Wonder does anyone ever listen to Saturday Live on BBC Radio 4? It’s the most cringing little leftist indulgence and I thought I might share this morning’s offering with you!

“Anita Anand with “The Idler” editor Tom Hodgkinson, gay dads Barrie and Tony Drewitt-Barlow talk about their decision to have a sixth child by a surrogate mother, Emma Gray on her life as a shepherdess, poetry from Matt Harvey, Caroline Cornish tells the story of her daughter’s red dress, Jacquie Meredith explains how she was adopted by a stray cat, and former Bishop of Edinburgh Richard Holloway’s Inheritance Tracks”


If you tuned in to the Today programme at 08:41 today you would have had a fascinating insight into the evolution of the anti-Israel movement as supported by the BBC. Biased BBC’s Alan carefully notes..

You may be surprised as they were talking about Sudan….but if you listen you might think they were talking about Israel and the Palestinians. There has been a long civil war in Sudan with over 2 million dead and it finally resulted in the creation of South Sudan which split off from its northern Islamic neighbour recently.

South Sudan is mostly Christian.

The report started off with Mike Thomson giving us the run down on events in the region….though in a somewhat one sided manner. Thomson failed to mention some important facts….that Sudan had forced the closure of South Sudan’s oil pipelines, was bombing her oil fields and was using the Heglig region to launch attacks against South Sudan.
Thomson told us that Sudan’s President made a speech calling for the liberation of certain areas from the ‘insects and vermin’ of South Sudan and that the only language they understood was that of bullets and bombs.

Now where have we heard such language before, could it be from Hamas and Fatah?

Thomson then tells us that the South Sudanese president issued these ‘chilling words’….’the government of Khartoum has declared war against the Republic of South Sudan.’
Why would Thomson characterise these words as ‘chilling’….are they not fact? Is he blaming the South for the violence perpetrated upon it?

The report then switches back to the studio with Humphrys interviewing Baroness Cox who has just been to Sudan. Humphrys opens by saying ‘in proportioning blame you are more sympathetic to the North than to South Sudan.’

Baroness Cox soon puts him right telling him ‘Not at all’ before going on to explain at length what she calls the ‘barbarous policies’ of the North. She tells us that the area of Heglig was used as a base for attacks against South Sudan and that the South were therefore justified in taking action against it.

She states there is no moral equivalence between the two states as Humphrys tries to blame the South for the violence…she says the North is the major perpetrator of violence.
Humphrys asks ‘has the creation of the South made things better or worse?’…forgetting there has already been a war that killed 2 million. Cox says the South desperately needed independence.

She states that Khartoum is running a racist policy, wanting to turn the North into a United Islamic Arabic state and expelling anyone with relations in the South…it is carrying out ethnic cleansing.

The whole charade seemed set on blaming the South for all the violence and excusing the North’s actions. You can see the genesis of the anti-Israel feeling at the BBC in Humphrys approach…asking is the creation of South Sudan a problem?, missing out important reasons that explain the South’s actions as well as the inversion of truth when Thomson quotes the North’s president calling for the extermination of the South but says the South’s President’s own words were ‘chilling’….despite just being a mere statement of fact.

All this and more you can see in the reporting of the Israel/Palestine conflict where one side is the villain and the other the blameless victim of Jewish aggression….the attempt to make some moral equivalence between Israel and the Palestinians whilst all the time not reporting Palestinian violence nor their real beliefs about the future of Israel’s existence….that is they aim to wipe it out.

Of course the North is Muslim….which could go a long way to explaining the BBC’s attitude.


You have to almost admire the BBC feeds upon itself so it can sustain stories it feels need pursuance. Last night, on the truly execrable Question Time (only made bearable by our most excellent and good humoured liveblog!) pious beyond words Lib-Dem Simon Hughes was invited to give his opinion on the future of Jeremy Hunt. Hunt is squarely in the BBC cross-hairs at the moment and so the fact that Hughes told them what they wanted to hear – namely that there should be an independent inquiry into Labour claims that Hunt broke the ministerial code, was grist for the Today mill this morning.

At every opportunity, the BBC is rowing in behind Labour on this issue. One can understand why. It allows the BBC to seek the scalp of Hunt, damage Cameron and attach Murdoch. It’s a triple whammy and they just can’t resist it. It’s not that I have any time for Hunt or even Murdoch for that matter, but when one listens to the contrived chatter disguised as news, the realisation is that it is the BBC which is the single biggest threat to our liberty and freedom. The more they hound Murdoch the more they show their own lack of self-awareness concerning the massive monopoly they defend. The Press would KILL to have the audience reach of the BBC. The BBC, by contrast prefers to KILL those parts of the Press it does not like.


There are claims from Andrew Gilligan and Guido that the BBC are running hard with the story of postal fraud in Tower Hamlets…..however it looks like they haven’t actually read the BBC report. B-BBC contributor Alan considers the actual facts of the matter.
In it the BBC gives the impression that it is Boris Johnson who might be benefiting from the frauds and his supporters running them, and that it is Labour and Tower Hamlet’s council who are having to ensure everything runs smoothly and legally.

