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- tomo Mar 16, 21:05
Weekend 15th March 2025
[img][/img] - Fedup2 Mar 16, 21:03
Weekend 15th March 2025
The health secretary thinks too many people are being classified as nut jobs …. If you add the third world… - Fedup2 Mar 16, 20:57
Weekend 15th March 2025
Tomo – when you look at the mental ability of politicians / civil servants – with regard to the private… - tomo Mar 16, 20:13
Weekend 15th March 2025
Allaaah, Ak-bzzzt… [img][/img] - Scroblene Mar 16, 20:11
Weekend 15th March 2025
Love the statement – “The iron-fisted leader has seen soaring popularity in his Latin American country for a successful crackdown… - tomo Mar 16, 19:56
Weekend 15th March 2025 [img][/img] - Eddy Booth Mar 16, 19:02
Weekend 15th March 2025 Them El Salvadorians know how to put on a show.
agw anti-American anti-conservative anti-Israel anti Israel. pro Palestinian Antisemitism BBC - sickeningly biased at all times. BBC agenda BBC bias bbc bias and balance. bbc bias by omission BBC censorship BBC Question Time BBC selectivity bias Biased BBC climate change dhimmis general thread immigration Islam israel Mark Mardell obama obama bias Obamalove open thread pro-labour pro-palestinian pro EU pro Hamas pro Islam pro Labour bias pro Obama PRO OBAMA AT ALL COSTS. pro Obama BBC agenda question time question time live Richard Black save gordon. USA politics US economy US News US politics US presidential elections
Author Archives: David Vance
As I write this, there is a bomb scare at Belfast International Airport. The fruits of peace, I guess. The BBC on their main news portal for Northern Ireland choose to illustrate this with an image of two Irish airlines, one of which does not even fly into Belfast International! Could it be that the BBC think Belfast is in Dublin? The following arlines also fly from Belfast International; Easyjet, BMIbaby, Jet2g0, Manx airlines, Zoom, Air Transat, Continental, Fly globespan…but apparently only images of Irish carriers are available on a Sunday.
Israel is “confounded”!
The BBC has now gone into full-on admiration for Gaza’s “rocketeers” – check out this gushing headline. No hint of bias there, eh? There are several remarkable aspects to this latest report from Al-Beeb. For instance, can anyone explain what is the actual difference between Hamas and the “Palestinian fighters” who are apparently “feeling the pain” of the bad Israelis attack? Who are these mysterious “fighters” – given that Hamas run this hell-hole? Whilst the BBC journalists who complied this report may admire the “political dexterity” of the Jew-hating Hamas, they also seem oddly unaware as to where the “better-manufactured” and “longer range” missiles Hamas use are coming from and also where the money which pays for all this terrorist artillery originates. During the Hezbollah war the BBC were to the fore in demonising Israel, looks like Hamas are to be granted the same immunity from any criticism. Come on Hamas – the BBC is in your corner so what have you got to fear? Makes you proud to be a license-payer….or sick.
The war on the Jews.
Gotta love the BBC – it remains consistent in its pro-Palestinian reporting at all times! Take the news that “Israeli forces have carried out further attacks on the Gaza Strip, killing at least 26 Palestinians.” Three points here;
1. Who says that 26 people have been killed? Oh yes, Hamas. And they would never lie, right?
2. Why did the Israelis launch these counter-attacks on Gaza? Oh yes, because of the HUNDREDS of rockets Hamas terrorists have been firing into Israel. To the BBC however the scale of the Palestinian rocket onslaught remains unmentioned – it gives no figures to help us contextualise the issue.
3. Who are these Hamas “militants” to whom the BBC obliquely refers? Can’t they say the word “terrorist” since that is clearly the word which best sums up those who shelter amongst Gaza civilians whilst targeting innocent Israeli civilians with indiscriminate rocket fire?
Oh, and one final observation. The BBC refers to the fact that the launch of Israeli missiles into the Gaza area is causing the poor oppressed Gaza citizens to lose sleep. I am curious as to why the noise coming from the launch of hundreds of Qassam missiles from Gaza into Israel does not also disturb their sleep? Maybe that is a comforting sound to them and helps send them to sleep? Obviously the thought would never enter a BBC mind.
This BBC report is riddled with bias on this issue – check out the last two sentences of the report if you want further proof of how the BBC always gives the last words to the psycho Palis!.
I couldn’t let last evening’s Question Time Scottish extravaganza go without comment! What a leftist love-in from the caledonian socialist republic with a panel groaning with those on the political left! Did you see it? Naturally George Galloway – that doyen of the communist-loving dhimmified left – was given a rapturous welcome and his every utterance throughout the programme was warmly applauded. His praise of Castro in particular was revolting – but his sentiments were generally echoed by the other panellists to varying degrees. Might Castro become the patron saint of the Scottish Parliament? Every cliche about Cuba’s “World class” health service was repeated with no one offering a dissenting view. The poisonous SNP member Nicola Sturgeon was given free rein to spew forth her strident socialism, meanwhile we had Labour’s Cathy Jamieson and the Lib-Dem’s Nicol Stephen to provide even more …erm…left wing balance.The mild mannered and somewhat wet lettuce conservative Annabel Goldie was there as the token Tory. This edition of the programme was one of the worst I have seen in a while – with the rabble in the audience cheering on that on the panel. Do you think the BBC recruit in their audiences for this programme from the local socialist workers collective – or maybe that would be too mild for them?
The war on motorists.
