The BBC likes nothing better than a strike. Or two. This is even more true when Labour is not in power. So it ran this item on Today this morning with Comrade Mark Serwotka even as it runs this item on the main news portal. The State Broadcaster assiduously propagates the idea that the “poor” downtrodden public sector masses have no choice to but to strike and if that could bring about an Autumn of discontent then so much the better. Tragically, given the gutlessness of the Coalition, I fear Cameron will u-turn on any plans to make the Public Sector live in the real world – a place unknown to the BBC.


One of the most loathsome aspects of the BBC is how it advances an anti-Israeli agenda by leaving out information which might make at least some people question the “independence” of what it reports. A Biased BBC reader notes…

“The lazy journalismof the BBC ensures that anti-Israeli voices are not challenged even when theyuse deception to spread their lies: The words of Tom MacMaster, an American student in Edinburgh who posed as a gaygirl in Syria in order to propagate his anti_Israeli views. This is what he has posted on the pro Palestinian ‘Media Watch’ website:

‘The truth is that there is no more violent society than the Israeli society.Since its establishment, Israel launched six major wars against its Arabneighbors. These were in 1948, 1956, 1967, 1978, 1982, and the present warwhich has continued since March 29, 2002 against the Palestinian people. Nosociety on Earth is as armed to teeth as the Israeli society. Israel is theonly country in the Middle East with stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction:nuclear, biological, and chemical. No matter what means the Israeli propaganda machine may use, it won’t be ableto hide the fact that Israelis are aggressors, occupiers, and land grappers(grippers). The settlements they have built in the Palestinian territoriessince 1967 are symbols of greed.’

His posts as the gay girl in Syria are little different when it comes todescribing Israeli actions and history….he is a well known anti-Israeliactivist but you wouldn’t know this from the BBC.

But you won’t here any of this from the BBC…just that he was using his’deception’ to get across the truth that otherwise would be overlooked….theBBC does not look into his ‘truth’ and examine either his own history and viewsnor his intentions…nor indeed those of his wife, Britta Froelicher, whopromotes the idea of a one nation state…that is, no more Israeli state,merely a state within which Jews live (in peace and harmony) with Palestinians.

MacMasters studies at St Andrews University where his wife works in theirCentre for Syrian Studies, as an Associate Fellow, partially funded to the tuneof £105,000 (just over $170,000) by the Syrian government…yes, the Syriangovernment.

Further regarding funding of Universities the Centre for Social Cohesion published this report on foreign donations and influence: 

 A Degree of Influence: The funding of strategically important subjects in UKuniversities highlights the foreign money that is being injected into thosesubjects that are designated of ‘strategic importance’ by the UK government,and the ways in which the cash is being converted into influence at universities on a range of levels. The report discovers that universities have insufficient safeguards in place to prevent donations affecting the way universities are run. There is clearevidence that, at some universities, the choice of teaching materials, the subjectareas, the degrees offered, the recruitment of staff, the composition of advisoryboards and even the selection of students are now subject to influence from donors. These problems are heightened by the undemocratic nature of certain donor governments.’

Just WHY do so many academics want to boycott Israel? The BBC has no interest in such questions…


Interesting example of bias by omission here;

“HM Treasury is failing to monitor “excessive” profits from the selling-on of PFI (private finance initiative) equity, the BBC has been told. One industry analyst says its “inadequate” records do not reflect the billions of pounds made in the so-called secondary PFI market. Ian Swales, MP, said the large profits made raised serious questions about whether the deals to finance, build and maintain hospitals and schools under PFI were good value for money for the taxpayer in the first place. “By definition…the taxpayer got a bad deal at the start, or there wouldn’t have been these super-profits to be made” Ian Swales, MP Describing the profits as “excessive”, he said: “It’s a wealth machine. It’s not necessarily printing money, but it’s virtually that, given the scale of these profits.”

Which Government enthusiastically embraced these schemes from 1997 to 2010? The BBC doesn’t say, maybe it has forgotten?
Hat-tip Biased BBC reader.


Oh those BAD capitalists. A Biased BBC reader observes with regard to this item on the BBC ;

Traditionalregurgitation of agitprop press release from “The Oakland Institute”which five seconds googling reveals to be an activist lefty pressure groupdevoted to the usual stuff and established to counter “conservative”influence. All unmentioned in the BBC’s “think tank” description. Thelink from the front page refers to a hedge fund “grab” of”Africa’s land” – ie the land belongs to Africa not to the people whosold it, and it’s a grab not a sale. The “hedge funds” who aregrabbing the land are, en passant, awarded the blame for the 2008 financialcrisis. All capitalists are equal I suppose. To be fair one of the guilty menis allowed to claim he’s innocent, and the commentary mentions that theAfricans get paid better for working on the properties than they get elsewhere,so it’s not uninterrupted propaganda. Just nearly uninterrupted.