Hardly a reflection of Gilligan’s own reporting……
Ken Livingstone’s supporters accused of ‘harvesting’ postal ballot papers
An investigation has been launched into alleged postal ballot fraud after claims that some of Ken Livingstone’s supporters have been “harvesting” postal ballot papers.

and Gilligan says….
‘On Sunday I brought you news of alleged postal vote harvesting by Ken Livingstone’s backers in Tower Hamlets. Bengali voters in the borough’s Spitalfields ward told me how their postal voting papers were collected by workers for Gulam Robbani, a Ken-supporting candidate in a council byelection in Spitalfields on Thursday. This practice – which allows candidates to fill in their own votes on blank ballot papers, or destroy already-completed ballot papers which do not favour them – is prohibited by the Electoral Commission.’

No mention of the ‘Ken’ connection on the BBC…..or Lutfur Rahman and his shady practices…..but then the BBC has studiously ignored Lutfur Rahman’s activities for a long time….why? Anything to do with Islam/immigration is handled with a great degree of care, a carpet and a brush.  It would seem that the BBC are providing Ken Livingstone with some free anti-Boris black propaganda.


Hi folks. I have been away for the past several day, across in Holland. The very first day I arrive the Government collapses! I had hoped for a similar result today but no such luck! Have the BBC been behaving themselves? I have been uncontaminated for a few days now so am gently re-emerging myself in the steaming waters of their bias! From what I can see, they want Jeremy Hunt to resign, they are worried about glaciers being “out of balance” and above all else, they really want to see the back of Rupert Murdoch! So, what’s been your preferred moment of bias of the week so far? Answers on a postcard…


The battle for London Mayor is in the finishing straight and the BBC are doing what they can for Ken but between you and me, I don’t think it is going to be enough. Biased BBC’s Alan exposes this instance of BBC selective reporting…

The BBC didn’t bother to investigate Ken Livingstone’s fake tears nor his fake video but they have had time for a jokey take down of Boris….

They look at ‘branding’ of the candidates…or rather ‘candidate’ for only Boris gets the treatment….just another way of the BBC to give the other candidates free propaganda.

Wouldn’t Ken’s fake tears merit a look under ‘branding’ for they were clearly an attempt to portray himself as a man of the people who’ cares” too much?

However fortunately for us a small local paper has found the time and resources the BBC couldn’t to have a look at Ken’s little local difficulty.

Here is Ken’s video…obviously scripted….

And here is what the local journalist had to say…via Harry’s Place:

‘Local Micham journalist, Omar Oakes, has something of an exclusive.

Some of the people it seems were locals recruited near a community centre used by the local Labour Party, however…

Several actors were also filmed at various spots within Imperial Fields, such as a man sitting in the stadium itself, a builder having a cup of tea during the building of the club’s new all-weather pitch and a man speaking from the player’s tunnel, and a boxing trainer speaking from a newly built boxing club.

The most interesting case is the one involving “the mechanic”. It seems this man is not a mechanic. The real mechanic’s garage was hired by the ad agency who made the video. The real mechanic is not even a Labour supporter:

Neil McMullen, who has run the garage for 12 years, said he was approached by the agency on the Saturday before and they brought in an actor for the filming on Tuesday.

He said: “I was happy to help but I am not really interested in what politicians do – they are all the same aren’t they?

“He did fluff his lines a bit. He was reading from one of those cards that had his lines written on it.” ‘

This is his original:

A Labour politician fakes tears and a video but the Labour supporting BBC don’t report it.

Guess with all this global warming we can soon grow bananas just like any other banana republic…we’ve already got the corrupt politicans and fellow travellers in the media.


So, the Socialist candidate Francois Hollande managed to outpoll Sarkozy in the first round of  the French Presidential race. And aren’t the BBC happy about it? I suggest that the idea of a French President determined to raise upper tax threshold to 75%, increase the number of State Workers whilst raising the minimum wage and thus ignoring the concept of fiscal austerity is their kind of guy. I can only imagine how the BBC will treat this item tomorrow morning on the Today programme! I’m going to be out of the UK for the next few days so will do my best to post here but hope fellow writers can step up whilst I am gone! Au revoir…


TV chef Jamie Oliver

Those swines in the Coalition. How DARE they support  Academies that better meet the needs of local parents and pupils without the dead hand of Government telling them what to do, how to do it, when to do it by and how often to do it! I mean if people get the idea that Education can prosper without the State, where might it all end? Health…god forbid even Broadcasting? So, thank goodness the BBC have picked up on Jamie Oliver’s allegation that Academy schools are endangering the health of pupils by not providing appropriate State designated nutritional needs.  How unlike the veritable gourmet nirvana that is the State system…

PS Couldn’t resist the BBC image used to accompany the story. Suggestions for a caption?