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- NW Ninepence Feb 5, 17:03
Midweek 5th February 2025
Mail Online Report just out – Met Police REFUSE to act over claim Keir Starmer’s lockdown session with voice coach… - pugnazious Feb 5, 17:02
Midweek 5th February 2025
‘Naga Munchetty: Scammers spread fake nude pictures of me on social media’ Who, just who, the hell would want to… - Ian Rushlow Feb 5, 16:57
Midweek 5th February 2025
If one didn’t know better, one might think there is some sort of plan to make the UK and Europe… - MarkyMark Feb 5, 16:56
Midweek 5th February 2025
Keir Starmer says we should empty all jails around the world …. “More than 100 women raped and burned alive… - Zephir Feb 5, 16:55
Midweek 5th February 2025
On the basis that it’s more dangerous than Cuba for the USA and it’s interests … Loaded with anti west… - MarkyMark Feb 5, 16:53
Midweek 5th February 2025
“If Sadiq Khan has his way, drivers of old cars will soon be stumping up £12.50 every time they get… - MarkyMark Feb 5, 16:47
Midweek 5th February 2025
“Reham explains that her dad is Syrian and her mum is Palestinian but for her Sweden is home. She’s has… - vlad Feb 5, 16:46
Midweek 5th February 2025
Maybe once he’s annexed Greenland and Canada, he’ll do the same for the UK. - vlad Feb 5, 16:42
Midweek 5th February 2025
BBC correspondent: Do you agree that there was a racial element to the shooting? Ismail: Sorry, I no speak English.… - Emmanuel Goldstein Feb 5, 16:42
Midweek 5th February 2025
After getting away with another Covid situation Starmer can get back to what he does best. First, negotiating with Argentine…
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Monthly Archives: January 2012
Lefty BBC London news producer Jane Bradley has been doing her lefty thing on Twitter again:
Migration Watch responded:
Her reply:
Except BBC journalists don’t issue warnings on Twitter about left-leaning lobbyists, do they? I shouldn’t have to point this out, but as it’s increasingly clear that Ms Bradley lacks basic common sense and can’t keep her politics to herself, I feel I have to spell it out for her in terms even she might understand. Impartial BBC. “Warning… rightwing.” Duh!
This tweet about Migration Watch once again sheds light on conventional opinion within BBC newsrooms. If there are people out there who really think that the BBC’s impartiality guidelines safeguard its journalism against the political views of its overwhelmingly left-wing staff then, well, they’re even bigger idiots than Jane Bradley clearly is.
A Baised BBC reader notes;
“There was anextraordinary interview around 6.15am today with the CEO of Rolls Royce Motorswhich has had a record year, doing particularly well in China. “But surely it’s not a good idea to sell such gas guzzlers”,”Yours cars are out of tune with the times” “Of course, you’renot a British company any more” and so on. Carping and sneering all theway. Not “Well done, how many jobs have you created, how much did you earnfor the UK?”. If I’d been the CEO (an very polite German gentleman) I’d have said “Sopresumably you would like us to sod off and move production to Germany”.
Sir Andrew Green continues to do a fine job over at Migration Watch and he was on the BBC this morning discussing the latest report which suggests that the number of “migrants” working in the UK who were born in Eastern Europe rose by 600,000 since the so-called A8 countries joined the EU in May 2004 while youth unemployment rose by almost 450,000 in the same period. Danny Sriskandarajah, director of the Royal Commonwealth Society, was up against him and given the first and last word in the interview. I thought Sir Andrew was very calm and meaured whereas Sriskandarajah was verging on the hysterical. He dismissed the idea of a causal link between these figures, derided the analysis carried out by Sir Andrew, and then said it was up to UK employers to provide the “right” kind of employment for British youth.
More BBC double standards. They ran an item this morning concerning whether tape recorded confessions of IRA terrorists made at Boston College in the States should be handed over to the Police. There is information in these recordings which allegedly nails Provo boss Gerry Adams so you can imagine the “sensitivity”. The BBC brought on two people to discuss this. One was quangocrat Baroness O’Loan (pro IRA appeasement) and journalist Barney Rowan (pro IRA appeasement). For some reason, they decided NOT to invite someone who was a VICTIM of IRA barbarism. Nicely loaded. All points of view except those who suffered at the hands of the IRA.
In the BBC world, the murder of Stephen Lawrence may well have been the most important killing in the last one hundred years since it “proved” all that “institutional racism” that they lie in bed dreaming about each night.This morning, we were treated to the wisdom of Stephen Lawrence’s best friend Duwayne Brooks – “a man whose life since has been defined by what happened that evening. He was the only witness to the murder.” I was amazed at the introduction by Montague’s in which she states that Brooks has been interviewed by Police on many occasions but was innocent “on most of them”? WHAT? Duwayne was presented as the proverbial victim but he is now a Lib-Dem Councillor and thus a conduit of al that is good. Listen to the interview if you dare and make sure you have a bucket handy.
I did a recorded interview on BBC5 live last night concerning the issue of Conservative plans to potentially imprison bankers who take what is deemed “excessive risk”. I was more than happy to debate the Conservative MP Matthew Hancock but what irritated me was Stephen Nolan’s dismissal of my suggestion that politicians who create “systemic damage” to our economy be subject to criminal prosecution. That was deemed “unserious”yet creating legislation that criminalises risk-taking in part of the Financial sector is considered serious? That said, I got my say so am not complaining, just pointing out that the Presenter was taking an editorial line that seems in line with the “hang the bankers” meme.
