An astounding piece of pro-Labour propaganda from Robert Peston, says Biased BBC contributor Alan

‘The Party’s Over:How the West Went Bust ‘
In a one hour programme describing how we ended up bust and bankrupt Peston does not mention ‘Labour’ by name once…even more remarkably the man who was Chancellor of the Exchequer and Prime Minister in Labour’s 13 year Great Leap Backward, Gordon Brown, also remains unmentioned. Who does Peston conclude is to blame for the present little economic difficulty we find ourselves in? Peston reveals the culprits, not Blair, not Brown, not George Bush, not the corrupt and unworkable European Union but that old BBC enemy Mrs Thatcher, with Cold War Hero Ronald Reagan thrown in for good measure.

 ‘Thatcher and Reagan introduced a new global economy that lead to the great unravelling we’re experiencing now.’

Curious really when you read what Stephanie Flanders wrote in 2005 about Brown’s stewardship….

 ‘Britain is growing slower than it has in more than a decade. The high street has ground to a halt, and inflation is the highest it has been under Labour. When we look back, in a few years’ time, at Brown’s economy, will we still see an economic miracle? Or another old-fashioned spending binge that, sooner or later, had to run dry? What is left of the miracle economy, if you strip out the cheap imports and the consumer spending? What is left is a lot of public spending. The only part of the economy that has grown faster than spending by all of us the past few years has been spending by the government.’

and read this for good measure….

(Blair) ‘painted us a rosy picture of a Britain at home in its own skin. Part right. But it can hardly be entirely true of a country with the worst cancer survival rates in Western Europe, where young people cannot afford homes, pensioners have taken a severe financial battering while multimillionaires are created overnight and violent crime is rampant on sink estates where the law surrendered years ago.’


Biased BBC contributor Alan notes….

“Wednesday was fascinating…if you had flicked between the various BBC radio channels you would have heard a consistent drumbeat….S&P, Standard and Poor the rating agency, is wrong, not only wrong but incompetent and unqualified with no special insider knowledge of the markets…or no more than say a well read layman.

Why did I enjoy that? Because every time the BBC ‘expert’ piped up with his opinion (presumably also no better than a well read layman’s? ) he was shot down by the real experts who do work in the industry….and if you read the papers these conclusions were convincingly backed up.

S&P were just spelling out the blindingly obvious when they said Europe’s AAA rating may be downgraded. The ‘Merkozy’ backroom deal solved nothing. So is it incompetence, ideology or a mix of both that so blinds numerous BBC economics and business presenters?

It is odd really that they believe that no one will notice…the people who listen to these programmes are not uninterested nor unknowledgeable…the BBC fools no one but themselves.”


I received this email earlier today….
This story makes the BBC England page headline
But you can’t find this story on the BBC news pages;
unless you search the BBC news site using ‘muslim alcohol’ and you get this obscure page which has a link to the Scottish Sun and refers only to ‘girl gang…’
Pretty much convincing evidence of bias.
The BBC don’t even see fit to report the story. A mere link to another news article with no reference to the thugs as muslims.”


Justice Secretary Kenneth Clarke
I see that the BBC has given Ken Clarke’s broadside to Cameron “not to seek to repatriate powers from the EU” great prominence this morning. They love Clarke, and Heseltine, and indeed all those other dripping wet C.I.N.O.’s who exist to perpetuate the gospel of the European Union uber alles.As the UK’s relationship with the EU is put under the microscope, the BBC seems determined to isolate the very notion that we take back some of the sovereignty drained away in recent times, and that is where Clarke and his ilk provide a very useful function.


Have you been following the BBC’s coverage this morning of the the National Centre for Social Research’s 28th annual British Social Attitudes report? They appear outraged that…

“Britons are less willing than ever to pay higher taxes to support the National Health Service, schools or the environment, a new survey suggests. The National Centre for Social Research’s 28th annual British Social Attitudes report also found increasing numbers blaming poverty on “laziness”. The BBC’s Home Editor Mark Easton said it was a move towards “more emphasis on individual responsibility”. He said Britons were becoming increasingly..ahem… “judgmental”.

How dreadful for the BBC – it seems that the winds of recession are making people more self reliant or – as the BBC like to portray it – “selfish.” Now, if only there was a Government that reflected these values, the BBC would have a REAL reason to be afraid…. 


Douglas Carswell also gets the hectoring treatment this morning when he has the temerity to suggest that the British people must get to have a say on future EU treaty arrangements. Contrast the interruptions that characterise the Carswell interview with the studied silence that accompanies the evasive waffle from the foaming at the mouth Europhile Simon Hughes. That said, Carswell does his best although if you notice, Hughes actually gets to have the last word.


Here’s a classic clip from BBC Today this morning with Evan Davies showing his OUTRAGE that someone might suggest that a LABOUR party appointed panel to review future UK policing needs may be somewhat unbalanced. Poor old Blair Gibbs of the “right leaning” Policy Exchange think tank  is constantly interrupted, laughed at and contradicted because he has the temerity to suggest that Labour is biased in terms of how it seeks to review UK policing. Davies gives such a robust defence of Labour that I am sure Miliband will be on the phone later to express his deep appreciation…