I’ll be honest and state my own prejudice. I am pleased that Gilad Shalit is being freed today but I TOTALLY oppose the swap on the simple principle that rewarding terrorism usually ensures you get more of it. But it’s a big day for Israel and also for Hamastan.
I was surprised to hear the BBC refer to Shalit’s five year incarceration as “detention” this morning. Detention, eh? Even after all these years they just cannot bring themselves to admit that Shalit was kidnapped and then held hostage by Hamastan. Nor do they mention that two of Shalit’s colleagues were murdered by the same loathsome Hamas killers.
The BBC also seems a bit coy about the nature of those Palestinian “fighters” being released, almost as if their convictions for terrorism against Israel has no meaning. Similarly, the comment “Those released will return to armed struggle. It is a great national achievement.” by Khaled Mashal, Chairman, Hamas Political Bureau, Damascus, Syria, seems to have been missed by the world class BBC.
The BBC will record the jubilation amongst Palestinians as they celebrate their hatred of Israel and yet I suggest it will do everything possible to sanitise the blood lust on display, I will leave it to you to determine why.
It looks like Paul Mason’s witterings on the #Occupy movement are causing lots of concern. Here we have a take on his latest pronouncements from B-BBC’s Alan…
“Paul Mason is quite scary…this man is the editor of Newsnight…supposedly a flagship BBC current affairs programme, and yet the editor is reliving his student days….romancing the revolution.
The sheer idiocy of what he says is in fact probably beyond even what many a student drunk on Che Guevara and cheap beer would dare to utter. His main problem is that he believes the MSM doesn’t understand the protests….really? They understand all too well…they are the usual raggle taggle mob that appears to have a go at the ‘Man’ and whose agenda is pure anti-Establishment without any ideas of their own on how to put the economy back n the road.
‘My generation of radicals and breakers-down never found anything to take the place of the old virtues of work and courage and the old graces of courtesy and politeness.’ ~ F. Scott Fitzgerald
Mason tells us that…
‘Though the place was swarming with media, including a hilarious spoof of a Fox News reporter wearing a flak jacket, the main complaint is that the media is ignoring them and does not understand them. This latter point I think is largely true.’
Mason likes to compare the protestors to the ‘Arab Springers’….what’s that old saying? ‘Careful what you wish for’ as the Egyptians and Co are finding out.
He also suggests this is all because of the internet encouraging a lovey dovey world harmony and single global ‘mind’…’But these protests are a powerful signal worldwide. Their mere existence shows that people are determined to “think globally” about routes out of this crisis – at a time when economics is driving politicians down the route of national solutions. However marginalised they are politically – and in some countries, above all America and Greece, they have broken out of marginalisation – it is still a fact: in 1931, as the remnants of Globalisation 1.0 collapsed, there were no mass international protests against austerity.’
For a Newsnight editor to have never heard of International Communism is strange….especially as so many of his work colleagues are advocates for that ideology….and has he not heard of the IMF etc?
It’s a new democratic movement…for the people by the people….four legs good two legs bad type of thing.
‘What is absolutely clear however, is what they are determined to do: it’s much bigger than any single-issue campaign or cause. They mean to limit the power of finance capital and build a more equal society, while rejecting the hierarchical methods of the parties that once claimed to do so. In this sense the movement is a kind of replacement social democracy; a mirror image of the besuited young people who populate the think tanks of Labour, the SPD, the US Democrats etc.’
and its interesting his final take on the situation…it’s the Banker’s fault, all of it…..’It poses the question “who pays for the banking crisis” very acutely. And large numbers of people are now realising it is going to be them, and more painfully, their children. ‘
No mention of Labour’s huge public sector job creation scheme which put millions on the government payroll and paid them out of borrowings which would be paid off by their children who will also be paying their parent’s, possibly grandparent’s, pensions as well as trying to make a living for themselves.
Here in an interactive graph at the end of the report, the BBC’s very own anti-Tory exocet missile Mark Easton, self destructs and reveals that the evil capitalist Tories presided over a time when income began to be far more fairly distributed amongst the population…..
‘David Cameron calls for action to cut energy bills. The government needs to work “harder and faster” to bring down energy bills, the prime minister has said ahead of a summit on gas and electricity prices.’
