somewhat diluted. Our friend Roger Harrabin was also on hand to join the the backslapping at this “good news”.


With the London Olympics consuming more and more BBC coverage as we approach the start of the Games, I though this was an interesting set of observations from a B-BBC reader;

“This is a slightly different complaint from what is normal, in that the BBC hasn’t yet deployed its bias and general idiocy.  It’s more of a plea to counter it.

A lot has been said of the BBC’s woeful coverage of the Golden Jubilee and rightly so, but their ‘Olympics’ coverage is an area ripe for even greater national embarrassment, giving the BBC, as it does, greater scope for pushing its Left-wing agenda…on an international scale.  It’s a rare opportunity Beeboids are sure to grasp with every fibre of their being.  I hope we can go some way to stopping it.

Although there must be numerous ways the BBC could embarrass us during the Olympics (I hope everyone will list them), I think I’ve found one that hasn’t been widely recognised.

Over the years, I’ve spotted a way that dear old Auntie films women, that doesn’t ever seem to apply to men, suggesting that something is going on.  Particularly at sporting events, women are filmed more often than not from the waist up and sometimes positioned awkwardly in the camera frame – not in the golden position: one third from the top of the frame and one third from the left or right.  Often, the producer cuts to a close-up or wide shot, out of sequence with the events, so behaving differently from when men are the focus. I don’t watch much T.V. any more and certainly not that from the BBC, but I’ve seen this on numerous occasions and in non-sport broadcasts, too.   It may even have been present in the BBC’s Crystal Palace athletics coverage, but I didn’t watch it.  Be on the look out for this and you will certainly spot it.  The rest of the MSM is just as guilty; the advertising industry, included.

Thinking logically, it would be sensible to infer that, if women are the target, the Beeboids behave this way to ‘protect’ them from what they view as ‘objectification’. I guess it is thought that a female athlete’s tumble onto a mat or into the sand, bending over to stretch or leaning forward, reveals too much (On a side note: there is a scary amount of ‘Muslim’ thinking, enveloping this feminist attitude).  It is staggeringly ironic, though, that in countering the normalisation of the ‘objectification’, with anti-voyeuristic camera-work, they draw attention to what they try to conceal.  It escapes the average Leftie that there is a vast difference between one of Berlusconi’s notorious game-shows and a woman demonstrating her athletic prowess.  It creates an unhealthy atmosphere to sexualise something that isn’t.  They’ve finally learned this regarding the depiction of children, but not yet with adults.

To be fair to the BBC [shudder], its execrable Jubilee coverage was an example of uncommon incompetence, albeit mixed with its daily obsession with yoof and anti-intellectualism, but I look on with horror at the thought of it using the Olympics to spread every tenet of politically-correct thought that it can inject in to a sporting event.  God knows how bad the opening and closing ceremonies will be.”

My thanks to the contributor!


Funny how the BBC hasn’t given this more profile…

“MPs have demanded that the BBC reveals details of all commercial deals its journalists have with other organisations, amid fears of an increasing number of conflicts of interest affecting their work.

The Corporation is under pressure following The Mail on Sunday’s disclosure two weeks ago that senior BBC journalist Roger Harrabin, acting on behalf of the BBC, accepted £15,000 in grants from the University of East Anglia, which was at the heart of the ‘Climategate’ scandal, and then reported on the story without declaring this interest to viewers.

Roger Harrabin, the BBC’s ‘environment analyst’, used the money from the Tyndall Centre (which includes the University of East Anglia’s Centre for Climate Change Research) to fund seminars on behalf of BBC senior management in 2002-5. Mr Harrabin did not derive any personal financial benefit.”


I was on the BBC earlier today here (45mins in)discussing some of the comments made by Conservative David Gauke concerning the “morality” of paying cash and also in tax avoidance.  As ever with the BBC there is an agenda and in this case the meme is naming and shaming “the wealthy” who dare to limit their tax exposure in a lawful manner. I asked the BBC presenter if those who have ISA’S should also be hounded or if this was just class war? I asked  if she knew that David Gauke is married to a Tax Avoidance lawyer. Don’t think she did. They don’t do their homework on these issues, they simply kneejerk into hang the “rich” and to hell with the consequences. Felt she was sympathetic to the soak the rich agenda of the Trade Unionist.