Popish Islamist Plots

  The BBC once again uses historical allegories to try and explain, explain away, today…and why we are wrong to criticise Islam and the Jihadists…the war against the West is just a myth is the underlying, unspoken message……the stuff of nightmares… Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Titus Oates (1649-1705) who, with Israel Tonge, spread rumours of a Catholic plot to assassinate Charles II. From 1678, they went to great lengths … Continue reading

In the BBC we trust

  John Humphrys led the charge on Today (08:37) trying to separate fact from fiction in the EU debate…so-called debate.  Many claims have been made, but which if them have any basis in truth? The first ‘fact’ examined was Leave stating that we send £350 million per week to the EU.  The BBC says we don’t…because we get a rebate and the EU graciously spends some of that money on … Continue reading

Aaqil, You, and Islam Too

          The BBC’s head of religious programming, a Muslim called Aaqil Ahmed, who was renowned for producing pro-Muslim programmes at C4, has finally struck.  He has made the case for lessening the amount of Christian programming on the BBC and is insisting on Islam, oh, and other religions of course, to have a higher profile on the BBC. Not sure how Muslims and Islam could have … Continue reading

Merkel Uber Alles…The Same Old S**t?

Everyone knows that Frau Merkel pulls the strings in Europe…vote no and the pressure is turned on until you vote yes,  want a deal that will mean your country isn’t strangled by debt and can recover?….Frau Merkel won’t allow it. Want to control immigration?  Instead Frau Merkel will open the borders and invite the world in…in to your country.  Want help to fool the voters in the EU referendum?  Merkel … Continue reading

The Race Card Trumps Leftwing Solidarity

    The BBC has never been enthusiastic about Corbyn but, as fellow travellers, has dutifully protected his back more by omitting to report the bad news about him and his cronies in any rigorous manner than by positive tales of his political genius.  Nick Robinson’s warning not to be nasty to him must have paid off. That all changed on the election of Sadiq Khan to be London Mayor…suddenly … Continue reading


Well, as Alan notes, I was on the BBC earlier today to discuss the much awaited White Paper on the future of the BBC. I have to say that it was, as many predicted, a complete whitewash, full of sound and fury and signifying nothing. The fundamental problem is that the BBC license tax is confirmed for the next 11 years, allowing it to extort the annual £3.5bn license tax … Continue reading

Charter Review

  The Government’s white paper on the future of the BBC was published today and the BBC is to be duly eviscerated…..oh, no, in fact not much will change in the end and the BBC is in fact pretty happy, as it should be, with the deal. Let’s deal with Peter Kosminsky first…he’s a bit of a drama queen and wildly over the top in his attacks on Whittingdale and … Continue reading


  Amused to hear the BBC dismiss DV as ‘The Blogger’ this morning.  They managed to avoid actually telling you what he blogged on and where to find it.  Funny that.  Wonder how such dismissive tones sits with the new duty to reflect the views of all people in the UK…presumably that will include those of a different political persuasion to those the BBC normally panders to in its news … Continue reading

Question Time Live Chat

David Dimbleby presents this week’s show from Aberdeen. Joining him are : Conservative secretary of state for Scotland David Mundell MP, SNP minister for Europe Humza Yousaf MSP, Scottish Labour leader Kezia Dugdale MSP, former SNP deputy leader Jim Sillars and editor-in-chief of MoneyWeek magazine Merryn Somerset Webb.

Only 2 SNP representatives on the panel? How unfair!

Kick off tomorrow (Thursday) at 22.45

Chat here, register here if necessary.