Then, this morning, I had been invited onto Nolan’s BBC NI programme to cover same topic. The item was bumped so I didn’t make it on but I wanted to explain WHY the item was bumped. Last night, Nolan did an interview with a lady suffering from Tourettes. This was in the context of David Cameron’s remark about Ed Balls. Naturally, the Tourettes lady attacked Cameron and it was a nice little character assassination job BUT I cannot find evidence of the BBC affording Abbott’s “divide and rule” tweet the same detailed analysed. This item was then run AGAIN on BBC NI and lots of people phoned in to say how awful Cameron was. I have no time for David Cameron but I though that this was little more than Nolan whipping up mob frenzy against Cameron, and all under the pretext of “caring” about Tourettes.
One Year On From The BBC Using Mass Murder To Push An Agenda
It’s been one year since an unhinged Arizonan killed several people in cold blood while attempting to assassinate Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. The BBC is silent on that matter today, which is slightly curious considering the big deal it was at the time, and what larger meaning they and their fellow travelers in the Left-wing US media tried to force onto it. They tried to blame Sarah Palin for inciting this act of mass murder. She had previously published a map with a cross-hairs on it, calling for supporters to “target” various Democrat opponents. Ignoring all common sense and the fact that this was a common rhetorical gesture, nothing to do with a call for violence, the BBC pushed the idea that Palin was to blame. But now…silence.
(UPDATE: See the bottom of this post.)
The easy “journalistic” defense is that the BBC has only such much time and only so much room to do stories, and the Republican race, the economy, and foreign policy developments take up the bulk of their time. The rest of the 55 Beeboids employed to cover the US are dedicated to producing more lightweight, magazine-style pieces and celebrity gossip, so hard news is outside their bailiwick.
Call it a straw man if you will, but then please give me an alternative reason for the BBC’s silence. My bet is that the agenda the BBC tried to push at the time has proved to be false, so they’ve ignored the story since there’s no special issue mileage to be gained. Also, if they bring it up again, they have to be careful not to remind you of their behavior at the time.
Let’s recall how the BBC, following the lead of their like-thinking brethren in the US media, tried to tell you that this act of mass murder was partially Sarah Palin’s fault. Let’s also recall how they pimped the President’s ill-advised attempt to use this tragedy to push His anti-gun agenda.
DB busted several Beeboids for their disgusting behavior at the time. BBC tv news editor Rachel Kennedy blamed Palin when tweeting:
The tweet has since been deleted. Down the memory hole, like so many other unfortunate tweets by BBC employees after they’re caught out.
As DB noted at the time, Katie Connolly (who later left the BBC to work for a Democrat strategy group) tried to smear the Tea Party movement with this by tweeting that the entire movement was Giffords’ enemy. Gavin Esler and a stalwart of the BBC College of Journalism were just two of the other BBC employees who joined in the fun.
The BBC’s top man in the US, Mark Mardell, also tried to smear Palin and the “rhetoric” of the Right for this tragedy. Sure, he opened with the “we don’t know the motives” disclaimer, but his entire post is dedicated to pointing the finger of blame. As I said in a post following the incident, this was drastically different from his behavior when Maj. Nadal murdered several people in the name of Islamic jihad.
Mardell further pushed his Narrative that Republicans engage in dangerous behavior in a later post, in which he promoted a speech by the President. The President also ran with the sick Narrative that Right-wing political rhetoric was to blame for the incident, and did a “we must all work together” speech.
It became apparent almost immediately to those who looked somewhere other than the BBC and the Huffington Post for their news on US issues that the mass murderer was mentally ill, and that partisan politics had precious little to do with his actions. The BBC took days to admit this, and not a single Beeboid apologized for their biased, inaccurate, slanderous statements.
Today, the BBC is silent. If they do whip up a news brief about it for tomorrow morning, they won’t be reminding you of their disgusting behavior at the time, won’t be reminding you of how their fellow travelers got it horribly wrong, won’t want you to recall how this tragic act was used to advance a political agenda.
UPDATE: The news brief is up. As predicted, no mention at all of the media hysteria, hoping you won’t remember the BBC’s disgusting behavior. One would have thought this would be a good moment to think about the dangers of divisive rhetoric, but then it’s only the Left doing it on this issue, so the BBC won’t touch it.
I am pleased to see that the awful Billy Bragg image thingy has now gone, thanks to our dear friend, All Seeing Eye. Recorded an interview on 5live – things have come to a pretty pass when I have to attack a Conservative MP Matthew Hancock for his plans to imprison bankers. It goes out later, I think,
B-BBC contributor Alan observes…
“The caring broadcaster that is Victoria Derbyshire who gives a voice to the disaffected of Britain, whether Muslim extremists, student protesters or rioting, house burning, thieving chavs, is so dedicated to getting those voices heard that she commutes from her London home to Salford, Manchester (most days).
How does she do that? By flying. The woman who castigates bankers and irresponsible capitalism ‘jets’ to work most days like any highly paid executive. Not paid for by the BBC….well yes the ticket is paid for by her, but from her BBC salary, paid from our license money….or as she might put it ‘the public’s money’.
‘….raised eyebrows at her flying to Manchester each day to do the show, although this is not paid for by the BBC.’
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