US Mid-Term Elections Live-Blog 2nd Nov

Since long before his election, the BBC has been fawning over The One. After that the media has systematically ignored the failure of Hoax’n’Change, glossed over the rise of the Tea Party and dismissed the rise of small-government anti-Obama voices as ‘kooks’ and ‘racists’.  Tuesday sees the BBC’s runaway love-in coverage hit the buffers of the US electorate, and we’re going to live-blog the humiliation. Shadowing the BBC’s live broadcast, … Continue reading


[Apologies for a second blogpost on this subject but I was working on it when David Vance posted his one. Hope he and others don’t mind if I put it up anyway.] [UPDATE. I mistakenly thought Finlo Rohrer was a female journalist (I used to know a girl called Finlo) but apparently that’s not the case. Have updated the blog accordingly.] When BBC correspondent Finlo Rohrer reported on the Glenn … Continue reading


Does prison work? “No” says Rasta “Dr” Benjamin Zephaniah on Sunday Live. “No” says the Christina Rees the very opinionated lady from the General Synod. “Yes It could work” says Ian Collins. So, three panellists but two stating that Prison does not work. That’s the BBC vision of balance. This is how they operate – the majority view is traduced by careful manipulation and the liberal hand-wringing agenda is presented … Continue reading


I’m sure the Islington sophisticates at the BBC were horrified at the fantastic success of Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally in Washington DC. So when leftist comedian Jon Stewart organises his counter rally in DC, the BBC can be relied upon to cast it in as favourable a light as possible. Go to the story headed “Ruly Mob” on the main news portal that has the that leads to the story … Continue reading

Sometimes Racial Voting Is Approved by the BBC

The BBC approves of voting for one’s own ethnicity: when it’s Mexicans doing it.Border politics in Texas ahead of the mid-terms I know I’m late in getting to this, but it’s been a long week. In any case, at the beginning of the clip (just after the intro voice over) listen to what the candidate on the stage says: “…we need workers…” Remember that for later. Andy Gallacher is in … Continue reading

Times A-Changing?

Justin’s interview with Professor Anthony Glees and Shami Chakrabati this morning. Confusingly, Professor Glees pronounces ‘T’s as ‘D’s in the lefty manner, while Shami speaks standard Engrish. Disregarding the fact that Shami was allowed both the first and the last word, the argument went like this. Shami wants a balance between the Secret Service’s obvious need for secrecy and their accountability. Prof Glees says Shami’s lost the plot, forgedding that … Continue reading

Preaching by the Converted

My previous post was rushed to press in order to keep up with the rolling news, but there is more to be said. Bias by omission is almost accepted as a given, we breeze past it, forgetting that the BBC holds back a significant chunk of evidence it has deemed inadmissible, and consigned to room 101. Politically incorrect things, unmentionable lest the illusory thought crime known as Islamophobia be committed. … Continue reading


Many moons ago, I used to be a BBC FoC. That is, I was father of the chapel (shop steward) of the National Union of Journalists BBC information division branch. There were even in those distant days at least 70 people working in BBC spin (the total last time I counted was almost treble that), but I thus know from personal experience that we were a militant, left-wing, revolting lot. … Continue reading