A nearly truth one might say, what the BBC does best!


The BBC’s assiduous cultivation of ecowackery is one of its key reasons to exist, and a Biased BBC reader notes;

Phil Jones, July 5, 2005:
“The scientific community would come down on me in no uncertain terms if I said the world had cooled from 1998. Okay it has but it is only seven years of data and it isn’t statistically

From: Phil Jones <>
To: Tim Johns <>, “Folland, Chris” <>
Subject: Re: FW: Temperatures in 2009
Date: Mon Jan 5 16:18:xxx xxxx xxxx
Tim, Chris,
I hope you’re not right about the lack of warming lasting
till about 2020. I’d rather hoped to see the earlier Met Office
press release with Doug’s paper that said something like –
half the years to 2014 would exceed the warmest year currently on record, 1998!
Still a way to go before 2014… would be nice to wear their(sceptics) smug grins away.

and of course let’s not forget one of Jones’ colleagues at the UEA…..Mike Hulme is a professor of Climate Change in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia (UEA).

 Some quotes from Mike Hulme:

‘The idea of climate change should be seen as an intellectual resource around which our collective and personal identities and projects can form and take shape. We need to ask not what we can do for climate change, but to ask what climate change can do for us.
Because the idea of climate change is so plastic, it can be deployed across many of our human projects and can serve many of our psychological, ethical, and spiritual needs.
We will continue to create and tell new stories about climate change and mobilize them in support of our projects.
These myths transcend the scientific categories of ‘true’ and ‘false’.’

Remember – impartiality is in their genes!


Episode image for Your Desert Island Discs
A Biased BBC reader writes with regard to the episode of Desert Island Discs broadcast on Saturday 11th June between 9 and 10.30am. This was the edition where listeners got the chance to have THEIR selections played;

“I listened for lessthan half of its length but switched off because of the implicit anti-white,anti-UK sentiments selected for broadcast.

One apparently English listener (about 10 minutes in) related how the Windrushimmigrants had been told the streets of London were paved with gold and hadended up doing menial jobs while living in rubbish conditions (the same astheir East End neighbours, of which she was one!). But their music and partieswere marvellous, she said… 

Another – with an apparently English name and accent (38 minutes in) – told howhe could not survive on the desert island (Kirsty Young’s words) without theSouth African national anthem. He had had to pull over at hearing it whiledriving because of his tears at realising that the illegal ANC anthem had nowbecome the official one of South Africa.

Cut back to the studio and one of the resident “experts” informed usthat the SA one was “the best national anthem” particularly as”we all feel disappointed in our own national anthem which is mournfulrather than uplifting”.


Impartial Scottish lass Kirsty then chimed in to remind us how much better alsowas Flower Of Scotland as an anthem. Unable to listen to any more of this biased Beeboid bilge I switched off and sothere may be futher instances in a programme lasting 90 minutes. I’m afraid mystomach just isn’t strong enough to research it.”

Mine neither. The only thing I like about the programme is the theme music so I think that would be my choice if invited on it. In the meantime, it’s lefty politics to a sound track or two.


I read that Chris Patten is performing to cue;

The new BBC Trust chairman told the Sunday Telegraph he would fight for it as a 20% budget cut across the corporation takes effect this year. Lord Patten has said his love of the BBC World Service made protecting it a “priority” – particularly the “core” Arabic, Somali and Hindi services.

I think the World Service, and in particular the “core” he defines, SHOULD be cut, as a priority. The BBC spreads its malignancy via the tendrils provided by World Service so best it take the brunt of the cuts.


Andrew Mitchell, he who thinks we should aspire to be an “overseas aid super power”, is the kind of Conservative that the BBC likes. He got an easy ride on the Sunday morning horror that is the Andrew Marr show. Dripping wet, he is a C.I.N.O. in the proud tradition of Clarke and Patten, and the BBC love him for it. He was on Question Time earlier this week and up he pops again, much in demand. I also caught an odd interview with Simon Callow who was allowed to blabber on about the life of Shakespeare, claiming we know all the key details of his life. We don’t but Callow is another luvvie much favoured by the Beeb. Former Aussie PM Kevin Rudd was on and to be fair he didn’t quite give the answers that Marr was looking, which was quite entertaining.