I was watching the main BBC1 morning news programme and up came an item about motorists who still hold their mobile phones whilst driving. Obviously this is not a good idea since it can lead to serious accidents. To discuss the topic the BBC had invited in two guest; a lady whose daughter had been tragically killed by a motorist who had been driving recklessly and a journalist from the Motoring press. The conversation followed the line that to even have a mobile phone switched on in the car was dangerous (even hands-free!, that the use of a SatNav was dangerous, and that taking your hands of the wheel whilst driving was verging on the reckless, if not criminal. There was a general consenus around these points with both BBC presenters cooing along with the awful dangers that us drivers present. Where was the voice of someone saying that our cars are private property and what we do in them is our business so long as it is not illegal? Where was the voice to challenge the intrusion of the State into how we drive our cars? You see I believe that the BBC is a primary advocate for the Nanny State and that even on relatively minor issues like this it is careful to put out the view that we need to be legislated for – since you just can’t trust the British public.
Don’t Panic, it’s the BBC.
I’m sure our more discerning readers will have had a wry chuckle at the news that Mohammed Hamid (Great name, eh?) – one of the most senior terrorist recruiters in Britain – a man who called himself “Osama bin London” – was himself the subject of a BBC documentary called “Don’t Panic I’m Islamic” broadcast in June 2005.
Hamid was recruited, by the BBC, from his stall on Oxford Street to represent ..ahem…the acceptable face of modern Islam. He was filmed, along with co-accused Mohammed al-Figari and 14 other men at a paintball centre in Tonbridge, Kent where they were seen ducking behind oil barrels and shooting at cut out figures before lining up to pray at the end of the day. The documentary was shot in February 2005 at the Delta Force centre because it was convenient for the TV crew but Hamid’s group returned four days before the July 7 attacks, this time bringing with them Ramzi Mohammed and Hussain Osman, who went on to launch failed attacks on July 21. The producer returned to talk to Hamid as the July 21 gang were on the run and said he admitted knowing them and was “agitated, concerned, and worried”, but the producer claimed her bosses took the decision not to notify the police.
The BBC – literally terrorist enablers?
General BBC-related comment thread:
Please use this thread for comments about the BBC’s current programming and activities. This post will remain at or near the top of the blog – scroll down for new topic-specific posts. N.B. this is not an invitation for general off-topic comments, rants or chit-chat. Thoughtful comments are encouraged. Comments may be moderated. Any suggestions for stories that you might like covered would also be appreciated!
Playgrounds for killers:
The BBC carries a report here on thousands of Palestinians having formed a “human chain” in Gaza in protest at Israel’s blockade of the territory. Gaza schools were closed for the day, and thousands of pupils were taken in buses to participate. Many could be seen with banners stating: “The siege of Gaza will only strengthen us” and “The world has condemned Gaza to death”. I was wondering if these children attend the same schools for suicide bombers in Gaza on which the BBC reported here back in 2001? I also wonder if the many “militants” and “fighters” that infest Gaza in 2008 may be frustrated graduates from these same schools for self-exploders from the class of 2001 – schools for which the people of Gaza have such a pride? BBC Arab affairs analyst Magdi Abdelhadi appears to believe that this demonstration was a spontaneous display by “ordinary Palestinians” rather than a cynical (and failed) stunt by Hamas! How can we take such bizarre commentary from Abdelhadi seriously?
When considering BBC bias, I am reminded of this old Sherlock Holmes story.
“Is there any other point to which you would wish to draw my attention? said Inspector Gregory”To the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” said Holmes”The dog did nothing in the night-time.” said Gregory “That was the curious incident,” remarked Sherlock Holmes.
Now then, the BBC has been fawning over Barack Hussein Obama as the new messiah, I guess that figures since he is even further to the left than Hillary Clinton. So the question is WHY has the BBC kept mute over the startling revelations that Obama both met with and indeed raised funds at the home of two US terrorists – William Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. These two individuals were part of the “Weathermen” – a terrorist group that bombed U.S. government buildings, and whose leader (a declared Obama supporter) went on record saying he wish he’d targeted more! Apparently this is not news in BBC land? How odd!
In praise of terrorists.
The role of the media in general and the BBC in particular in perpetuating the malignancy of the Northern Ireland “peace process” cannot be sufficiently emphasised. The British Government has relied heavily on the BBC to retail the idea across the world that placing bloodthirsty terrorists in positions of power is a good idea if it helps buy peace! It’s a Chamberlain-scale act of appeasement that has necessitated the full power of the State broadcaster to help convince the gullible and wavering. Today the BBC reports, matter of factly, that Martin McGuinness – the Deputy First Minister of the Northern Ireland Assembly – has stated that he would like to have killed every British soldier in Londonderry in the aftermath of Bloody Sunday, if he had had the opportunity. Now there are three obvious questions that strike me an intrepid BBC journalist would want to ask Mr McGuinness.
1. Given that he was, by his own admission, an IRA terrorist before and after the events of January 30th 1972, how many soldiers did he in fact kill?
2. Given the many murders of innocent civilians in Londonderry during his tenure as an IRA warlord, how many of those deaths did he oversee?
3. Given this admission of murderous intent, in what way is he suitable to hold ANY office?
You’ll not be surprised to know that none of these questions have been posed by the BBC. Nor will they. You see what has happened in Northern Ireland – the installation of terrorists in the very highest spheres of government – is a victory for the left-wing mindset epitomised by the BBC. Can you imagine the furore the BBC would have created if, in the aftermath of the 7/7 bombings in London, Tony Blair had declared he wanted to kill every Islamist in the United Kingdom? The BBC has shilled for the IRA for decades now, and shows a serial sense of immorality and journalistic bias.