Throughout the interview the ‘inconvenient fact’ of ‘why’ is skirted around with euphemisms and wilful blindness.The prices are rising so dramatically because of government green policies….that is to pay for all the massive subsidies to build wind farms and to handsomely reward wealthy farmers and landowners to allow these unwanted intrusions in the landscape onto their land.
Naughtie uses every phrase he can dream up to avoid using ‘carbon tax’ or ‘green tax’….he tells us that price rises are to pay for energy from ‘different sources’ or that they are to ‘secure energy supplies’ or ‘government policy in all its forms’ will increase prices but eventually he raises the subject but only tentatively and only once and fails to chase Huhne as he sidestepped it…’a commitment to a reduction in emissions means prices will go up will it not?’.
Huhne dodges the question and claims prices are rising to secure supplies and er…to protect us from price rises…..how does that work? ….presumably build a windfarm and charge us the earth up front in subsidies to these energy companies and then keep charging us that rate but don’t increase prices unless ‘unusual circumstances’ dictate a rise.
Isn’t that just like the shop that raises prices just before a ‘sale’ and the sale price is actually the same price on the sticker before the ‘sale’? Why is the BBC so reluctant to mention green taxes?
Does it not want the public to know just how much of their money is being ploughed into this unproven theory and lining the pockets of already wealthy people, especially in times of economic crisis.
Does it think people might object and start looking even more closely at the realities of climate?
The BBC seems to be rallying behind the anarcho-communist rabble occupying St. Paul’s. With the Guardian contributing Thought got the Day providing Rev Giles Fraser on the scene banishing the Police whilst welcoming the great unwashed, it was predictable this was going to be presented in a particular way. But even I was unprepared for the BBC parroting the claim of one of those despoiling public space that “we know families counting the number of baked beans on their children’s plates.” Really? Got any names? Got any evidence? Or just a helpful little invention aimed at winning public sympathy for the Mob? I suppose we should be relieved that these victims of the evils of capitalism can count in the first place but why does the BBC not seek to provide a platform for those many people in London who are opposed to the street theatre of the hard Left? I notice one has to scroll to the very bottom of the lengthy item to pick up the news of the arrests for possession of cannabis amongst these “ordinary people”.
Talk about a sympathetic hearing. You should listen to Sarah Montague’s 8.30am interview with Ali Soufan, “the FBI’s former chief interrogator in the Middle East” who has published what the BBC chooses to call “the fullest inside account to date of the US response to Al-Qaeda” In his book Black Banners, he alleges that the US government lied about how information was gained through torture and describes the tension between the FBI and the CIA. You can see why the BBC would be keen to have him on. Ali went on to point out that “enhanced interrogation” does not work (another BBC meme) and that those wicked Americans encouraged Al Queda by liberating Iraq. Classic one sided stuff from Today as they continue to wage war on the US for daring to wage war on Al Queda. Give the interview a listen if you can bear it.
Given how porous our borders are, you have to admire the bare-faced cheek of fake Children’s Charity. They were on the BBC this morning to bitch about Government daring to stop and detain children at airports and ports. Spokesman Enver Solomon demonstrates a lamentable lack of wisdom although as ever it is only his point of view that we hear.
So, when was the best time to be alive? One might suggest before BBC. (Very common era). I had a chuckle to myself at an item Today ran this morning at 8.20am. Two historians gave their views on when they would have liked to be alive. Kate Williams chose the era of Ancient Egypt because back then, women were treated as equals. Montague inquired as to whether this was the same time that women were buried alive with their husbands and Williams agreed yes, this was the case, but they had choice! Both historians went on to speculate that although things seem better today, due to all the global warming, who knows that our future will be as good as our past! Quality comedy for a gloomy Monday morning! It’s not exactly bias but it’s amazing to hear BOTH guests on an item entirely unrelated to climate both pipe up that climate change may yet be the death of us.
Katty Kay thinks these people are nice, filled with a sense of civic duty and lawfulness. Her colleagues want you to believe this is all about lax banking regulations and corporate welfare. Last time I checked, that didn’t cause people to say “F#@k” an entire country. At BBC News Online, they see such a strong parallel between this and the Tea Party movement (is it because they’re mostly hideously white? -ed), that they’ve spent time picking cherries in order to put together a quiz, asking you to guess whether some quasi-political statement was made by a Tea Partier or an Occupier. It would much more informative to put together a set of photos and police blotter reports, and then ask which is which. Of course, that wouldn’t help the BBC’s Narrative. Although I must say I enjoy the Beeboids’ intellectual hypocrisy of suddenly using the Tea Party which they disparaged as a positive example now.
At the bottom of the latest watered down report of violence and arrests and lawless behavior by the Occupiers, the intrepid BBC News Online team does what they always do for protests they support: Ask readers if they’re involved and to send in their comments. To my knowledge, there has never been one of these for the Tea Party movement. If a defender of the indefensible or BBC employee who has been notified of this “hate site” could point one out to me, I’d be most grateful.
Yesterday the nice Occupiers who are filled with a sense of civic duty and lawfulness tried to occupy a Citibank branch. This is not lawful behavior, this is not inspired by a sense of civic duty. This is an act of lawlessness. Yet the BBC plays it down this way:
Staff at Citibank near Washington Square Park called police because “very disruptive” protesters “refused to leave after being repeatedly asked,” the bank said.
“The police asked the branch staff to close the branch until the protesters could be removed.”
They shouldn’t have been there in the first place, yet the BBC refuses to point out that this is illegal behavior. No, they love this stuff, support it 100%. Speaking of people who support the Occupiers 100%, if anyone reads Inspector Gadget’s blog, they’ll know that he does, and claims that most police do as well. They’re arresting people now because they have to, but if the Government doesn’t do something to get the police back on side, they won’t do it forever. Or, if the idiot Occupiers ever figure this out and stop calling them fascist tools and do something to get the police on side, it will be a different story. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: this is a recipe for disaster. When the police are on the side of the destroyers, they will eventually stop doing their jobs. The more the BBC demonizes the police, the less inclined they’ll be to act on behalf of a Government they detest. But I digress.
Getting back to the latest BBC breathless report about the Occupiers in the US, they say this:
The New York protests began on 17 September with a small group of activists and have swelled to include several thousand people at times, from many walks of life.
Anyone ever seen a BBC report describe a Tea Party protest so generously? Funny how they’re now so careful to be generous to these people, the exact opposite of the way they’ve handled the Tea Party movement. No sneering or insulting with sexual innuendo, no suggesting ulterior motives or unseen hands pulling their strings. No hand-wringing over the “anger” this time, eh, BBC?
So I ask the BBC again: Why don’t you discuss the fact that the Tea Party movement actually went out and did what decent, civic-minded, law-abiding citizens should do and took their anger out at the polls, rather than vandalize and occupy private property, and disrupt? Why don’t you point out the irony of the Occupiers are able to do all of this only because other people are giving them money to do it? And that they believe they’re entitled to other people’s money to do it? That’s not the American ideal of working hard and having it pay off you claim they want.
Mark Mardell admits that many of the Occupiers were Obamessiah worshipers but are now “disillusioned”. So why aren’t they protesting against Him? He says it’s because they don’t want to change one political party or other, but want to change the entire system. But he won’t discuss what that actually means. He knows what they really want, but won’t say it out loud. So I’ll let them say it for him: Why not discuss how convenient it is for these protests to fill news broadcasts so nobody is talking about the President’s looming scandals: Solyndra, where the White House is still refusing to turn over relevant documents and communication, and Gunwalker, in which Attorney General Eric Holder and FBI Director Robert Mueller have been subpoenaed.
And most importantly: Why don’t you ask the Occupiers why they haven’t protested outside the White House? After all, the President is the greatest recipient of Goldman Sachs largesse, and He’s the one who authorized more bank bailouts, and is handing over billions of taxpayer money to greedy corporate cronies. Oh, that’s right: you’ve censored all that news, so can’t start talking about it now.
This is an intellectual failure of the BBC. I think I’ll go down to visit the Occupiers next weekend to see what else the BBC isn’t telling you.
So, who would have figured that two days after his resignation, the BBC still considers Liam Fox and his associate Adam Werritty to be the lead story for their news portal. Why it’s almost as if the BBC enthused by getting the scalp of the former Defence Secretary, just want to facilitate Labour and keep the story running.
As the anarcho-communist anti-Semitic street rabble infest our financial centres, you can rely on the BBC to cheer-lead for them. Here’s Paul Mason giving them a shout-out..
“Occupy Everywhere, then, is the kind of movement you get when people start to believe mainstream politicians have lost their principles, or are trapped by vested interests, or are all crooked.”
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